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Use the picture as inspiration to answer the following
-How would you design your ideal school building?
-What would the classrooms, common areas and outdoor spaces
look like? What kinds of resources would you provide? How would your design
promote communication and collaboration, stimulate creativity, foster
well-being and maximize learning potential for everyone?
Read the related
article or watch this 360
Video to find out more about how offices and schools are being
redesigned to suit different working and learning styles.
Most schools are designed basically in the same way; looking the same and functioning in the same way. Every school has desks, tables, chalk boards/white boards, etc. They’re all the same in one way or another. Not only that, but most public schools (unless they’re a very VERY nice/new building) are relatively old and dirty. It’s understandable since kids walk through the building all day, each and every day, but I feel like there are some parts that the janitors don’t even bother to clean. For example, in the freshmen gym, in the very corner next to the door, it is disgustingly dirty. There’s dust and cobwebs and it looks like it hasn’t been touched in ages.
ReplyDeleteIf I were to design my own school building, it wouldn’t be dirty. It would be a relatively clean place, and the walls would be painted nicely. Unlike in most schools the paint on the walls looks like it’s about to peel off the walls. Which, to add, doesn’t make the building look like a very good place to be. It gives it the appearance that the entire building is slowly falling apart. In short, it’s not a very good thing. In my school, they would be well put together. No desks, round tables in every classroom. Desk’s just aren’t very comfortable and no one likes sitting in them. Not only that, but the cafeteria food wouldn’t be disgusting. They would be actual meals- not just pizza and a juice that almost everyone throws out. The food would be edible, healthy. The salads wouldn’t be brown and cheap. In conclusion, it would be a very different school to most public schools.
To get more specific, the classroom’s would be equipt with chromebooks/tablets. Not only that, but they would be available for every student to take home. They would be meant for students to finish their work/homework. Also, every class would have whiteboards instead of having chalkboards- which are usually messy. The classrooms would be designed so students feel comfortable. Like I said, no desks. Tables in the room for students to ultimately be more comfortable. Also, to get rid of the use for paper, most work would be done on a chromebook or tablet. It would also help for students to feel more compelled to finish their work.
I think you did a very good job in the way you wrote this. I like the way you gave information about our school before you started. It made it sound very professional. I agree that the food is awful. I also agree that desks are very uncomfortable. I think that round tables are nicer and make it easier to communicate with others. The tablet idea is a good one aswell. Many students dont have access to computers so it could make their lives much easier.
DeleteI love the way you wrote this piece and agree with you with almost every piece of this article. Although i dont believe all kids should have free access to the technology , at the end of the day they cost the district money and not every student is responsible enough to take good care of the schools property. Perhapse student could put down payments down just incase they break them and than when their safely returned they can get there security back.
DeleteMy idea school building will be like a castle. The academic classes there will be good and fit for all of the different type of classes from AP, Honors, and etc. The classrooms would be a secure and comfortable environment so it is easier for students to be comfortable and be easier to concentrate in school. The chairs would be made out of a cushion material instead of metal so it won’t bother the students backs while they are working. The different type of classes in the school will be of all varieties such as art, woodshop, languages, band, chorus, home ed, etc. The common areas will have different plants almost garden like and will have comfortable seating and an earthy scenery to it so it can relax and also calm students or teachers. The school will have multiple sport fields such as welly maintained baseball fields, softball fields, soccer fields, track fields, a football turf and more. The school’s mascot would be a dragon based off the castle like design and the school would help motivate and inspire the classes with prep rallies and games. A main thing the school would focus on which unfortunately not many schools do is bullying, this school will be 100% bully free and will not tolerate any unnecessary behavior from students or staff. Unlike other schools, this one shall promote anti bullying and also make the students feel more comfortable and safer in the school. Students will be able to stay after for many fun after school clubs and activities such as art club, cooking club, writing club, anime club, gaming club, book club, academic bowls, and many more. This would be my idea for a school, a place where students and staff can feel safe and where they can have fun throughout their school life
ReplyDeleteMy ideal classroom would have fluffy fold out chairs. Each day we would come in and grab a clipboard and sit in our seat. There would be no desks. There would be macbooks instead of chromebooks. The classroom would have a comfy feel to it instead of germy and uncomfortable. There would also be bluetooth speakers around the room so that we could listen to music while working . These changes would make the regular school day less mentally painful. The school would have elavators and only one staircase, no one wants to climb stairs when they are exhausted which 75 percent of students are every day. Outside of the school there would be more flowers and things to make you smile. In this school you would have the option to eat inside, and outside at “the breeze” which would have fast food items that you could grab on the way to classes. Resources that would be provided are water bottles in gym, tablets for everyone so that they could work on projects with free time, also basic school tools like books, pencils etc..This design would make students not hate coming to school. My design promotes comfort in hopes of making school like a second home and not a jail. I think it would be easier to learn and come up with ideas in a comfy setting. Students would be able to communicate easier in a homey enviroment. Maybe with this design students may even gain respect for teachers and other students and there might not be fighting anymore. It is easier to learn in an enviorment you like, i think that the classroom enviorment that i could create would inspire students to do their best to keep these perks.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the fluffy fold out chairs would deffinetley be a hazzard for the students. We still have some juniors and seniors that have a long way of growing up. Mac books would be more expensive and would cause the school money to go down for all the following classes.I love the elevators idea and the breeze way idea to make it better and bigger is a great idea to make the kids concentrate for the following. Good job on the rest of the following information. Very well detailed.
DeleteMy school would be a tall building with a lot of glass doors because they look nice and there will be more light in the hallways. I would make the classrooms have art because white is just boring and it makes it seem nicer for the students. Rather than desks there will be rounded tables because student can talk more to their groups and also it would help since regular desks take more of the classroom space. There will also be mirrors because a lot of people want to see themselves it just helps you look a little better. The library would be fill with books and be the color white because it will help focus more people. The bathroom would still the same just with more designed mirrors because many schools have dirty mirrors and it doesn’t help. The outside will be a place where everyone can be at i would want flowers around it when the season comes because it would make it look pretty. The whole back will be open space for sports and other fun activities. Some much good things would be added also a second floor to fit more students in and bigger classrooms so no one feels squeeze in. The whole point of my school is for students and teachers to feel good about being there then mote be force. I will change it up every 5 years so it can not always be the same and the other kids can see it different. I would put some much time into the building for it to looks it best.
ReplyDeleteI would design my ideal school building based on groups. And also based on the kids. I would make them take a survey and find the end results by finalizing the groups. I feel like the classroom would all have soft comfortable office chairs and, the desk would be transportable so the student can take it with them for the entire day,instead of carrying around the heavy books. The common areas of the school would be similar to a coffee lounge, each student gets two free drinks per day following with a healthy snack every other necessity throughout the school day you will be charged full price. The resources that I would most likely provide are new technology set up system, so that we could be caught up with the kids of today. And they can pay attention to the big screen on the board instead of the little one in their hand. I feel like my design would promote the youth’s understanding system and would also make it obvious to the youth that we still have them in mind and that they do matter because after all they are the future and we always will depend of the generation as well as the following. I believe that once other schools see the cooperation and the understanding of the new and technogenic system for the kids they’ll be proud to and advertise the system even more. Making education somewhat exciting for the youth. Well more than it already is of course. It will definitely be a maximizing and well learning potential project for everyone.
ReplyDeleteI think your ideas are good and could benefit a lot of students. I do agree that the chairs should be more comfortable. Also free drinks and snacks could really help the kids who cant afford to buy anything. Overall i would love to go to your designed school.
DeleteThe way I would design my own ideal school i would be 3 stories tall so then i could add more stuff there would be two elevators and 4 stairways so people could get up faster i would have 2 lunchrooms so the kids aren't crowded so then we could have more teachers for them to have a job and more security so kids couldn’t do bad things like skip school etc. The classrooms would be white with two projectors for kids to see the videos or movies the people have to see there would be flatscreen tvs instead of old block tvs and there would be tables instead of the desk and chair combined. The kids could do whatever they want in gym instead of sitting around.The common areas would have benches tvs and other things that you could sit on they would pictures on the sides with brick walls that you could look at while you would pass through the hallways. The outdoor would have a pavilion so kids could eat outside or just sit there for a little time or for other things like class things. The resources i would provide would be pencils if kids needed them notebooks binders etc. and would give teachers snacks for kids. We would use the phones that we have for communication or we would use walkie talkies for things if we don't have our phones with us at that point. We will have the maximum learning experience for the people so could know what they are doing later in their life for them so they could go into college and know what to do in the real world.
ReplyDeleteI think this would be an awesome school. It sound like you could really learn and have fun at the same time. If i could go to this school i would completely go. I also like the idea of the two projectors in each room. Great design.
Deletei like the ideas of the two lunch rooms i think that was a very clever just cause of the fact that im a student and i know how crowed it gets i think its was a very spetacular though john keep up the good work bro
DeleteJavon cutler
I would design my school into a couple of different areas first concern is the discipline I would put my iss room and my detention room all together and have my principal office and my assistant principal and office all next to it on one side and I would put my sectarians office and my attendance office on the other side then consider it the main office down the hall to right I would have guidance with a nice size sign so you can notice it and not have to ask around next I would have my classrooms with tables I like it when teachers do group activities it helps people with the students and helps the. Learn a little more in my eyes then I would have windows with tinted shades or just tint the windows I would have central air in every class and I would be able to to have screens that suck in air for the classrooms also I would have on clock above the door and I would have a big 55 inch flat screen in the classrooms connected to the computer and overhead also I would have projectors and white boards so You can erase and clean easy lastly I would have a nice big garden around every four class rooms so when u look outside it's nothing bad but some healthy watered everyday flowers witch is very colorful I like how schools classrooms are set up but I would tweak it to have my own personal perspective and my own personal creativity and flavor to sum it up in my eyes I believe that making a school would be a lot of fun and easy because of our prior knowledge but it's not that easy due to the fact of your budget is what can decide it all
If I could design my ideal school building, there would be many wings. These wings would have each subject in each one with multiple class rooms in each wing. They could stretch many feet. Then, in each wing huge windows so when you walk to class it feels open. I think that would be very cool. Then in each classroom have tables instead of desks. I think tables with many people in it is better than desks in my opinion. Then in the middle of the wings have the lunch room and relaxing areas. In my opinion this will make everyone not dread school because the wide open spaces. People hate it for some reason because it's enclosed. Then the outside would have fountains and trees every were.There would be wide open grass so you could go outside on break and lunch and go eat. I think people would enjoy it a lot more because of this simple thing. Also, on break you could go to on campus knows eateries. Even McDonaldÅ› would be there. This would really boost learning and concentration because people would enjoy break more and appreciate that they have it so after they could go back to learning and have no problem concentrating. The teachers would even like it because on their break they could go to the teacher break room where it would be upstairs on the roof with a overhang. They would be able to enjoy their break and could do prep their. This would really be a cool design for a school. If there was one like this i would love to go to it.
ReplyDeletei agree about the wings thing it would help out a lot more so you know which way you would go even though you could get lost if you don't go the right or if you go the wrong way it could be bad. i would maybe go to that type of school.
DeleteI agree with the open feel and tables instead of desks I would go with the same idea for my school. I like how you added having other options for food instead of just the school lunch. I like the whole relaxed and easy going feel you're going for. That was what I was going for to. Our school is really boring with its colors and design in my opinion. I think everyone would do better if it was more upbeat and colorful.
DeleteI agree with having different wings. I think it is a good idea. Also having a break room for teachers on the roof.
DeleteSchool buildings have been the same since forever ago. Everyone is always been in rows staring at the front where the teacher normally stands. It’s been like that since anyone can remember. I think a change in scenery can be a good and beneficial for most students. But it could also change how they learn and you’d have to adjust with them too.
ReplyDeleteIf i were to change a way a school looked or create my own, i would make many adjustments. I really can’t stand how the schools are set up and just how it’s presented and how just uncomfortable everyone is and how everything looks. Also they have many things that can be distracting in classrooms that are just unnecessary, and useless.
Some things i would change would be the seating. I hate the seats in school they’re so uncomfortable and you can’t so basically its one size needs to fit all. They need to take the bigger and even the smaller kids into consideration. I would make the seats cushioned so that no one’s rear-ends hurt. Sitting in basically the same seat all day really takes a toll on you, and your back. Also i would make the common rooms more accessible and comfortable for students to have a place to relax and just cool off.
Having more comfortable seating arrangements and doing some things the kids in the school want and/or need, would make everyone enjoy the environment more. If you meet requests of the kids, maybe they’d respect you more and have more respect for the property.
Also i think bright colors in classrooms and plants and such, can change someone’s mood and help them concentrate. For example, being in a black classroom you’ll probably either be tired or in a bad mood, but in a colorful and uplifting classroom can lift students spirits and their work ethics. In conclusion changing things maybe the kids want would help them learn better and concentrate more.
If I got to design my own school I’d allowed the teachers and students to design the glassrooms. The outside of the building wouldn’t look like a prison, I would make it look modern and have an upbeat design. I wouldn’t go with such dark colors I’d make it a shade of blue or black and yellow. I wouldn’t use fluorescent lights they make it feel like an office building I’d put high hats with dimmers in all the rooms. The school would have a general U-shape with a quart yard in the middle. I’d have the student parking lot in the front of the building and have junior and senior parking together. The inside of the building would have two gyms one in each corner of the U and in between them the cafeteria. I would put the breezeway in front of the cafeteria so kids could eat lunch there or outside. The building would be two stories and the library would be directly above the cafeteria. In the middle of the quart yard I’d put a wood deck and run string lights across the roofs. Then for homecoming and prom and dances people could dance outside and there’d be a stage on the left side of the deck for the DJ. The hallways would be high ceilings with string lights ran across them. The floors would either be hardwood or laminate. The walls of the class rooms would be painted however the teachers and student would like each year. The hallways would be a gray and they’d be sheetrock, to try and give it a more home like feel to keep the students relaxed. Each class would have a speaker with a clock in it for the bells and announcements. Each teacher would get a flat screen tv to mount wherever they like in their rooms. There would be a massive football stadium and track behind the school and on the sides of that a baseball and soccer field. Then surrounding the whole school perimeter would be a two way road leading to more parking behind the football stadium for parking. Students would be given the option of using a laptop or the usual textbooks and notebooks for classes. The entrance to the student parking would go directly from the street to the parking lot like ours with the two fields on each side. The school would have a upbeat and home like feel to it to keep everyone relaxed and in a good mood.
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ReplyDeleteMy ideal school would be one worth the while, every kid would be totally thrilled to go to my very education school consisting of traveling adventures and many more exciting things to discover and learn with high end experiences. At my school your classes consist of the ordinary class such as math, science, history, and english with the not so ordinary way of learning from these educational requirements which will keep you from falling asleep at any point at all. Math will consist of of different trips around the world to places such as Greece in Europe where math first was originated and put into the world. While in greece you will also be studying math culture and learn math on the plane ride there and be able to see how the acquired math skills learn math like they once did before hundred of years back. While in science you will take trips to all science museums and see where Albert Einstein worked and how he collected data and became so famous. History will be everything you ever dreamed of and taking monthly trips to different areas around the world and having days all about a different culture while being served foods from each culture. One day might be italian with multiple food bars containing italian foods like pasta, pizza, panzanella, lasagne, and finishing off with gelato for dessert. Spanish foods will comprised of Tacos, croquettes, enchiladas and much more. Also including many more cultures. English will be Reading Books together in class and Going to places of different languages and learning from each of them. Your requirement will be to learn at least three other languages by the time you graduate.
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DeleteYour school sounds like a lot of fun and very expensive to attend. Students will be having a lot of positive
Deletehands-on experiences which will enhance their learning. When the environment is welcoming and encouraging, students are extremely likely to boost their learning effectiveness.
If I could design my school building it would be a modern 21 century school. So it wouldn’t be some old building made of bricks like Central Regional High School. This school would be mainly of technology something no one has never seen. Everyone would come to this school because it would be the first school in the world to have all technology like no one has seen before.
ReplyDeleteSo the classrooms would be have desks but my comfortable sits and has a computer installed and stick to the desk. The computer itself will has a lot of apps just like a on your phone with google docs and others ones too. The classroom will be just like a normal classroom but with computers on the desk. The library will be just like a normal one at any school. The only reason why it doesn’t change is because you wouldn’t have to look at a computer the whole day and could get away from technology because it damages your eyes when looking at the computer all day. The school will have grass and a pond with different type of fish on the outside. Also a football field and other fields for different sports with a big parking lot of students and staffs. Since it is just a high school there doesn’t need to be a playground. Of course the school will have good wifi. That’s one of the most important things that needs to work at all times if the school to work. There will be sports just like a normal school too. The school will be public to everybody but you would need your own transportation. Every student will be watched to see if they aren’t lazy and doing classwork. If they are not then the school has the right to kick them. Before joining the school the parents and students will sign a paper agreeing to all this.
The way i would design my own ideal school build is with a block schedule because it more time to do homework probably give chromebooks to each students but not sure yet.Also the school would be a private school because the school but no uniforms we’ll give you the opion if you want to wear the uniform or if you dont your chose.The building would have 3 floors with first floor having the gym,main office classes like math etc.The second fl;or would have the ither class room with a cafeteria and the thrid d flopr would be a ouside cafeteria so the kids can get fresh air when they eat.the classrooms would have comfortable chairs sand not one they have in public school have a good staff to teach the kids so the students can get a well education so when they graduate they will say this is the best school iv been too.As you enter there will be security so there wont be an threat or anything to endanger the kids with walkway there will be gardens with tree fountains etc.The back side would have the fields where they will be playing sports etc,i would collaborate with other school so do fundraisers incase anything happened in the coutry or anywhere outside the world.there would also be clubs to jojn if wouldnt want to join a sport or you can go home which is fine.The way the school should maximis the students education would be to make them want to study so they can add that time to there daily schedule and add a program to bring in popel to inspire them to chase there dreams once they leave the
ReplyDelete>My ideal school<
ReplyDelete- school in which teachers will listen more to their students and students will respect their teachers more.
sponsible for the food, to open the refrigerator to drink a glass of milk. To prepare a recipe when inspiration came to them. With all the practical living materials available at your fingertips in a nearby area; brush, rags, to sweep or clean, if they wish, their work area once the day is over Where sports and the arts also play an important role and will not be valued as mere sewing.
But the most important thing would be to create a school in which everyone, parents, teachers and students contributed to make it a better place for the acquisition of education and culture.
A school where learning is not an exercise of power, one where there is freedom of thought and expression, where the whole side of the winners will not always be presented.
A school where they will motivate and provoke to learn.
Classrooms with natural furniture, adapted to the height of small. Full of shelves with manipulative learning materials .of all areas, language, mathematics, geography, music..accessible to children, that they themselves could take prepared in trays or baskets,Some tables to work with several chairs around, to be able to work in teams. And baskets with rugs and carpets so the children could sit and learn on the floor or wherever they wanted.
A real kitchen adapted to the children; That the children could have the opportunity to prepare their lunch, to serve themselves a glass of water, to be responsible for the food, to open the refrigerator to drink a glass of milk. To prepare a recipe when inspiration came to them. With all the practical living materials available at your fingertips in a nearby area; brush, rags, to sweep or clean, if they wish, their work area once the day is over …
Most schools in my opinion are very plain, it’s always the same things, ABC’s & 123 . If I had to design my own school it would be a variety of everything. There would be positive quotes on the walls and bright colors painted everywhere. I also would like to have paintings of different aspects of each subject near the wing the subject is taught , for example math equations in the math wing. Also spanish or language near their classrooms. Now I would design the outside area with flowers and paint the sidewalk and walkways each year to start the school year with nothing but positive vibes. I’d like there to be a pool , a tennis court, football and a baseball field and other open areas issued for physical activity. I would provide many resources for the kids such as mentors, free lunch, tutors, after school activities and more. My design would promote collaboration and creativity by inspiring the kids with what’s around them. Every classroom in my school would be spotless, cleaning before and after school each day . I’d also make sure i had as many options within my budget available for the kids lunch, most of the time schools say their being nutritious when in all reality they barely serve us whole meals, today for lunch it was tater tots with your choice of toppings on them kind of like nachos. In my school id have 5 course meals to make sure kids eat because thats the only set meal they really have other times the have activities and things to do at home that makes dinner wait & also parents may not always be able to cook or provide food with the amount of money they make so i think schools should make sure every single kid eats before going on with their day.
ReplyDeleteSchools for many students can be either fun and pleasant, or boring and tedious. First of all, safety would be my number one main concern in my ideal school building. There would be metal detectors in the front entrance and security guards ensuring the safety of all personnel and students in my building.
ReplyDeleteMy ideal school building would be a School Aquarium designed to provide a pleasant and calming atmosphere where students can learn and feel at peace. The Aquarium would technically be under water so the scenery would be the sea and and all the amazing creatures underwater. Of course it would be a massive school because it would have a main gym for students to do physical education, a weight room and track. Also, the school would also have a football field, soccer field, baseball field, and a tennis court in the back part of the school. The glass walls of the Aquarium school would be made out of a special unbreakable glass.
The classrooms would have computers and all of the new technology. The sitting arrangements would be small round tables sitting 3 to 4 students to encourage group activity and teamwork. Common areas would be always available to students with bean bags, cushion seats, flat screen TV’s and many plants, trees and flowers to add to the already beautiful underwater scenery. There would be healthy snacks available at all times for free and a vending machine with other snacks and drinks for students to choose from. The kinds of resources available for students would be: Teachers available for tutoring, after school help and In Class Support. All students would learn at their own pace and no one would be left behind. All in class work, tests and activities will be hands-on. Teachers in the classroom will help each student by providing them with one on one attention to help them succeed.