Monday, October 2, 2017

Period 11 Blog #4

The week of October 4-8 is designated as the Week of Respect in New Jersey to recognize the importance of character education and a positive school climate

Your assignment this week is to copy and paste the following quotations into ascending numerical sequence with one line of space between the quotations (#1-#20) and respond to the following 5 questions:

1. What do you do to show respect?
2. Can you think of a time when you failed to do this?
3. How might someone show a lack of respect for himself/herself?
4. Can you think of someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating
disrespectful behavior? What effect does this have on his/her life?
5. Can you think of someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating
respectful behavior? What effect does this have on his/her life?

6. No one is happy unless he respects himself. - Jean Jacques Rousseau
11. If I trim myself to suit others I will soon whittle myself away. - Anonymous
7. Form a good opinion of yourself and then deserve the good opinion of others. - Anonymous
14. Neither we, nor any other people, will ever be respected till we respect ourselves and we will never respect ourselves till we have the means to live respectfully. - Frederick Douglass
9. Through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing. - Agatha Christie
2. If I am not for myself, who then will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? - The Talmud
13. If you want to be respected by others, the great thing is to respect yourself. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
1. El respecto al derecho ajeno es la paz. Respect for the rights of another, that is peace. – Mexican-American Proverb
5. We must all learn to live together as brothers. Or we will all perish as fools. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
15. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise. – BIBLE, Ephesians 6:1-2
19. Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king. – BIBLE, I Peter 2:17.
18. While we are thus unconstrained in our private intercourse, a spirit of reverence pervades our public acts; we are prevented from doing wrong by respect for authority and for the laws, having an especial regard to those which are ordained for the protection of the injured as well as to those unwritten laws which bring upon the transgressor of them the reprobation of the general sentiment. - IBID Book II, 35, Funeral Speech of Pericles.
8. For those who are always courteous and respectful of elders, four things increase: life, beauty, happiness, and strength. - Buddha, The Dhammapada
17. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies. (The American’s Creed) - William Tyler Page [1868-1942]
20. When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel truths to be self-evident. - Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
12. If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem. It is true that you may fool all the people some of the time you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all the time. (To a caller at the White House) - In Alexander K. McClure: Lincoln’s Yarns and Stories [1904], page 124
16. Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all thy commandments. – BIBLE, Psalm 119:6
4. He who walks in another’s tracks leaves no footprints. - Joan L. Brannon
3. Every action in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those present. - Rules of Civility


  1. 1. To show respect i will listen to what they have to say. I feel like listening is the most important thing to do to some people your respect because if you don’t listen to the person then you won’t know what they are talking about so that’s very disrespectful in my opinion. Also respect is something you earn not given so respect is very important.

    2. Yes i have failed to do show a lot of times. Most of the times it’s because i don’t listen or follow what they are telling me to do. Others times it’s because I don’t like the person so i just decide not to show the person any respect because i feel like they don’t deserve respect from me. Respect is something that they should work for not given to the person.

    3.Somebody can show lack of respect by doing some stuff that made them have a different impression on you. Say if you a male and you have the strength to do something and have a job to make money, and you choose not to and be a crackhead then that’s your fault and you would lose respect for it. Also if you're a father or mother and you choose not to take care of your kids and let them starve then you don’t have no respect for yourself or your kids.

    4.Yes, myself, i have been very disrespectful to people at some point of my life. Especially in school sometimes i been very disrespectful to teachers because sometimes when the teacher tells me to do something that I don’t wants to do, I get mad and say some disrespectful stuff to my teacher.And the outcome of that is I get in trouble or the teacher starts to hate me.

    5. No I can’t think of none. Or I have never meet a person like that in my life.

  2. What I do to show respect is multiple things, such as help others or help spread word. I help volunteer at the elementary schools and I help the little kids. Another way that I show respect is being polite to others.

    Has there been a time where I failed to show respect, yes. It’s either when i'm sick or in a bad mood that I tend to forget sometimes about it. Either I can be snappy or I can be ignoring someone by accident depending on how i am feeling and yes I do feel bad about it after I realize.

    Someone can show a lack of respect for themselves in many ways. A person can call themselves names or insult himself and bring down their confidence. Another way a person can show a lack of respect for themselves is if they don’t care about themselves which happens to a lot of people and it’s upsetting to see it.

    Someone who I believe shows disrespectful behavior is Taylor Swift. Not only does Taylor Swift write catchy songs and make cool music videos but she also puts shame on a bunch of other celebrities or guys who she sees is necessary to write about. This adds fuel to the fire and causes rumors and gossip about the celebrities including herself.

    Someone who stands out for showing respectful behavior would have to be Markiplier. Markiplier may seem like a silly goofy gaming youtuber but he has a heart of pure gold. Just yesterday Markiplier has a live stream charity event to help raise money for the people affected by hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico! This isn’t the first time he’s done a charity event, a few months ago he did one awhile back.

    1. I tend to see the positive outcomes in every other scenario, although I do agree with you.. Sometimes ignoring the person can be even worse than facing them. Their are always different soloutions to anything. But you always have someone to talk to. Gossip can always make matters worse and you should never let anyone get to you. Sometimes they envy on what they see. That's when you show them all the bright side of the your life's perspective.

  3. 1.Everyone has their own definition for respect. Respect means to me, treat people how you want to be treated. So, listening to people who are talking, it’s never respectful to be distracted, and ignorant while people are speaking. Also, following directions and just being courteous is showing respect.
    2.A time where i failed to show respect was last year in math class. For some odd reason i thought it was okay to not listen to my math teacher and fool around and not do any of her work. I had most of my friends in there. I realized by third marking period that this “fooling” around was really affecting my grade. I knew i had to do something to change that.
    3. I think everyone has at least once lacked respect for themselves. Like when people put themselves down or do things their friends do to be cool that can be harmful and/or dangerous. Or how you dress can defy whether you respect yourself. Also if you harm yourself you aren’t respecting your body or yourself.
    4. I have this friend who is constantly disrespectful. This has effected a lot of their daily life. By disrespecting them self and others the way people look at them has changed, the way their family looks at them has changed. Their grades are drastically decreasing because they think disrespecting teachers and not listening to them, is cool. But, being disrespectful isn’t cool, and bad grades aren’t cool either.
    5. When people demonstrate respectful behavior they get respect back and can affect others behavior for the better. A girl in my school is super respectful to not only herself but her teachers and fellow classmates. She is very popular, and everyone enjoys her. She never puts anyone down and always tries to build everyone up.

    1. I agree 100%. Everyone has their own definition of it. Also, I agree with treat everyone how you want to be treated.

  4. 1. Respect for me is to always not judge someone by how others talk about them. I don't surround myself by negative people because it is not helpful. I respect others on how they respect me because it is fair.

    2. Yes, there is many negative people out there who try so hard to get you that you eventually have enough and break down. I am not a perfect person we all have our mistakes there has been one time i failed. But it is also fine to not be respectful because if they are not to you why should you be to them.

    3. The way they talk to others is a big one because many people tend to act they are better then other. Also actions because they may do things out there that does not want to be seen. When not respecting yourself it shows what is bringing you down.

    4. I am not the most respectful but because I do not let myself be disrespected by others. I do not stand there and say nothing when I know something is wrong. This may be just my personality but when it comes to certain thing I am.

    5. You can never find someone is fully respectful because we all beak down. There is a moment in life where that goes away because you have to stand up for yourself.

    1. I think you're right in what you wrote because if you surround yourself with bad people you go wrong in life

  5. 1.)I do many things to show respect. To show respect to my elders I help them with everything they ask and I don’t think that anything they ask is pointless. Just like the other day my grandma told me to come inside because she wanted to show me something from when I was younger. That’s how I show respect just to my elders.

    2.)I have failed to show respect a lot of times. Not on purpose but i've done it. Just like the other day i did. I did not hold open the door for a lady because i did not see her. Then my dad said to go open it. I honestly did not see her but i did forget to check.

    3.)People can lack respect for themselves all the time. I see it daily people let themselves get told what to do by other people. That's not right. I don't know if they notice it but they do it that's for sure. That's how people lack respect for themselves.

    4.)Yes i do. This kid in lunch is always throwing stuff and screaming. He is setting a horrible character for himself. When anyone hears his name they probably think “oh that kid.” Thats disrespectful behavior.

    5.)I don't really notice anyone that always has respectful behavior. But, i'm sure there are people. Then affect on their lives is people always love being around him and always treats them right too.

  6. Respect is something you give and take, you show respect to someone, they show respect to you back. I show respect only if someone is respecting to me. I show respect by being kind and not having an attitude with someone or yelling at them when they’re not yelling at me. For me you don’t have to earn it, you’ll get it automatically until you open your mouth and say something stupid. In my opinion that’s just how it’s supposed to be.

    I have failed to show respect when someone was rude and obnoxious for being dumb. I believe that if you are in high school you are old enough to realize when to keep to yourself distance in things you do not belong in. Some people still don’t understand that and are not mature enough to comprehend those situations. It’s a shame.

    You might show lack of respect for yourself if you are putting yourself down. There’s no need for that, everyone is gorgeous on the outside it’s the inside that you should be worrying about. No one wants to feel bad about themselves but you have to learn to love yourself the way you are before you realize how amazing a human being can be. Feeling bad is only a minor set back.

    I can think of a lot of people who stand out for being disrespectful to others. I wouldn’t name any names because then that would make me disrespectful, but people do make an embarrassment of themselves by being disrespectful to others and it’s such a foolish thing to do. Sometimes i almost think people do it for attention. Once again there’s no need for that.

    You see all the time in the news people who stand out for their respectful behavior and it’s honestly incredible. I honor those who have the courage to do be respectful to others after all the bad happening in the world. It’s amazing. For every bad there’s a good.

  7. 1. What do you do to show respect?
    What i do to show respect is,treat others the way you would like to be treated. No one really knows what’s going on in their point in life and the struggle of showing respect is earning. Just like every other thing you have to earn in life.. Leaving things behind in the past is a major thing to do. It’s a part of maturity and always shows the better side of you.
    2. Can you think of a time when you failed to do this?
    The time when I lost complete respect about someone was when they failed to bring the positivity and only started bringing the negative outcomes, into my life. It made things a total turn over following a lot of consequences.
    3. How might someone show a lack of respect for himself/herself?
    When someone shows a lack of respect for himself/herself is when you hear non stop negativity coming out of their mouths. You hear that very common and it’s because they have something troubling going on.
    4. Can you think of someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating
    disrespectful behavior? What effect does this have on his/her life?
    I don’t want to use any specific names in school, so I’m using a celebrity… Justin Bieber was one of the celebrities that I think it’s safe to say he cracked under pressure making him act out in the way he feels, for a short period of time. He later on came out to apologize making no one trust in him again and losing most of the fanatics he had.

  8. 1.What i do to show respect is to not talk when someone else is talking and not be mean or give someone attitude when they say something mean or yell at people when they did nothing to you to that person so they will show you respect for you and other people if you don’t show signs of what they do.
    2 yes i could think of a time when i failed to give someone respect was when my mom was talking to someone but i didn’t care and i kept talking or bugging her until she listened to me and that was one time when i didn’t give someone respect for them for when they were talking.
    3 someone could show lack of respect for thereself is when they are thinking negative things about themself or thinking bad about what they are going to do when they have to do that kind of stuff they have to think about for them
    4 someone that has disrespectful behavior is my friend because he doesn’t care what the person or teacher says he would just say stuff and not care if he was disrespecting someone or hurting their feelings because he didn’t care for them only about themselves
    5 my mom has a respectful behavior she is not really ever mean to me or other people only if they could be disrespectful to her she would do that but she is very kind and she wouldn’t do anything unless she had to be mean to someone for them.

    1. John F I agree with questions 1-3. You should not talk back to people in life. Also people that think negative do show some lack of respect towards themselves.

  9. 1. You can show people respect in many ways. Some ways are like helping them with classwork if they don’t know what to do. Other ways are not calling them names that would be offensive to them.

    2. They are many times where I didn’t show some people respect. This one time I was making fun of my friend’s new haircut. Also I was talking back to an adult when I was little.

    3. Someone might show themselves lack of respect in many ways in life. For example, if you are being a bully in school then you are not respecting yourself. If you are doing some stuff that are not right like doing drugs then that is also a lack of respect to yourself.

    4. They are a lot of people who are very disrespectful in life that I know . That attitude affects them by being hated by a lot of people. If a lot of people hate you then it can my that person very lonely and depressed.

    5. I also know a lot of people who are very respectful in life. This affects their lives because people will like you a lot more and would want to hang out with you more than someone who doesn’t show respect to people. They will be liked in life by people and themselves as people

    1. showing respecting is the basic thing you learn in life but as people grow up and they start to live thier lives of negative people they pick up those bad habits and they are bringing it everywhere they order to breal thos bad habit they need to sart showing the basic thing they were taught in school and from there parents

  10. 1.respect is sowing leadership and listening to othere show that peple can look up to you.respect is something that you earn while growing up.
    2yes i failed so many times disrespecting is i have my headphones in while people try to talk to me.i dont like that person and im trying not to care as much and say things like really,wow,now way etc.i failed so many time trying to be respectful to other but its a habit and hard to break that habit.
    3.getting a job interview most important life as teen you want to show your boss that he can trust and respect you in the position you applied may be nice in the jiob interview but outside you can be disrespectful to others not litsen to people because they are boring the months go by and your start to bring your bad habits with you at work everyone is going to notice and customers are going to start complaining about you ans sooner or later your going to get fired because you bough your own bd habits with you at work. really dont know anybody who shows disrespect to others nor how its affecting there life.yeah maybe me sometimes but i am starting to break those bad habits about listening to other say good morning etc. uncle shows much respect for my entire family he listenes well to everyone and is a problem matter where he goes he will always say good morning with ou fail show loves to everyone of his nephews and nieces.he is a nice guy with much respect inside him.

  11. 1.To show respect I am always generally nice to everyone and I hold the door for girls. I treat everyone fairly and respectfully until you give me a reason not to. I always help out older people and treat adults with respect. I respect anyone who has served or gives me a reason to respect them more then usual.

    2.I can think of a couple times where I did not respect someone older then me. They all weren’t being respectful to me, so I treated them the way they treated me. In all situation I was in the right though I wasn’t just being disrespectful for no reason. They mostly occurred at work with some of the bartenders and my boss who is also their boss told me I was in the right.

    3.Some people don’t show respect for themselves with the way they act and present them selves. They could do this by not keeping their word or lying to others. Some people don’t show respect for themselves with the way they dress.

    4.Someone who shows disrespect a lot is our president, he sometimes doesn't respect other people's beliefs or ideas but sometimes that’s what’s needed. This has gotten him pretty for in our life I mean he is our president. Being respectful all the time will only get you so far. Sometimes you have to show some disrespect to get where you wanna be. If you were always worried about all the repercussions and how this might be disrespectful then it would take forever to do something. In my opinion if someone is really disrespectful to you you should stand your ground and be disrespectful back otherwise you come off as a coward in most situations.

    5.Someone who stands out for respectful behavior is my grandpa Valentine. He always treats women with respect and is really old school and gentleman like. In his life he come from a family who barely had enough money to feed their kids to owning his dream house and dream car. He spent his whole life being respectful to women and anyone who wasn’t he told them they should be. He was always liked by his bosses and always ended up the boss.

    1. I agree with you when you said; "some people don’t show respect for themselves with the way they dress." One time I saw a sign at the Doctor's office that read: "The first step to be respected is to look respectable." If one is trying to get hired at their dream job, they should dress up to impress. They way we dress up, is the way we feel.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Javon cutler 10/2/17

    I show respect in many ways one way is just simply being quiet and making eye contact. But to some people respect is much more and i am very well mannered so i never had to change myself. Another way to be respectful is to say please and thank you and its not hard you want something say please you receive it say thank you you give something away your welcome. To conclude manners have disappeared now and days

    There was only one way of respect that i just inherited and that was saying please and i just feel no one ever use because of the way we use we only use it when we really are desprate and we are begging but that is not at all what it is used for it should be used whenever you need to use the word whenever you ask for anything thats the respectful way of using the word to conclude i think that alot of people fail to show any repsect toward anyone

    This a very common rude very demanding comment see i work fast food and we often get customers that snatch money out of your hand and also complain about the pricing of some items also they demand what they would like for such as give me a… instead of may i please have in my eyes thats so rude but to conclude no job is harder then fast food and baysitting /teaching due to respect

    One person that is very disrespectful in particular is this peron named terry he is very disruptive and he doest want to learn and he stands out and is very loud and obnoxious and he makes it hard for some students to concertrate and aslo the main part is he is disrespectful to the teachers by talking back and not paying atteion and making a scence about everyhing to conclude i should get witched out of that class to concertarte

    One person that is very respectful besides myself would defiently my mother she is always making a person feel special just by her words she always aking eye contat and never forgets to say please or thank you and she is always saying your welcome and she gets it from her job she a nurse and if she disrespectful to her paitents they woulnt like her but she so nice and they al like her she so nice and kind

  14. I show respect by giving what I get. If someone is rude to me then I’ll be rude. I don’t give respect to people who don’t show respect. I also show respect by doing what is right and by following rules to certain establishments.

    A time when I failed to show respect was during my confession. I was being rude and was acting a fool in the church. Another time when I failed to do this was when I given detention for the stupidest reason. I was disrespecting my teacher and i wasn’t right.

    A way someone might show a lack of respect towards themselves is by calling themselves rude names or by putting themselves down.

    Someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating disrespectful behavior is my brother. My brother is always disrespecting my parents by not listening to what they say and is constantly speaking to them in a disrespectful tone and always talking back. If he continues this throughout his life then he will get fired mostly from jobs it will be hard for him to live a steady life.

    Someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating respectful behavior is my friend. They always show respect and is very kind towards people. They hardly get into fights or arguments and is someone i would be around. If they continue this throughout their life then they will be very well liked by many different people and will be generally an all out good person and will teach their kids they way to live life.

  15. 1.When I show respect I give the person space , i dont interrupt when their talking and i treat them as if we are on the same level or better yet above me.
    2.I can’t think of a time that I failed to do this because if I weren’t to show a person respect it wouldn’t be because i forgot or failed to do so, it would be on purpose. I only show respect when it is earned.
    3. I believe girls show a lack of respect for themselves when they don’t dress appropriately or when they basically auction themselves out to anyone who shows them enough attention.
    4. I feel like a lot of people stand out deliberately showing disrespectful behaviors some for show and others i feel actually have anger problems or mental illness that get in the way of their behavior . For example the young girl named Danielle Bergoli is known for her tragic behavior and personality shes gone from a preteen to a famous mess all because of the way she treated her mother i believe this was all for a show.
    5.Many people consistently show great behavior and the upmost amount of respect and its sad to say not a lot of them stand out for it . I think thats because being a good person is normal everyone should be kind and show respect , being disrespectful is not the norm and thats why it stands out its entertaining and people find it very funny because its not what their used to.

  16. show respect I have to pay attention to a person who is talking to me or talking about something.
    2. if sometimes my friend came crying and talks to me what happens to her I say things that annoy her for not paying attention to what she tells me, also I laugh at people when they say something wrong but when I say something wrong and they laugh of me I feel bad, I do not laugh at the person.
    3.Treat other people's ideas with due consideration. ..because it may be that the person is sad and you say something wants to make them sad.
    Do not intrude on the time and privacy of others. because to say something of another person can be either is not true and you may have problems with that person to get into your life. because sometimes that person bothers too much or simply because they do not like you and you do not say anything but that person does everything to make you angry . or that person gets into your life and says things that are not
    5.some people are good people because they do not intrude on other people's lives

  17. 1 I show respect in many ways. I help elder people by doing whatever they want, they always need something to help them with.
    2 Yes i remember that my family got me stuff for my bday and i was so happy that i never said thank you.
    3 They might never say thank you or they won't do anything for anyone else but them selfs.
    4 Yes my uncle stands out because he never does anything for other people. He always does stuff for himself
    5 Yes my mom stands out because she is always helping other people, she never helps herself

  18. To show respect I will hold doors for people older than me.I used manners like please thank you mam and sir. I also will salut soiliders and thank them for their service. I listen to my sister who raises me.
    If someone disrespects me I will disrespect them back. Like for example if i hold the door for someone older than me I expect them to say thank you in some way. If they dont then I will take my respect for that person away, Ill usually yell out your welcome!!
    Many people lack respect to themselves, espsically in high school. Girls judge themselves and others. They basically tear themselves apart. Boys do the same but they usually do stupid things to impress their friends. What they dont realize it that theyre asking fun of themselves and not respecting who they actually are.
    I can think of many people who do this. For this certain girl she gets called many foul things. She does foul things to be called these names. People dont respect a girl who doesnt respect herself. No one wants to be friends with her because they dont want to be known as the person who hangs out with “that” girl.

  19. 1. What do you do to show respect?
    To show respect i don’t speak when others are speaking and i shake people’s hand when i meet them

    2. Can you think of a time when you failed to do this?
    When i was in middle school i was very obnoxious

    3. How might someone show a lack of respect for himself/herself?
    The way people lack respect to themselves are for example girls can start showing more skin and being too flirty around guys and a way guys can show a lack of respect is doing things they shouldn’t like drugs or drinking

    4. Can you think of someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating disrespectful behavior? What effect does this have on his/her life?
    In modern society it seems more and more people are lacking both self respect and respect for others and it can affect them when they go to get a real job or even meet there significant others parents because while they might not notice the generation before them will notice

  20. 1. What do you do to show respect?

    One thing that I do to show respect is by listening to the person who is talking. When you listen and look at a person in the eyes, you are showing not only respect, but that you care about what they are saying. Another thing that I do to show respect is by honoring my mother, which sometimes I find it hard to do. “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land of the Lord.” - Bible, Exodus 20:12

    2. Can you think of a time when you failed to do this?

    I can think of plenty of times that I have failed to honor my mother, especially the days that I have lied because I told her that I was going to the park, instead I went to my friend’s house or when disrespected her because I was mad.

    3. How might someone show a lack of respect for himself/herself?

    I have a family member who constantly shows a lack of respect for himself. I love this person dearly and I wish he was not addicted to drugs. To make matters worse, he likes to cut himself with razors because he says he likes to feel pain. I believe these kinds of negative behaviors show a great lack of respect to a person’s body.

    4. Can you think of someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating
    disrespectful behavior? What effect does this have on his/her life?

    I believe that my cousin stands out by consistently demonstrating disrespectful behavior and a lack of respect for himself. The effects of drug addiction is not only damaging his health, but also his loved ones and friendships. He continuously puts his life in danger by doing drugs and cutting himself.

    5. Can you think of someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating
    respectful behavior? What effect does this have on his/her life?

    Someone that I think who stands out by consistently demonstrating respectful behavior is my mom. My mom is kind, loving and funny. She likes to help others even when she doesn’t have enough for her and her family. She always lives by what she learned in church since she was a child; “It is better to give than to receive,” she says.
