Monday, October 23, 2017

Period 1 Blog #7

Your comment post should be at least 280 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.
Have you ever faced a challenge in your life? Did you overcome it? What was the whole experience like? What did you feel during and after your struggle?
In “Is a Life Without Struggle Worth Living?” Adam Etinson writes:
In the autumn of 1826, the English philosopher John Stuart Mill suffered a nervous breakdown — a “crisis” in his “mental history,” as he called it.
Since the age of 15, Mill had been caught firmly under the intellectual spell of his father’s close friend, Have you ever faced a challenge in your life? Did you overcome it? What was the whole experience like? What did you feel during and after your struggle?
In “Is a Life Without Struggle Worth Living?” Adam Etinson writes:
In the autumn of 1826, the English philosopher John Stuart Mill suffered a nervous breakdown — a “crisis” in his “mental history,” as he called it.
Since the age of 15, Mill had been caught firmly under the intellectual spell of his father’s close friend, Jeremy Bentham. Bentham was a proponent of the principle of utility — the idea that all human action should aim to promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number. And Mill devoted much of his youthful energies to the advancement of this principle: by founding the Utilitarian Society (a fringe group of fewer than 10 members), publishing articles in popular reviews and editing Bentham’s laborious manuscripts.
Utilitarianism, Mill thought, called for various social reforms: improvements in gender relations, working wages, the greater protection of free speech and a substantial broadening of the British electorate (including women’s suffrage).
There was much work to be done, but Mill was accustomed to hard work. As a child, his father placed him on a highly regimented home schooling regime. Between the ages of 8 and 12, he read all of Herodotus, Homer, Xenophon, six Platonic dialogues (in Greek), Virgil and Ovid (in Latin), and kept on reading with increasing intensity, as well as learning physics, chemistry, astronomy, and mathematics, while tutoring his younger sisters. Holidays were not permitted, “lest the habit of work should be broken, and a taste for idleness acquired.”
Not surprisingly, one of the more commonly accepted explanations of Mill’s breakdown at the age of 20, is that it was caused by cumulative mental exhaustion. But Mill himself understood it differently. In his autobiography, he wrote:
I was in a dull state of nerves, such as everybody is occasionally liable to: unsusceptible to enjoyment or pleasurable excitement; one of those moods when what is pleasure at other times, becomes insipid or indifferent… In this frame of mind it occurred to me to put the question directly to myself, ‘Suppose that all your objects in life were realized; that all the changes in institutions and opinions which you are looking forward to, could be completely effected at this very instant: would this be a great joy and happiness to you?’ And an irrepressible self-consciousness distinctly answered, ‘No!’ At this my heart sank within me: the whole foundation on which my life was constructed fell down. All my happiness was to have been found in the continual pursuit of this end. The end had ceased to charm, and how could there ever again be any interest in the means? I seemed to have nothing left to live for.
In the wake of this episode, Mill slipped into a six-month-long depression.
Students: Read the entire article, then tell us:
— In your opinion, is struggle essential to happiness? Have you ever experienced happiness from struggle in your own life?
— Mr. Etinson writes, “Some part of us prefers to struggle or quest after an ideal, rather than attain it.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
— From where do you draw happiness? From striving toward some future goal? From peaceful moments of quiet contemplation? From anything else?
— Mill suggests that all human beings are capable of finding joy in peace and normalcy. Do you think this is true? If so, how do you think people can learn to enjoy the quieter moments of life? If not, why not?
-If so, how do you think people can learn to enjoy the quieter moments of life? If not, why not??


  1. I don not think that struggling brings happiness. I think that because when you struggle your usual upset,mad, and angry. I have never had a time in my life where I was struggling and was happy.
    Yes I agree with his statement. I agree with him because people struggle and they try to fix it on there own instead of asking a teacher ar an adult for help. That happens to me a lot, I struggle and I think I can fix it on my own but I can't and I get nothing done.
    Where I draw happiness. I draw happiness playing sports,hanging out with my friends, playing games, etc. I draw happiness the most from those because that's where I have the most fun.
    Yes I think everyone can find happiness in quietness. I think that because even on the hardest times you are still happy just a little bit. Even if your just mad you're still happy. And if it's quiet it's peaceful and you can think about why you're upset and fix that.
    The hardest struggle in my life.The hardest struggle was in 7th grade I didn't have the best grades and my parents said I have to bring my grades up. So I did all my homework and studied for every test. And if I didn't bring my grades up I wouldn't be able to go outside after school. It was very hard because there were only two weeks left of school. On all of the test and quizzes I did I got all over 85’s. And I did all of my homework. After all of the work I did all of my grades ended up being all close to 85’s. And I started with 75’s. That was the hardest struggle of my life.

    1. I agree with ryans idea of quietness can help be peaceful and take time just to yourself and not have to deal with nosy people and other annoying things

  2. i have had a challenge in my life that i worked hard on for 3 years. it was when i started going to jumpstreet skatepark when i learned how to drop into all the ramps and jumping them as well. nut the hardest part was doing tricks up the ramp and doing them flat as well. so i stated o try all different types of tricks flat and at the same time learning on how to land them cleaner and faster. i did over come it eventually but it surely took alot of time and patients. i never really struggled but everytime i didnt land a trick i learned that i got closer and closer everytime id didnt land it.


  3. The hardest challenge in my life was when me and christian were playing fortnite and we were on a hill and the gas was coming closer and we had to move into it but we ended up running into people and we took shots at them and they hid behind a big tree and they sniped me and i got downed and christian was there and he tried to revive me but they ended up shooting out all of our walls and so then we got to the top left side of the hill where they couldn't see us. We were very very scared and we had no idea how we survived because we have no clue how we had enough ammo but they ended up rushing us and we had no supplies to hold them back and make a fort when i got downed a second time i had knocked down the other guys teammate and he had taken his time reviving him and we got sandwiched by both of them and another team on the other hill eventually we ended up dying and had to play another one. I think struggle is essential to happiness. And i have experienced happiness from struggles like when me and christian were struggling on winning a game because we didn't have enough ammo to be taking people on we ended up winning. I mean you can go either way with his quote because sometimes you would rather attain it then actually go for it. Peaceful moments help me contemplate on life sometimes when i'm bored i just chill and play games.usually i always do for the main reason that i used to scooter but i ended up stopping so i usually play soccer and chill also helps me relax.

    1. You tweakinn kuz , this whole thing aint bout your game but i guess you still did good . You gave some good details .


  4. I think that struggle is not essential to happiness because there’s people who have never struggled but are really happy. I have had a struggle but it took a long time before i was happy again.I believe that all humans are capable of being happy. I believe this because it's not that hard. The only way you're not capable is if u rely on people to make you happy. I believe only you can make you happy.

    1. i agree on the first part of her statement but the bottom half i disagree with just because i have a different view of happiness.

  5. The most hardest challenge I've ever faced was in Middle School when all my grades were not lookin right . I took time out of the day to bring the grades up higher and higher. After all the effort I put into it , i overcame my goal because my grades got a lil higher then they were before . The whole experience was not that bad because i made up all my homework and all of my classwork so I could bring my grades up. Before everything I juss didnt care anymore but then i thought about it twice . I was the only one that can bring my grades up so I did everything I had to do . After all this work i had finished i felt good fa myself because i knew i helped my grades get higher.

    1. I like the fact that you worked hard to accomplish your goals . And didn’t play around because you knew that wasn’t important. That’s wassuo yo .

  6. -you're always going to have to struggle for some happiness in your life in some in someway i believe things happen for a reason and things will get worse before they get better. I have found being a bit happy in some struggle which is a long story.

    -i agree a bit with the quote because instead of being an ideal some of us are just struggling or on a quest to become our own ideal. And i can agree because i basically don’t care what people think of me 24/7 i do like to look presentable and with that comes much of a better mood for me.

    - i know that it might be cheesy but i get my happiness from socializing with friends and a lot with music because music is just life and it’s no lie and peace is key john lennon is one of the people that influenced me threw his music even though he's dead his songs just have great meaning.

    -This can be true but only for some people we are all different and we don't all have the same views on our world.

    - and again it just all depends on the person there view and their plans or free range living.

    -And somethings are just things that you need to struggle to get to and taking “the risk “ of things can end great . struggles are just obstacles you need to get there to get to your reward

    1. I agree with everything YU said but I think you didn't explain what your conflict was but other than that it was good

  7. I have had many many conflicts in my like. To many to pick just one. But the one that really sticks out to me is probably that last three week that passed. My dad works on a tug boat and his company that he works for is bringing oil and stuff to Puerto Rico because of the hurricane they just had. So I haven't seen him in three weeks. He calls every day and it's starting to get annoying and same with my mom. We know that he doesn't know what we're doing but every time we're in the middle of something or my moms driving he calls. Sum times they fight and sometimes we have good days. At first we all thought that we weren't going to be able to call or talk to him cause the service was going to disconnect but it turns out it didn't so he texted us 24/7 even when I'm in school. We know he's tryna call cause he loves us but if he calls every couple hours how m I posta tell him about my dad if he just knows what I'm doing every three hours. But he's just doing it for us and he should be leaving soon to come back and he misses us. I'm just looking forward to not getting all these calls and stuff. Another this this is affecting from him being away is that our phone bill is so big and every call is like two dollar a minute or something like that and it's crazy expensive. But we know he loves us and stuff and that's only why he's doing this and honestly if he didnt call tho we probably would be sad or something.

  8. 1.Have I ever faced a challenge in my life?
    Yes I have faced a challenge in my life. The challenge that I faced in my life would be when I started working at Mcdonald's. Reason being is because I had to take order which is being on register. And you have to communicate with the customers. I was and still kinda am shy because honestly I don’t really know why but I am. But I would say I’ve faced that challenge now because I have no problem at all taking anyone’s order. Because there's nothing to be afraid of. People will judge you regardless of what your doing or who you are l.
    2. Is struggle essential to your happiness? Yes struggle is important to my happiness because some people can’t handle the struggle and sometimes you can’t be happy when your struggling.

  9. My opinion is that struggle is not essential to happiness. I have never experienced happiness from struggle in my life. Yes I agree with the statement that Mr. Etinson wrote because everyone is different and yes some parts of us prefers to struggle or quest after an ideal, rather than attain it. I think it’s true what Mill suggests that all human are capable of finding joy in peace and normalcy
