Monday, October 2, 2017

Period 1 Blog #4

The week of October 4-8 is designated as the Week of Respect in New Jersey to recognize the importance of character education and a positive school climate

Your assignment this week is to copy and paste the following quotations into ascending numerical sequence with one line of space between the quotations (#1-#20) and respond to the following 5 questions:

1. What do you do to show respect?
2. Can you think of a time when you failed to do this?
3. How might someone show a lack of respect for himself/herself?
4. Can you think of someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating
disrespectful behavior? What effect does this have on his/her life?
5. Can you think of someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating
respectful behavior? What effect does this have on his/her life?

6. No one is happy unless he respects himself. - Jean Jacques Rousseau
11. If I trim myself to suit others I will soon whittle myself away. - Anonymous
7. Form a good opinion of yourself and then deserve the good opinion of others. - Anonymous
14. Neither we, nor any other people, will ever be respected till we respect ourselves and we will never respect ourselves till we have the means to live respectfully. - Frederick Douglass
9. Through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing. - Agatha Christie
2. If I am not for myself, who then will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? - The Talmud
13. If you want to be respected by others, the great thing is to respect yourself. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
1. El respecto al derecho ajeno es la paz. Respect for the rights of another, that is peace. – Mexican-American Proverb
5. We must all learn to live together as brothers. Or we will all perish as fools. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
15. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise. – BIBLE, Ephesians 6:1-2
19. Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king. – BIBLE, I Peter 2:17.
18. While we are thus unconstrained in our private intercourse, a spirit of reverence pervades our public acts; we are prevented from doing wrong by respect for authority and for the laws, having an especial regard to those which are ordained for the protection of the injured as well as to those unwritten laws which bring upon the transgressor of them the reprobation of the general sentiment. - IBID Book II, 35, Funeral Speech of Pericles.
8. For those who are always courteous and respectful of elders, four things increase: life, beauty, happiness, and strength. - Buddha, The Dhammapada
17. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies. (The American’s Creed) - William Tyler Page [1868-1942]
20. When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel truths to be self-evident. - Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
12. If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem. It is true that you may fool all the people some of the time you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all the time. (To a caller at the White House) - In Alexander K. McClure: Lincoln’s Yarns and Stories [1904], page 124
16. Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all thy commandments. – BIBLE, Psalm 119:6
4. He who walks in another’s tracks leaves no footprints. - Joan L. Brannon
3. Every action in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those present. - Rules of Civility


  1. When do you remember learning about September 11th for the first time, Explain? What did you think and feel? 6th grade i learned about it more and i felt shocked because nothing like that happened to me. I can’t even imagine how people felt at that moment when the planes crashed. They thought at first that it was an accident until planes kept crashing not knowing that they were being attacked. Then everyone realized that the U.S was under attack by terrorists. People were jumping, injured and risking their lives to save other people. A lot of people lost family members and friends that day. I remember my teacher taking september 11th very seriously because he wanted us to know how people felt or feel about 911 today. But if that happened now we would be very prepared to fight back and prevent that from happening again.

  2. 1. El respecto al derecho ajeno es la paz. Respect for the rights of another, that is peace. – Mexican-American Proverb
    2. If I am not for myself, who then will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? - The Talmud
    3. Every action in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those present. - Rules of Civility
    4. He who walks in another’s tracks leaves no footprints. - Joan L. Brannon
    5. We must all learn to live together as brothers. Or we will all perish as fools. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
    6. No one is happy unless he respects himself. - Jean Jacques Rousseau
    7. Form a good opinion of yourself and then deserve the good opinion of others. - Anonymous
    8. For those who are always courteous and respectful of elders, four things increase: life, beauty, happiness, and strength. - Buddha, The Dhammapada
    9. Through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing. - Agatha Christie
    11. If I trim myself to suit others I will soon whittle myself away. - Anonymous
    12. If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem. It is true that you may fool all the people some of the time you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all the time. (To a caller at the White House) - In Alexander K. McClure: Lincoln’s Yarns and Stories [1904], page 124
    13. If you want to be respected by others, the great thing is to respect yourself. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
    14. Neither we, nor any other people, will ever be respected till we respect ourselves and we will never respect ourselves till we have the means to live respectfully. - Frederick Douglass
    15. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise. – BIBLE, Ephesians 6:1-2
    16. Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all thy commandments. – BIBLE, Psalm 119:6
    17. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies. (The American’s Creed) - William Tyler Page [1868-1942]
    18. While we are thus unconstrained in our private intercourse, a spirit of reverence pervades our public acts; we are prevented from doing wrong by respect for authority and for the laws, having an especial regard to those which are ordained for the protection of the injured as well as to those unwritten laws which bring upon the transgressor of them the reprobation of the general sentiment. - IBID Book II, 35, Funeral Speech of Pericles 18. While we are thus unconstrained in our private intercourse, a spirit of reverence pervades our public acts; we are prevented from doing wrong by respect for authority and for the laws, having an especial regard to those which are ordained for the protection of the injured as well as to those unwritten laws which bring upon the transgressor of them the reprobation of the general sentiment. - IBID Book II, 35, Funeral Speech of Pericles.
    20. When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel truths to be self-evident. - Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

    What I do to show respect is i'll just be respectful what i mean is ill listen to them or take interest in them.No i cant i give everyone the same amount of respect unless they give me a reason not to.They could not take care of them self ans put there self down.I can think of someone and hes always in trouble with detention or ISS.My friend is very respectful and barely gets in trouble.


  3. 1. What do you do to show respect?

    What I do to show respect is when I am at another person's house I make sure that i say thank you when i leave and when they give me food i say thank you to that too.

    2. Can you think of a time when you failed to do this?

    I failed to do this when i was leaving my friends house mad and i didn't say bye to their parents or thank you.

    3. How might someone show a lack of respect for himself/herself?

    People can show a lack of respect to their selves by calling themselves ugly. Everybody is perfect in there own way and nobody is ugly.

    4. Can you think of someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating disrespectful behavior? What effect does this have on his/her life?

    People that show disrespectful behavior in someone else's house get consequences. They most likely won't be able to go back to that house.

    5. Can you think of someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating respectful behavior? What effect does this have on his/her life?

    People who demonstrate respectful behavior will be allowed to go back to the houses and the parents will respect them.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 1) To show respect you be nice to people, don't talk when they are,etc.

    2)I failed to show respect a bunch of times one of them was when i got into an argument with my friend. I kept ignoring him,talked when he was talking,etc.

    3)They don't take care of themselves by, not taking a shower,not changing their clothes etc.

    4)Someone who keeps showing disrespectful behavior is my little cousin. It doesn't have an effect on him because he doesn't know better.

    5)A couple people I can think of that always show respect is my teachers. They always respect you even when you don't respect them. They don't ignore you they listen.There attitude is always positive.

    1. This is very true and it's good to show respect. You are right about everyone of these questions. I answered mine a bit different but that's okay I respect that. Good job

    2. I agree with Ryan because he made some good points and facts. He answered all the questions clearly.

    3. I agree wit him because he answered all the questions.

  6. 1)What do i do to show respect? I am nice to people im not rude to people.
    2)Yes last year i got mad at my teacher so i flipped her the bird
    3) By not dressing right or just acting like they don't care.
    4)Um ya my brother doesn't listen to anyone and does whatever he wants.
    5)Alex giaretta i bet i destroyed his last name, but he was always a nice kid always knew how to be nice and respectful and listen

    1. I can prove that James is respectful to others, and I can also believe that James did in fact flipped the bird to a teacher last year. All in good reason I hope. Otherwise James did display good questions and answers.

  7. When i'm at school or home I show respect all the time.I show it by not saying no to my parents or my grandparents.I do what they say and don't talk back or give attitude.At school i show respect by not talking back to the teacher or showing and disrespect to them.There are sometimes I fail to show respect is when i'm not in the right mood or upset.I'll give attitude and talk back and not even realize who i'm talking to.People might show lack of respect towards himself by calling themselves bad names or putting yourself down.Most students in our school show disrespect to their teachers and they always get written up or thrown out and get detention or something.Therefore that teachers or anybody else don't show them respect unless they show them first. Teachers show a lot of respect they are very caring and patient with most of their kids in class.They don't yell or call the bad names,unlike disrespectful kids that don't care what they do.

  8. 1.what i do to show respect is i use manners when speaking to others

    2.I cant think of a time i failed to do this because i always use my manners.

    3.someone might lack respect for his/her self by feeling bad for his/her self

    4.I can think of someone who shows disrespect to others by not being nice to others and this affects his life by no one wanting to hang out with him.

    5.same thing as number 4

  9. 1. What do you do to show respect?
    I be nice to people and help them to show respect.

    2. Can you think of a time when you failed to do this?
    A time when I failed to do this it was when I was not in a good mood and I yelled at someone.

    3. How might someone show a lack of respect for himself/herself?
    Someone might show a lack of respect for himself/herself by taking care of yourself and not do bad things.

    4. Can you think of someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating disrespectful behavior? What effect does this have on his/her life?
    If someone is having a disrespectful behavior people will not like that person and other people will disrespect him/her and this is what it will effect on his/her life.

    5. Can you think of someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating respectful behavior? What effect does this have on his/her life?
    If someone has a respectful behavior people will like him/her and be nice too, and this is how it will effect on his/her life.

  10. 1. What do you do to show respect?
    To show respect you have to be helpful and talk things out.

    2. Can you think of a time when you failed to do this
    I failed to show respect when i was talking when the teacher was.

    3. How might someone show a lack of respect for himself/herself?
    Someone might show lack of respect is being disrespectful toward.

    4. Can you think of someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating disrespectful behavior? What effect does this have on his/her life? Someone that is very disrespectful and doesn't care.

    5. Can you think of someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating
    respectful behavior? What effect does this have on his/her life?
    My teachers show a lot of respect toward their students.

  11. 1. El respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz. Respect for the rights of another, that is peace. – Mexican-American Proverb

    2. If I am not for myself, who then will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? - The Talmud

    3. Every action in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those present. - Rules of Civility

    4. He who walks in another’s tracks leaves no footprints. - Joan L. Brannon

    5. We must all learn to live together as brothers. Or we will all perish as fools. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    6. No one is happy unless he respects himself. - Jean Jacques Rousseau

    7. Form a good opinion of yourself and then deserve the good opinion of others. - Anonymous

    8. For those who are always courteous and respectful of elders, four things increase: life, beauty, happiness, and strength. - Buddha, The Dhammapada

    9. Through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing. - Agatha Christie

    11. If I trim myself to suit others I will soon whittle myself away. - Anonymous

    12. If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem. It is true that you may fool all the people some of the time you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all the time. (To a caller at the White House) - In Alexander K. McClure: Lincoln’s Yarns and Stories [1904], page 124

    13. If you want to be respected by others, the great thing is to respect yourself. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

    14. Neither we, nor any other people, will ever be respected till we respect ourselves and we will never respect ourselves till we have the means to live respectfully. - Frederick Douglass

    15. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise. – BIBLE, Ephesians 6:1-2

    16. Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all thy commandments. – BIBLE, Psalm 119:6

    17. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies. (The American’s Creed) - William Tyler Page [1868-1942]

    18. While we are thus unconstrained in our private intercourse, a spirit of reverence pervades our public acts; we are prevented from doing wrong by respect for authority and for the laws, having an especial regard to those which are ordained for the protection of the injured as well as to those unwritten laws which bring upon the transgressor of them the reprobation of the general sentiment. - IBID Book II, 35, Funeral Speech of Pericles.

    19. Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king. – BIBLE, I Peter 2:17.
    20. When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel truths to be self-evident. - Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

    1. What do you do to show respect?

    Usually to show respect I do my best to cooperate, listen to what they have to say, and treat them how I’d want to be treated.

    2. Can you think of a time when you failed to do this?

    I sometimes fail to show respect when talking to my parents, rarely it's something against them, yet I always try to not be rude towards them or friends.

    3. How might someone show a lack of respect for himself/herself?

    Someone may show a lack of respect for one another by talking down to them, or trying to enforce what they know on them.

    4. Can you think of someone who stands out by consistently demonstrating
    disrespectful behavior? What effect does this have on his/her life?

    No, but I can guess that it would have negative affects on their life style.

  12. 1. El respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz. Respect for the rights of another, that is peace. – Mexican-American Proverb

    2. If I am not for myself, who then will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? - The Talmud

    3. Every action in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those present. - Rules of Civility

    4. He who walks in another’s tracks leaves no footprints. - Joan L. Brannon

    5. We must all learn to live together as brothers. Or we will all perish as fools. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    6. No one is happy unless he respects himself. - Jean Jacques Rousseau

    7. Form a good opinion of yourself and then deserve the good opinion of others. - Anonymous

    8. For those who are always courteous and respectful of elders, four things increase: life, beauty, happiness, and strength. - Buddha, The Dhammapada

    9. Through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing. - Agatha Christie

    11. If I trim myself to suit others I will soon whittle myself away. - Anonymous

    12. If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem. It is true that you may fool all the people some of the time you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all the time. (To a caller at the White House) - In Alexander K. McClure: Lincoln’s Yarns and Stories [1904], page 124

    14. Neither we, nor any other people, will ever be respected till we respect ourselves and we will never respect ourselves till we have the means to live respectfully. - Frederick Douglass

    15. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise. – BIBLE, Ephesians 6:1-2

    16. Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all thy commandments. – BIBLE, Psalm 119:6

    17. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies. (The American’s Creed) - William Tyler Page [1868-1942]

    18. While we are thus unconstrained in our private intercourse, a spirit of reverence pervades our public acts; we are prevented from doing wrong by respect for authority and for the laws, having an especial regard to those which are ordained for the protection of the injured as well as to those unwritten laws which bring upon the transgressor of them the reprobation of the general sentiment. - IBID Book II, 35, Funeral Speech of Pericles.

    19. Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king. – BIBLE, I Peter 2:17.
    20. When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel truths to be self-evident. - Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

  13. 1.I consider others and i'm not rude and that's how i show respect
    2,I remember talking back to my mom as a troubled child
    3.Someone can show a lack of respect for themselves if they left thing happen to them as if they were a thing not a person also an example can be self harm of any kind.
    4,There a lot of classmates that i will not name that stand out because they simply don’t care and then the consequence can be vague.
    5.Someone who shows respect stands out because they are simply treating people the way they would like to be treated and never fall in the temptation of a bad crowd because they know it isn't right.

  14. 1 consider showing respect is by not being rude
    2 i remember talking back to my teacher
    3 someone can show lack of respect if they dont have any for themselves
    4 there people in my class that dont care about some things
    5 someone who shows respect stands out for treating people the right way

  15. 1. The way to show respect is by easily just being respectful to everyone dat deserves it. Using manners shows that youre being respectful.
    2.Yes I can think of a time when I failed to do this & it was when I talked back at the teachers that make me that way .
    3. Someone might show a lack of respect for himself/herself by not taking care of their body .
    4.Someone who shows disrespectful behavior is my lil brothers but they dont kno better so it doesnt effect them .
    5.Yes i kno someone who shows a respectful behavior is most of class mates . Their always showing manners . They got a future planned .
