The Legend of the Loch Ness Monster
The most famous mystery about Loch Ness
surrounds the phenomenon of an enormous creature that is believed to live in
the water – known universally as the Loch Ness Monster, or ‘Nessie’ as she’s
affectionately known.
The first recorded sighting of the monster was in 565 AD, when
it was said to have snatched up and eaten a local farmer, before being forced
back into the waters by St Columba.
Over the years, rumours spread far and wide about ‘strange
events’ at Loch Ness. Some believe that ancient Scottish myths about water
creatures, like Kelpies and the Each Uisge (meaning ‘water horse’), contributed
to the notion of a creature living in the depths of Loch Ness.
The excitement over the monster reached a fever pitch when an
actor, film director, and big-game hunter were hired to track down the beast.
After only a few days at the loch they reported finding the fresh footprints of
a large, four-toed animal. They estimated it to be 20 feet long and made
plaster casts of the footprints and sent them off to the Natural History Museum
in London for analysis. While the world waited for the museum zoologists to
return the results, legions of monster hunters descended on Loch Ness, filling
the local hotels.
The bubble burst when museum zoologists announced that the
footprints were those of a hippopotamus. They had been made with a stuffed
hippo foot—the base of an umbrella stand or ashtray. It wasn't clear whether the
actor, film directos and hunter hired had been the perpetrators of the hoax or
gullible victims. Either way, the incident tainted the image of the Loch Ness
Monster and discouraged serious investigation of the phenomenon. For the next
three decades, most scientists scornfully dismissed reports of strange animals
in the loch.
In 1933, construction began on a major road that runs along the
north shore of the Loch. The work involved considerable drilling and blasting
and it is believed that the disruption forced the monster from the depths and
into the open. Around this time, there were numerous independent sightings and,
in 1934, London surgeon R. K. Wilson managed to take a photograph that appeared
to show a slender head and neck rising above the surface of the water. Nessie
hit the headlines and has remained the topic of fierce debate ever since.
In the 1960s, the Loch Ness Investigation Bureau conducted a
ten-year observational survey – recording an average of 20 sightings per year.
And, by the end of the decade, mini-submarines were being used for the first
time to explore the depths of the Loch using sophisticated sonar equipment. New
public interest was generated in the mid 1970s when underwater photographs of
what appeared to be a ‘flipper’ were made public.
To this day, there is no
conclusive proof to suggest that the monster is a reality. However, many
respectable and responsible observers have been utterly convinced they have
seen a huge creature in the water.
Prehistoric animal? Elaborate hoax? Seismic activity? A simple trick of the light? It’s even been said that the whole mystery could be explained by the presence of circus elephants in the area in the 1930s.
-Based on the evidence, do you believe in the loch ness
monster or do you think there is a more rational explanation for the whole
thing? Why or why not?
-Based on the evidence we have so far in To Kill a
Mockingbird do you believe all the wild stories about Boo Radley? Is he really
a 6 ½ foot tall monster who eats raw squirrels and animals? Or do you think he
will turn out to be a regular person? Why or why not?
-How do you think the crazy stories surrounding both the Loch
Ness Monster and Boo Radley are similar? How are they different?
I think that there might be a rational explanation to the whole thing. I feel if that if this thing was actually real there would have been proof of it. And the fact that something could live for that long is not logical. Unless there were multiple of these creatures it would make sense but if there was more I feel we could have found proof. To the people that are finding “signs” of it people will see what they want to. If they go out and they want to see something they will try their best to find it and even if it isn’t there. I think that Boo Radley will be a regular person. People make assumptions of things that they don’t know. People are afraid of the unknown so they make up stuff to trick their minds to think that they know. He isn’t involved in the community so most people don’t know him. I’m sure people would like him if he showed himself and was active. People will judge what they don’t know so I think that he will be regular but he could turnout to be the 6 foot monster everyone says he is. But is that likely, probably not. The Loch Ness monster and Boo Radley have a lot of similarities with the stories around them. People think that he is huged because they found this 20 foot footprint. That should sound familiar because people feel the same way about Boo Radley that he is this big monster. Also there have been sightings of him but people can’t make it out. It is the same with Boo Radley since he hides out in his house all day and only comes out “at night.” So people haven’t seen much of both of them. While there are a lot of similarities there are also some differences. For one Boo is not a fish of some sorts and doesn’t live underwater. He is also a human and not some weird unknown creature.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Zach.I think that there is no proof about this.Even with Boo Radley they make rumors about him and they never gave him a chance.When people look for something to keep there minds off of real world problems.That is how I feel what about you.
Deletei also agree with zach. honesty there is no prof of this. they all made rumors about him with even knowing him. they judged him on others people words, but boo or aka authur could be one if the nicest guys you know
DeleteI agree with Zach. It’s unrealistic for a creature that they say Is that huge to not be seen more often and for there not to be proof. Also there’s been sightings so sporadically that it shouldn’t be alive that long. The whole thing doesn’t add up.
DeleteIn my opinion I don't believe this creature until I see it with my own eyes.I think like this because once I knew santa wasn’t real I never believed anything until I saw it again.I also speculate that the picture could have been altered in some way because the creature looked as if is cropped into the picture too make it seem like it is coming out from the water, but that is just the opinion that I have thought about for years.The last reason I don't believe in any of this is because people just want attention.I say this because everyday now their is some crazy creature and I just don't buy into any of these videos anymore.For example, one video that I saw was about “alien spaceship lights”.In reality it was pyrotechnic skydivers that so happen to be in the “ right formation to be a spaceship”,and after you watch a few times you can kind of see the bodies that are plummeting to earth just before they open their parachutes.
ReplyDeleteI think this guy is a normal man and people make rumors about him and make everyone scared of him so much that he doesn’t want to come out and talk to anybody , because no one will ever talk to him they will get scared and run away screaming.I also think Boo is a average height man and just is called a tall monster because he”only comes out in the dark”.I also think that Boo Radley would be really nice but all of these rumors probably make this man very angry and that is why he keeps to himself.
These stories are close to each other because they don't have much evidence about either story.I say this because they have only rumors they do not have hard facts about anything at all.They both also have no real proven pictures about them both.The Loch Ness monster has some “pictures”.
I agree with hunter. I don't believe it either until I see it. They have made to many rumors about him that he is the one scared and not them. I also think that he does come out in the dark. You're right the loch ness monster does have some pictures but not proven ones.
DeleteJohn Ferro
ReplyDeletePer 9-10
Blog 17
I still don't think that the loch ness monster is real even with all of the evidence. I think it’s a rumor and always has been. This is just like the story of bigfoot I don't think that this is real either because there is no clear proof of it. I think that the Boo Radley stories are not true either because this all rumors throughout the county. If Boo Radley came outside and showed himself then people would see if it is true or not. I don't think he is a six and a half foot tall monster who eats animals. No one has seen him in a long time so no one would know how tall he is or if he is a monster. I think that he will turn out to be a regular person because for all we know he could have gone outside at night to do all his Aarons like getting a haircut or groceries. I do find it a little weird that he has never been seen is that many years. You would think someone has come across him one time. Both stories about the loch ness monster and boo Radley are similar and different in their own ways. For example they are similar because both of them are rumors and they both are being called monsters. Another reason is that no one really knows if they are the way we picture them. Also they think that both of them are these huge monsters and are both scary. They are different because of the fact that the loch ness monster has never really been seen before and boo has been seen before just a long time ago. Both of them are different because the loch ness monster is supposed to be living in the ocean somewhere, and boo is supposed to be living in his house. Lastly boo Radley has changed into this supposed monster but the loch ness monster has probably been like that for decades.
I agree with John because I do not think the Loch Ness monster is real even though this evidence I read tried to persuade me. there was not enough real evidence to prove it was real and I used the story of Bigfoot as an example as well. I agree with John also about not believing boo radleys stories throughout the town.i think he is going to turn out to be a regular person as well. I agree that both stories are similar because they both start with rumors.
DeleteBased on this information, i do not believe in the loch ness monster. I think it is a completely made up creature just like bigfoot or anything else made up. I don't think there is enough reasonable evidence to prove that the loch ness monster is real. Of course they made many big movies and books because it catches people's attention when you try to convince them that a huge unknown sea creature is in a national lake. It states that the scientists tested the footprints and they came back as a hippo footprint. I think that if it came back as a unknown footprint it would start to become questionable but it isn't. In 565 AD when a local farmer was apparently snatched up and eaten by this creature that clearly is not true or reasonable. First of all there is many hippos in this area because the footprint shows and it is a lake and hippos are attracted to water to stay cool during the heat and the farmer must've been outside farming and to be farming you need sunlight and sunlight causes heat which means there were hippos nearby. The mini submarines that they started to use in the 1960’s clearly did not find anything underwater. It's even said that there were circus elephants in the area which means the long neck in the water could've been the trunks of an elephant and all the mysterious sightings people saw. Based on all the stories we have read about Boo Radley i don't think he is as bad as everybody puts him out to be. I've thought from the beginning that some of the stories were a little to much out of the ordinary and i think he is going to turn out to be the kids friends by the end of the book. I think the two stories are similar because they both end up not being true and they both start from people making fake rumors and starting to make up things and convincing people they are true. They are different because in to kill a mocking bird it is made up in a book and for the loch ness monster it was a real situation in real life.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Michael with the whole thing that I think it is fake. And the stories are really extreme. The fact that he eats squirrels and animals. I try to see the good in people. But I do agree with Michael on the whole Loch Ness monster situation.
DeleteIn my opinion I don't believe this creature until I see it with my own eyes.I think like this because once I knew santa wasn’t real I never believed anything until I saw it again.I also speculate that the picture could have been altered in some way because the creature looked as if is cropped into the picture too make it seem like it is coming out from the water, but that is just the opinion that I have thought about for years. I think that he will turn out to be a regular person because for all we know he could have gone outside at night to do all his Aarons like getting a haircut or groceries. I do find it a little weird that he has never been seen is that many years. You would think someone has come across him one time. Both stories about the loch ness monster and boo Radley are similar and different in their own ways. For example they are similar because both of them are rumors and they both are being called monsters. Another reason is that no one really knows if they are the way we picture them. I've thought from the beginning that some of the stories were a little to much out of the ordinary and i think he is going to turn out to be the kids friends by the end of the book. I think the two stories are similar because they both end up not being true and they both start from people making fake rumors and starting to make up things and convincing people they are true. They are different because in to kill a mocking bird it is made up in a book and for the loch ness monster it was a real situation in real life