Monday, October 23, 2017

Period 11 Blog #7

Your comment post should be at least 280 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.
Have you ever faced a challenge in your life? Did you overcome it? What was the whole experience like? What did you feel during and after your struggle?
In “Is a Life Without Struggle Worth Living?” Adam Etinson writes:
In the autumn of 1826, the English philosopher John Stuart Mill suffered a nervous breakdown — a “crisis” in his “mental history,” as he called it.
Since the age of 15, Mill had been caught firmly under the intellectual spell of his father’s close friend, Have you ever faced a challenge in your life? Did you overcome it? What was the whole experience like? What did you feel during and after your struggle?
In “Is a Life Without Struggle Worth Living?” Adam Etinson writes:
In the autumn of 1826, the English philosopher John Stuart Mill suffered a nervous breakdown — a “crisis” in his “mental history,” as he called it.
Since the age of 15, Mill had been caught firmly under the intellectual spell of his father’s close friend, Jeremy Bentham. Bentham was a proponent of the principle of utility — the idea that all human action should aim to promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number. And Mill devoted much of his youthful energies to the advancement of this principle: by founding the Utilitarian Society (a fringe group of fewer than 10 members), publishing articles in popular reviews and editing Bentham’s laborious manuscripts.
Utilitarianism, Mill thought, called for various social reforms: improvements in gender relations, working wages, the greater protection of free speech and a substantial broadening of the British electorate (including women’s suffrage).
There was much work to be done, but Mill was accustomed to hard work. As a child, his father placed him on a highly regimented home schooling regime. Between the ages of 8 and 12, he read all of Herodotus, Homer, Xenophon, six Platonic dialogues (in Greek), Virgil and Ovid (in Latin), and kept on reading with increasing intensity, as well as learning physics, chemistry, astronomy, and mathematics, while tutoring his younger sisters. Holidays were not permitted, “lest the habit of work should be broken, and a taste for idleness acquired.”
Not surprisingly, one of the more commonly accepted explanations of Mill’s breakdown at the age of 20, is that it was caused by cumulative mental exhaustion. But Mill himself understood it differently. In his autobiography, he wrote:
I was in a dull state of nerves, such as everybody is occasionally liable to: unsusceptible to enjoyment or pleasurable excitement; one of those moods when what is pleasure at other times, becomes insipid or indifferent… In this frame of mind it occurred to me to put the question directly to myself, ‘Suppose that all your objects in life were realized; that all the changes in institutions and opinions which you are looking forward to, could be completely effected at this very instant: would this be a great joy and happiness to you?’ And an irrepressible self-consciousness distinctly answered, ‘No!’ At this my heart sank within me: the whole foundation on which my life was constructed fell down. All my happiness was to have been found in the continual pursuit of this end. The end had ceased to charm, and how could there ever again be any interest in the means? I seemed to have nothing left to live for.
In the wake of this episode, Mill slipped into a six-month-long depression.
Students: Read the entire article, then tell us:
— In your opinion, is struggle essential to happiness? Have you ever experienced happiness from struggle in your own life?
— Mr. Etinson writes, “Some part of us prefers to struggle or quest after an ideal, rather than attain it.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
— From where do you draw happiness? From striving toward some future goal? From peaceful moments of quiet contemplation? From anything else?
— Mill suggests that all human beings are capable of finding joy in peace and normalcy. Do you think this is true? If so, how do you think people can learn to enjoy the quieter moments of life? If not, why not?
-If so, how do you think people can learn to enjoy the quieter moments of life? If not, why not??


  1. In my opinion, I don’t think struggle is persay “essential” to happiness in life. There are certain things that came bring happiness without having to struggle. And vice versa- there are certain times that take struggle for you to gain happiness. For example, in vocational school, our teacher allows us to struggle with using the program InDesign because not only does it help us remember what to do, but it’s also pretty satisfying when you learn how to do something after struggling with it for a while. It, in a way, brings happiness after struggling to learn something. Now, with math it doesn’t really bring me happiness after struggling with problems, it’s just annoying. So, in the end, it depends of the circumstances. An example of having happiness without struggle could be me just drawing something I really like without having to go back and change details. Or if I write something that I really like the first time around (which rarely happens), it’s a pretty satisfying thing.

    I agree with his statement. Some people do, in fact, enjoying struggling with things. And like I said before, it really comes down to the circumstances and really what they’re struggling with.

    Again, like I said, it really depends. I sometimes take joy out of struggling a bit before reaching a goal. And other times it’s just nice to attain something with little to no struggle. Usually I enjoy more of a challenge in a subject that I’m already good at, or a subject I actually enjoy. On the flip side, I do NOT enjoy struggle with things I already dislike. Like math, or history, for example. I’d much rather struggle with graphic design, or English, because in the end I actually learn something that I want to learn rather than something I don’t find interesting at all.

    Of course I think it’s true that all human beings can find comfort or joy in quietness and such. I, for one, do enjoy gaining something through little to no struggle. Or even when something is very easy, I enjoy it. It’s just a nice break from the usual struggle that life tends to be. Not only that, but it’s a very relaxing thing. Like, for example, say you work your entire life, and then you get your dream home. You retire. You no longer have to work- you can just relax your days away. That sounds comforting. Rather than having a daily struggle in life.

    Since I’m the kind of person who already enjoys “the quiet moments”, I think it’s quite possible for other people to start enjoying the quiet moments more and more. Especially moments where they could simply relax, or enjoy something. Like, going on vacation and simply sitting in your room and staring out the window, relaxing. That’s something I find comfort in.

  2. I think if you struggle to get something when you get it you’ll enjoy it more. Whenever I fix something on my truck it makes me happier then when I had the brake lines and emergency brakes done. The more I work for things the happier I am when I get them. Sometimes I’m just happy to get them done and be over with it. Like last night I finally finished putting my new exhaust on and I was pretty happy with it and the way it sounds now. Sometimes I would rather work for something then just get it because I wouldn’t appreciate things if I just got them. I draw happiness from the things I accomplish and from having fun. When I first got my truck I was happy I finally bought my first car. Then when I bought my second truck I was even happier that I was able to have two trucks when I’m only sixteen. Even know they’re the same truck the only differences are the ones made for racing and the others completely stock. I get happy just when I think about it that I have two trucks at sixteen and my cousins who are all sixteen and older haven’t bought any vehicles. I think that all you need to be happy is to be content with your life. If you're satisfied with where you are at then your happy. So I think all humans can be happy with peace and normality. If I lived a nice peaceful life and I was content with everything I would be happy. I would have no reason not to be happy, unless something is wrong with my life I’m happy and I’m always pretty happy.

    1. i totally agree with you gavin if you struggle to get something that your earning and striving for i think that you would definitly appreciate it more i like the valid points keep it up man

  3. Struggling is an essential to happiness because if we don’t struggle in life we don’t get to learn from that experience which helps us improve ourselves but there is other ways we handle it all depends on the person. Everyone has gone through this even myself where I have my moments to break down from everything around me, sometimes we all just need a break because life is about struggling but being able to get through it in any way. “Some part of us prefers to struggle or quest after an ideal, rather than attain it’ I do agree with the statement because we all do that we all struggle it isn’t bad at all because at the end we learn from it. This world isn’t perfect at all so it is okay to not always be good and to have hard times. My happiness is from listening to music i love listening to music to get away from this world sometimes it is just too much to handle that I want to have alone time and just play my music. Yes we all are different, with that we all just want to be alone by doing what we love to do some people love to run,dance, sing whatever makes them happy we all have something special some know it others trying figuring it out. Nature because it is actually really nice how much we do not notice around us when we should. Around the world they have a unique that many people love to see and enjoy themselves. It is also quiet because we have a relax time and we are in a different location this may be one of the reasons why many people like to travel. Happiness can be described in many different ways it is just the way you see it as.

    1. you are right because some people have very big problems and they always give up and it is not so otherwise if people do not smile your smile at her

  4. In my opinion I would say sometimes you have to struggle to find happiness, your struggles are like obstacles that you have to overcome and pass to help you reach your happiness. Sometimes life can be hard and it can seem tough or it can seem as if a giant dark cloud is blocking the sunlight but once you're able to overcome the struggles and surpass the obstacles that cloud will disappear and the sun will shine brighter than ever. Yes I actually have experienced happiness from struggle in my own life, I use to not like myself and I was bullied before but with a bit of guidance from family and friends I was able to remember the reasons why I should like myself and why I shouldn’t listen to the bullies.

    I agree with the statement because I do feel that part of everyone does want to face the struggle or obstacle instead of just obtaining happiness instantly, they’d rather want to earn it then just instantly gain it.

    I draw happiness from many places, I look towards my future goals, my admirations and the peaceful or happy moments in my life. Whenever i'm feeling unsure about my happiness or im feeling down or as if I can’t reach my goals i’ll listen to music sometimes or i’ll sketch out some drawings or i’ll even play a bit of PS4.

    Everyone in my opinion are capable of finding joy in peace and normalcy, it’s their choices and decisions that lead them to happiness.

    1. Agreeing on your proposel that everyone has their own way of solving problems, and that they should report to mostly family and close friends instead of guidance is because they are more closer and they truly do know you the best, you should be able to count on your friends to tell them anything if they aren't a reliable source, are they really your friends? You can gain confidence and feel much better about yourself. I really liked the part where you included the things that make you happy the most and can turn you into a positive person quickly.


  5. Yes I have faced many challenges in my life, i believe that the best way to overcome any type of obstacle as harsh is to either one, ignore it or just two handle it the best positive way. Sometimes you are able and want to handle it alone and there’s other days where you want to just handle everything alone because the presence of everyone and everything bothers you. Every little thing is wrong and the way you feel makes you seem like you’re being pushed down or held down by a brick(S) and they get heavier each time you try to take a breath. In my opinion you do have to have some type of struggle in your life but it is definitely not an essential to happiness. I definitely do agree with Mr. Edison's statement because some people do need the extra boost in life or they need a little obstacle to remind them of what they are going thru and that it will get harder next time but you never have to give up. There’s always a way out. I strive my happiness by imagining the future itself and picturing how great it would be by taking the right choices in life. I love enjoying peaceful moments and having quiet, alone time you can be yourself while alone and the struggle is way beyond the worries when all you have is yourself. Everyone is capable of finding their own peace and joy on their own, because only one knows what they truly do love inside. They learn to love the quieter moments in life on their own, you can’t force someone to love.

    1. The way you explained handling things is very good and i agree. I aslo agree the struggle is a part of happiness, and it is hard to overcome. I hope youre future is as bright as anything. & cant ever force anything

  6. In my opinion i do think struggle is essential to happiness. If you´ve never been down, you won´t appreciate what it is like to be up. I have gotten happiness from struggle. It makes you appreciate the little things. Like coming from the bottom up, for example having to struggle to get the things you want, makes you feel better because you did it yourself.
    Mr. Etinson writes, “Some part of us prefers to struggle or quest after an ideal, rather than attain it.” I do agree with this statement. It is basically saying that we would rather struggle than to achieve something. So they´re saying, we like the struggle and in some cases i do believe this is true. Sometimes struggling for it is good for us.
    I think you draw happiness from doing what you love. For doing what honestly makes you happy. You can create happiness for yourself, and you can also take it away. So doing things you choose to do or striving for a goal you want to complete will actually begin to make you happy, if you´re not worrying about things that don´t matter.
    I think for some people they can find joy from peace and normalcy, i think people need to cherish the quiet and relaxing moments in life instead of always being on the go. Like they say ¨stop and smell the roses¨ because you need to enjoy the quiet moments life gives you because you won´t have them forever.

    1. I agree if it wasn’t for struggle no one would appreciate things. Everyone would just be spoiled and not understand what it takes to get what you want. If I didn’t work and struggle to get the things I wanted I wouldn't appreciate what I have. Then if someday I did have to struggle for something I probably wouldn’t get it. I would just give up and not get it people need to struggle in life to appreciate what they have.

  7. In my opinion, I believe that struggle is essential to happiness. According to Einstein's statement because he said that the struggle was linked to happiness. Never get angry that if you spend all your life fighting you will never be happy. You must strive to achieve your goal and desire that you do. The same happens in life that you want a good job and good grades and be well prepared so you have everything you want. I agree with Mill's statement because everyone has achieved joy in their lives at some point. We are all happy to be born or to live in a great country. I'm very happy to be here. Every day they will start to try to be happier. You only have one life on this planet and you must live it and use it wisely. Do not get in trouble and do not be sad or angry all the time. Ignore those bad things and happiness to live a happy life.

    1. Yes andres what you said is what i agree with we all have to face something to get what we want. Nothing is given to use by hand we have to work for it. We do only have one life because after that it is all gone. I really like what you said I can relate to it.

  8. Irelyn Mulrane
    Blog #7
    In life work is key to getting what is wanted in life, and sometimes that results in hardships along the way to getting what you want in life. In my opinion struggle is essential to happiness. In life there has to be hardships in order to have happiness and the satisfaction of working for that happiness. In my life there has not been happiness without a struggle. Personally, I work for happiness but there are times that even the work for the happiness does not always result in happiness and that is the struggle. I believe that Etinson is partially right because there are pieces of someone that prefer struggling and living the hardships instead of taking the easy way out. This is because it can stem from how the person is raised and how they live, as well as what the task at hand is. I draw happiness from many things, but most of all the people I love. I am not one to always be in a good mood, but the people in my family like my sister and my mom are who I draw happiness most from, they are without a doubt my best friends. Music is another thing I draw happiness from because it distracts me from any problems there are. I do think that all humans are capable of finding joy in peace and normalcy because I myself have. I think that instead of going outside and picking out all of the things wrong, you should look around and think of all of the things that are right and that is how someone can learn to enjoy the quieter moments in life. The way to really find joy and appreciate life is to step back and take in the good and not focus too much on the bad.

  9. Javon cutler 10/23/17

    I have experienced many different struggles in my life just like anyone else in the world but I would like to share my experiences with you for example it was a very hard and tough fought battle between my favorite football team of the national football league witch is the Philadelphia eagles and we were vs the Seattle Seahawks and it was two minutes left on the clock in my favorite game madden NFL on playstion 4 so I called a run for my running back it was a very nice gain of yards about a 38 yard run with 1:44 seconds on the clock and I had to get a onside kick after the score I threw the ball down field to the stud himself Jordan Matthews who went up top to make the grab of the elite couner back of the game Richard Sherman and we score 1:32 seconds remaining then we kicked an onside got it back with 1:30 we had to score and make the Field goal to tie the game with about 50 yards to go wasting no time I gave the ball to my running back Darren sproles who breaks it up to about the 20 yard line or so and now I'm lined up at the line clock running one time out throw the ball over across the field too the wide out and it got broken up could have been a td but then I slow down the game with .54 seconds on the clock at the 22 yard line and we line up and the middle open and my quarter back Carson wants breaks it in for an eagles first down at about the 4 yard line with .41 on the clock no time outs gives the handoff to sproles on the outside and he scores now we are down by one with 26 seconds remaining in the 4th quarter so I want the win so we line up for two point conversion he goes for a blitz and I just put the ball to the flat to my tight end zach eritz for a beautiful 2 point witch puts us up by one and we kick it off he gets tackled at the 12 yard line he throws the ball up to Baldwin and it's intercepted by my saftey Malcom Jenkins and we get the ball back and knee it and won the game it just made me really happy in that experience and it was very fun and I would do it again any day had my emotions in the lights for that one I felt a real sense of urgency to score that two point conversion and I got it witch just put us ahead for a hard fought victory after I felt a sign of relief and happiness because I didn't want to tarnish my undefeated record

    1. i agree with what you said its pretty tough for what you have to do for things like that but at least you found happiness out of playing that game to win

  10. Yes for some things you have to struggle to get happiness if you wanna have it then yeah you should try but it’s not really always needed for your life or for other things. No I have not experienced happiness from struggle in my life but i know people that probably have had struggle to have happiness like some of my friends. Yes i agree because you have to want to struggle so then you could have what you were trying to look for to do since you want to have that kind of ay instead of just attaining it through something to make it easier for you so then it's not hard. I draw happiness by doing things that i like like playing video games hanging out with friends etc that what i do to get happiness because it makes me fool good. I think all people could find joy and peace in their own way it might not be very easy for them to get it fastly but it will happen sooner or later to them. People could enjoy quieter times in their life because then there is no one bothering them or talking to them to annoy them so they could enjoy themselves.
    And they could be more happier during times like that so then they're not always mad for no reason and could be thankful for what they have in life and the quiet times to and could have more time to do other things in life like work hanging out with people and doing other things to make the quiet times good for themselves so they won't get mad so easily.

    1. I completely agree. It feels good to work hard for some things. Not everything. But the things you do work hard for pay off, its great.

  11. I think struggling is an essential part of happiness. I think it is because if you struggle for something then make it out great, you can be happy and look back on it and be like hey, i did this. Maybe you struggled for money or something else, once you make that money you know you earned it. I also agree that some people would rather work for their goal then just get it. Maybe your goal is to make a lot of money. Some people would rather work for it and feel accomplished about it then just be handed money. Next,the thing i find happiness from is either accomplishing something big, or being with family and friends. Just the simple places you find happiness depending who and what you are. Also some people will find happiness in things just handed to them. It all depends who you are and what you are into. I do agree that people can find happiness in normality. It all depends on what ¨normal¨ is for you. If it's going home with no food on the table and no money in the bank of course no happiness there. But, if you come home to a lot of money and a loving family, you're going to be happy. Also, you can find happiness the quieter moments in life because if you're constantly doing things it might feel good just to sit down and do nothing for a few months with nothing crazy to do. For example, if you travel for 3 months, obviously that happy but then when you come back to a quiet normal time, you can find happiness home with your loving family.

    1. I totally agree with you ryan. Traveling is great but sometimes you need to have some peace and quiet and just relax. You don’t need to be rich to find happiness in life too.

    2. I agree with you a hundred percent coming from any type of struggle will make your achievements mean so much more to you and bring you great joy. Also your right traveling is important but relaxing is still great , & you don't have to have it all to be happy the simple things in life bring us a great amount of happiness as well

  12. Question one:

    I do think struggle will result in happiness. Sometimes you have to work hard and struggle before you make it. I think that’s how the quote “fake it until you make it” came to be. Hence the outcome of the questions “have you ever experienced happiness out of from struggle?” and to answer that question, yes i have had to struggle to get to my happiness because things in life are just not free and i believe that being good and and working hard will give you eternal happiness for all those who seek it.

    Question two:

    I do believe that some people would rather work for what for something rather than have it handed to them, because when you work for something you earn it rather than it just being given to you. I also think it gives a sense of pride and satisfaction that you should and can be proud of.

    Questions three:

    I find happiness rather in earning it rather than just being given it, but don’t get me wrong happiness is also a free matter but i would much rather be happy by myself rather than relying on someone else to make me happy when am perfectly capable of making myself happy on my own. My future goals do make me happy and it is something i strive for.

    Question four:

    I don’t agree on normalcy because everyone has their own definition for what is normal and okay and what is not. For some people its more extreme than what others thinks and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. As for the other two everyone is also entitled to joy and peace also.

    Question five:

    People can learn to enjoy the slower and quieter moments by just taking it in and realizing that life is so short and memories are long lived and you have to take a moment to live and just be happy and enjoy the smaller things.

  13. A challenge I had during my life is when i used to stutter. When i was younger i wouldn't really stutter because i was young and still was learning how to speak. It started occurring during sixth grade when i was giving an answer and i couldn't successfully say the word. My stuttering, though, was only with certain pronunciation of words that i would take a few seconds to say. With this issue I was always afraid to read out loud or ask a question because I wouldn't want to embarrass myself infront of everyone. This would always limit how much I could say when i would present in front of the class. This would also be hard for me when I would go out and have to speak in public. It was very hard for me but I managed to get through it. During the future i started to get over this stuttering issue and began to speak better.
    In my opinion i feel struggle is essential to happiness because even though struggling is tedious, when get through that struggle, you’ll feel that joy inside of and that feeling of relief. When Mr. Etinson writes, “Some part of us prefers to struggle or quest after an ideal, rather than attain it.” I agree because most of us human beings prefer to have a quest or struggle to achieve rather than just getting it handed to them because when you get things handed to you, there is really no happiness because when a situation comes along that you can’t handle, you’ll start to feel sad because you never really had the struggle to learn. Also, you could draw happiness from what makes you happy. Striving for a goal that will better your life can make anyone happy which is why the struggle of doing something is well worth the happiness you’ll achieve later on. Furthermore, you could find happiness in peace and normalcy because you would have that great vibe within to keep your mood up or to keep doing what you are doing. In conclusion, people could learn to enjoy the quieter moments because having peace in your life and not turbulence can fulfill anyones happiness and joyful and to keep them striving for more.

  14. Everyone has challenges in there life with struggles examples are people trying to stop smoking they want to quick but there to addicted ti smoking.If they actually try there are struggles that come with quitting and challenges that your body will want tot do but you have to take control and after month or years with those struggles and challenges you will overcome it.My struggle was to read books that will help me be successful in life.This was a a challenge and struggle that i still face today iv tried to read but there are many districts that avoid me to not to read like my phone watching videos on youtube playing video games on my phone etc.These challenges are tough because iv made them a daily routine in my life but when you have parents the knock some sense into you you start to wonder that these distracts keep you away from reaching my dream,but i keep struggling with it but little by little those habit start to break.Still have not overcome this challenge but i'm getting there.
    No i have i would never feel happy if i was struggling.yes i agress some part of us do perfer to stuggle than attain it because they just want to struggle.i draw happiness from my family cousins etc. my future goal is to be a mechanic and not work for nobody and where money works for me and not i work for money.Yes i will believe that humans can find joy in peace and how they will achive it is no worrying about the problems they have in their life and believe in something.people can learn from successful people and how they have a peaceful and quiet life because they went threw struggle to and the overcame those struggles.

  15. Everyone in life has come to face a challenge once in their life at some point. Even me at one point. This one time i had to face something was when I had a knee injury. This happens about 5 years ago. I was running and some kid and I ran into each other very hard. My knee hit something hard when i fell and it hurt. I went to the hospital and the doctors told me it would take about 3 months to heal up. This is one of the most toughest things to happen to me. My life changed like I need to have crutch at all times to help me walk because I could not walk on my bad knee yet. At first it sucked because i needed to learn how to walk in crutches. There were a lot of times I almost fell but then later on I started to get better at it. Then i had to go to therapy to be get my knee better too. Some of the workouts were very boring and sometimes hard as well. Sometimes I just felt very upset because it was just a lot of work and I wanted it to be over already. Most of the time in the first days of recovery I could only sit and do nothing and that I awful because I don’t like to sit for a long time. That didn’t stop me from overcoming the recovery. After the recovery it was one of the best feelings in the world. I could walk like normal boy without help. At first it was a weird feeling walking on my bad knee but I got over it. This was one time I had to overcome a challenge in my life.

  16. In my opinion struggle is part of the job description and by that i mean it’s part of everyone’s life. struggle with school, bills, food, age, social life and the way people see you and from those few it branches into more and more. But with struggle as long as you keep your head on straight when you get through it, it could turn into something good. For example if you struggle with school when your done as long as you tried and you graduated it betters your future and gives you more opportunities for a good career. If you struggle with bills and you keep a leveled head and pay them off your able to get a home a good car and even start a family. These are just a few of the many examples of struggles turning into opportunities in the end.

    In my opinion when some part of us prefers to struggle or quest after an ideal, rather than attain it it isn’t us wanting to struggle it’s our conscious getting in the way it’s our fear stopping us from attaining what we want when it’s right in front of us.

    I draw happiness from family and friends i have had to deal with a lot of struggle and sadness that i make myself happy whenever i can by going to my brothers or sister, my parents and my nieces as well as my friends. I try to look forward to seeing these people.

    In my opinion i agree with Mills but for people to find peace and normalcy they need to achieve peace first. Peace of mind and peace in life then live with the peace then they will achieve normalcy.

    1. I like what you said; "with struggle as long as you keep your head on straight when you get through it, it could turn into something good." In life, we will have to face struggles one day or another, it is part of being alive. By keeping your head up when you're going through difficult times, you are able to face struggles with a positive state of mind.

  17. In life, we are faced with many challenges and struggles every day. Some of them can be overcome while others may not. I have struggled my whole life with ADHD. For some people who may not know what ADHD is; it is an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I have trouble trying to pay attention to what is being taught in school, I get easily distracted and at times I am unable to control my impulses. I find it extremely difficult to write and do homework because my mind is always racing and on the go. I have not been able to overcome it, however medications can alleviate some of the symptoms and can help me focus for short periods of time. I can say that living with ADHD has not been easy and I faced many different challenges every day.

    In my opinion, “struggle is not essential to happiness.” We will always have struggles in life, it actually means that we are alive. I believe that even people who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth would one day be faced with struggles, imagine those that are less fortunate.  

    I always obtain happiness when I get good grades after struggling with homework or doing a test. My future goal is to continue to do the best that I can in school and strive for excellence regardless of what I am going through. People can learn to find joy in everything they do, as long as they do what they love, what is right and engage in good deeds with everyone they meet.  

    I have tried to enjoy “peaceful moments and quiet contemplations” when I am alone in my room at night trying to fall asleep, but I end up turning the music on. Although quiet time sounds very peaceful and something that I would love to one day be able to experience, my brain doesn’t know what quiet time means; at least not yet.  

  18. In my opinion I don’t feel that struggle is therefore essential but I believe that if you’ve been through any type of struggle you appreciate achievements and success a lot more. Personally I have experienced happiness from struggle, I believe the simpler things are what brings happiness. Mr. Etinson wrote, “Some part of us prefers to struggle or quest after an ideal, rather than attain it.” I disagree with this statement because for someone to go from greatness than struggle is just going backwards in life but to come from the struggle and than succeed is great. I draw happiness from a lot of things like many others, to achieve something brings me happiness. Also relaxation brings me happiness as well as progressing torwards my goals . I do think its true all human beings are capable of finding joy in peace and normalcy. As long as your with loved ones I think youll be able to learn to love the little things that are around you.
