Your comment post should be at least 300 words
this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for responding
(respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply
entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.
Prior to reading Poe’s short story your task is to create a
modern horror story.
*Your story should include all the elements of good writing:
Setting, Characters and Climax/Resolution
*Also try to mimic Gothic style by including elements of:
Suspense, Drama, Fear
and Mystery ( USE YOUR NOTES!!!)
It was the night before halloween, it was cold rainy, and dark. Mischief night was upon the town and a group of kids got together to vandalize the neighborhood. The one house no one ever went near, old man johnson's house was up ahead, And that night that was there target, the creepy old mans house. The group of kids planned there attack on the house they were going to egg his windows and set up traps so when he walks outside he slips into a pile of mud. At 11 pm the kids started, they first set up all the traps outside his house just Incase he charged out all of a sudden 1 kid goes missing Tommy , out of the 4 kids the head of the group Cody knew it was turning bad real quick and he thought the group should abort the plan so he booked it back to his house as fast as he can. The only people left were Johnny and Bobby. They wanted to stay to look for Tommy and not leave him like the bad friend Cody is. The erie house was creaking as the wind howled, as you walked to the front for the house took your breath away. They heard a scream from inside and they left as well. No one knew what happened to Tom that night the next day the police put out a search for him and he was no where to be found. They searched old man Johnson’s house and questioned him. Could he be playing dumb or does he actually not know what happened? 5 years later and still no clues on to what happened. One thing we can all learn from that night is to not mess around where you should not be long. Even if it is a joke somebody can still get hurt.
ReplyDeleteThere was a girl named Sara who was home alone one night. That night it just so happened to be Friday 13th. Sara who doesn’t like the idea of being home alone turn on the tv to make it seem like someone was home. She then went up to her room closed the door and turned on the light so she wasn’t in the dark. Hours passed of her sitting in her room and her parents still weren’t home. She was getting worried so she called them when her mom answered she didn’t say anything all you heard was a staticy sound from the mom’s end of the line and all of a sudden the call was ended. Sara was getting worried and was getting ready to dial 911 but then all of a sudden it got quiet from downstairs, the tv was turned off. This creeped Sara out but she put that behind her and ventured downstairs. When upon entering the room she noticed the remote where she left it but saw the tv was unplugged. She was officially scared and dialed 911 to say someone was in her house but the call didn’t go through because the phone line was cut. Instead of hiding in her house she noticed she was by the door and would make a run for it. Except when she took a step forward the floorboards squeaked and then she heard footsteps coming towards her. After that she ran out the door and made sure to close the door quickly but quietly so the intruder didn’t know she left. Once outside she made a run for it to her neighbors house. When arriving at her neighbors house she started banging on the door loudly and rapidly. When the neighbor finally answered she tried to explain but couldn't because she was out of breath and her heart was beating erratically.Finally she got the words out saying someone was in her house and she needed to use their phone to call the police.
ReplyDeleteIn a small town where it’s very quiet, no one around really, and dark, a family lives in a little house. Two windows, two bedrooms and, one bathroom. Just a one story house. A mom, a dad, a daughter, and a son sharing that small house. The kids don’t go to school and only the father works. They don’t have much money. They’ve been trying to find a new house to start fresh because they’ve been hearing some things in all of the rooms. Creeking, whispering, moaning and groaning, doors slam unexpectedly. Many things are happening in this house.
ReplyDeleteOne day when the father went off to work and the mother went to get a few groceries, The kids stayed in the small, dark living room. Playing old board games or drawing. Until the son heard someone talking in one of the two bedrooms. He told his sister to check it out with him, but all she said was “it’s just mom.” He didn’t believe it was only his mom because he knew she had gone out for the day. The son started towards the hallway where there was one room on the right and one on the left. The bathroom was straight ahead. He checked the bathroom first. Nothing. He then checked the room on the right. Nothing either. But the one on the left. Just that one room on the left. As he was about to poke his head through the door, the door slammed shut. He ran down the hall screaming in fear. His sister asked him what was wrong and if he saw anything. He explained that he didn’t get a chance to look because the door slammed shut so fast. She told him to calm down and to just continue drawing. An hour later their mom came home. As soon as she walked into the creaking door, the son ran to the mother and explained everything that happened. All she said was it was just the wind and that you shouldn’t be scared. Of course she didn’t believe him. Nothing happened for a few hours, until the son went into the shower. He heard knocking on the shower wall. So he knocked back thinking it was his sister. The knocking got louder and harder. When he got out, his sister was sleeping. He thought to himself that it might’ve not been his sister. Nothing else happened that night until the next morning.
The next day, they noticed their father wasn’t home. This has never happened where he went to work and never came back. Maybe he came home in the middle of the night and left early? Days go by and he hasn’t returned. No idea where he has gone. The mother is starting to worry, the creaking, voices, door slams, banging, faint screams, EVERYTHING, is getting worse. No one knows what’s going on in this small, dark house. The son, the daughter, and the mother went to find the father. They were scared and upset. They couldn’t take it anymore. Wondering if he’s dead or alive, sick or healthy. They searched all over the bare town. Still couldn’t find him.
A few more days passed, months, a year even. Still no sign of him. The paranormal problems were still occurring. Even worse than before. Between the kids being scared about ghosts and demons living in their house, to not knowing where their dad is, makes them depressed. They don’t know where to turn, what to do. The father suddenly comes home one night like he never left. The kids were happy to see him but also confused. They think it was the ghost.
It was midday when jimmy heard gunshots. BAAAAANNNNNGGGGG. It's storming and he's home alone. Well he thinks he is. He runs down to the basement because the lights go out. He thinks he blew a fuse. He gets the lights back on to see his wife hanging from the ceiling with bullet holes in side of her. Jimmy calls the the cop he has her blood all over her hands. When the cops get there they are convinced he is the murder. He swears he didn't do it. He then goes to court and is charged with 25 years for cold hearted murdered. He is released when he is 45. But every year on the same day of the murder his neighbor would visit him. They were never really close but he didn't think anything of it. When he was released he moved in with him. He found pictures of dead people and and missing kids. When he went to say say something to his neighbor jimmy always got the same answer like “what do you mean i was just investigating the cases for work” however jimmy didn't believe this and went searching through his things and found pictures of jimmy's wife. He was furious he called the cops but the phones were disconnected and when the neighbor got home jimmy was killed. There were further investigations towards this but it was too late for jimmy he was already convicted of killing his wife and now jimmy is also dead the neighbor skipped state and is nowhere to be found.
ReplyDeleteThe drip, drip, drip splashed the blood on the ground and it was just about then that she let out a terrifying scream. She had seen a reflection of a black hooded man rising behind her. She stood there frozen in fear. The man was starting to lift something behind her, she quickly swung around to see the figures face, but it had went away. She kept telling herself that she was just seeing things or it was a day dream of something else, so she decided to go wash her face and to go outside, to get some fresh air.
ReplyDeleteAs she went outside she had just left her doorstep when she saw some children run into a path. She decided to go be nosey and spy on what they were doing. She followed the children, up and down several alleyways, until the children finally stopped. “You kids should be at home, it’s not safe at this time of night”, she yelled. The children turned around, they had mean mugs on their face, eyes red looking devious. Then they disappeared.
She started walking back home, when the hooded man came back. This time he was holding a large blade. She started running, faster and faster up and down many side streets and alleys. Until she couldn’t run anymore. The figure was still following her. She kept urging herself on, to keep running. She ran down another alley that had a bend, she ran around the bend and it was a dead end. She tried hiding and being as quiet as she can. Then boom he popped out of nowhere, and yolks her up. He has her mouth covered so she can’t scream and not a sudden person could hear. A loud painful scream came from the hooded man, and she was let go.. Wheezing. A man stands behind the hooded man as he falls and takes his knife out of his back. She was saved. The end.