Friday, February 23, 2018

Period 11 Blog #18

The Link Between Money And Corruption Is More Insidious Than We Thought
Mandi Woodruff
It's human nature to look at white collar criminals like Bernie Madoff and cast them off as greedy, money-grubbing crooks.
But what if we all have a little Madoff inside us just waiting to rear its ugly head?
Researchers have increasingly explored the subconscious link between money and corruption -- called behavioral ethicality -- to find out why even morally conscious people are able to cause harm to others.
In a first-of-its-kind study from the University of Utah and Harvard University, hundreds of participants proved that simply the idea of money could lead them astray.
In four studies, 324 participants were asked to perform simple tasks, like word scrambles, that gave them subtle reminders of money with words or images. Control groups performed tasks without the money cues.
Afterward, researchers tested them in different ethical scenarios, such as watching an actor perform unethical tasks and deciding how likely they would be to do the same. Another test placed them in a hypothetical job hiring situation and asked them how likely they would be to hire a candidate who promised to divulge insider information on a competitor.
Across the board, participants who had been given money-related tasks had a greater likelihood of unethical intentions, decisions and behaviors, study co-author and Psychology professor Kristin Smith-Crowe told Business Insider.
"What was happening with our participants is that the exposure to the concept of money was actually affecting the way they were thinking," Smith-Crowe said. "The money cues were triggering a business decision mind frame, which meant that they focused on a cost benefit analysis as motivation to pursue their own self-interest, rather than thinking about things more broadly."
Even people who took tests with super subtle money cues -- such as a word search that contained money-related terms -- were more likely to engage in unethical behavior, they found.
"It makes a lot of sense that greed would produce evil," Smith-Crowe said. "But we were interested in the fact that maybe it's not even love of money, but just the mere subtle exposure to the concept of money that, in and of itself, may also be corrupting."
The question now is whether we can stop people in places of power from making the kinds of self-promoting decisions that tend to harm others. Many companies ask employees to undergo ethics training, but Harvard researchers say that isn't enough.
"If ethics training is to actually change and improve ethical decision-making, it needs to incorporate behavioral ethics, and specifically the subtle ways in which our ethics are bounded," wrote Harvard researchers Max H. Bazerman and Ann E. Tenbrunsel in their study, "Blind Spot: Why We Fail to Do What's Right and What to Do about It."
But according to Smith-Crowe, studies like hers are further-reaching than just the business world.
"It's still pretty amazing to us that these subtle cues to money can have that big of an effect on our decisions and our behavior," she said. "We feel like we know right from wrong, but we have to recognize that we're affected by things without realizing it."
-Are you surprised by the findings in this article? Why or why not?
-Do you believe that money is powerful enough to corrupt anybody?
-How might this article relate to our reading of The Great Gatsby? Has money affected the morality of any of those characters?


  1. In the article people are tested in how they think and how money affects their decisions. I personally believe before reading the article that people act differently when money is involved. In the article the professor saw that unethical choices and decisions were being made when money was involved. Money is something almost everyone wants and needs. It is how you survive in the world and how you do anything and everything at all. I am not surprised that people reacted in the way that they did, due to how important it is in our society.

    Money is very powerful, its scary when you think about how powerful and important it is. Without it you can't do anything and you will have an extremely hard time supporting yourself and or your family. In my opinion money is powerful enough to corrupt almost anyone. Some people are born and raised with morals that nothing could break so those people most likely will not be corrupted. But mainly anyone else would be corrupted by money. Even the “good” people because you can't survive without it.

    I think that Gatsby is hiding secrets. Meeting his friend yesterday that seemed to be in a sketchy business affected my opinion of him. I think that Gatsby may have done something at one point in time to get all of his wealth. He seems to be a nice guy but he might have been corrupted by money at one point and that caused him to do something shady as a result.’

    Some of the other characters in the book The Great Gatsby seem like they have or will be easily corrupted by money such as Gatsby's friend and also Tom's girlfriend Myrtle Wilson.

    1. kaitlyn i believe that you're very smart and the way you're making the money problematics and solving them makes it seem like you do know how to work with money, joining the buisness corrpuration would be of great successs and interest for you.

    2. i agree that money does change people for the worst, they dont care about anything other then greed.

  2. I’m not at all surprised by the findings in this article. For me, it’s pretty obvious that when people have large amounts of money that it could, of course, lead to corruption. Especially when people who have a lot of money want more money; this could lead to stealing money, selling illegal items, and just doing illegal things in general. If you look at most politicians today, than you can tell greatly by their actions that they’re corrupted. Hillary Clinton had an email scandal, Donald Trump has been accused of multiple crimes during his career. Not only that, but there are plenty of other people in news and in media getting caught doing illegal and shady things every day that involve money.

    I do in fact believe that money could be powerful enough to corrupt anybody. When people make thousands of dollars and have all the money they could ever dream of, they often grow bored. They think, that having money will make them completely happy and content in life, but the truth is that it will not. Money can not make someone happy alone, there are other factors in life that could possibly make a person happy and content- but having a bunch of money, I believe, is not one of them. Even in movies, they portray rich characters as almost snobby, seeming to get everything that they could ever want or dream of, but they never seem happy. They always seem to just want more and more, despite how many things they have. And all humans are like that, humans will always want everything, especially things that they can not have in life.

    This article could relate to The Great Gatsby because in the article, many of the characters are rich with plenty of money. Nick and Gatsby are just two of the characters with so much money that they probably don’t know what to do with it all. Not only that, but the characters Daisy and Tom also have quite a lot of money- they’re not at all poor. I think that money has definitely affected the way that they act. Gatsby probably takes a lot of the things he has for granted. He has parties quite often, buying liquor for them-- which was illegal during this time period. He’s obviously not worried about getting caught or arrested. Nick, although his character overall seems pretty considerate of others, does tend to judge other people. At least he doesn’t say terrible things out loud to anyone, but he does judge the one Jewish man for having a large nose.

    1. i completely agree with you on not being surprised about the finding of the article because it's just how everyone has been for some centuries. i believe we have the same views on this passage. but i dont believe that money could corrupt just anybody. there are some people who are completely happy the way they are living in a small cabin in the woods or in a small cape in the islands or just where they'd like to be with nothing but basic needs and love

  3. I think your response is well written. You have a lot of knowledge about the subject and the article and use use it in a good way. Overall I think you did a good response that answered all the questions.

  4. In the article it test if money makes people act different. Personally i think money can bring out the ugly side in anyone. Everyone wants it and craves it. Most people will do literally anything for some cash. It can break up families friendships literally anything. Money is the green monster and can make anyone jealous. Money can change anyone, if someone even mentions money people will jump at the chance to have some.

    I think money has the power to change anyone / make them crazy. It’s just a piece of paper but everyone needs it, and not too many people from around me are rich, and we all struggle to do simple tasks. Everyone needs it in this economy needs more money than most places.

    I think gatspy in the Great Gatspy is hiding something, he lies often and he has more money then he knows what to do with. He is kind of hidden and doesn’t really get involved with the other rich people so you can tell he wasn’t born into a wealthy family cause those aren’t his people.

    I think money has made others in the book greedy and not respectful. In the book rich men hit women, and they are careless with their money and their actions.

    1. I agree with you, money does seem to have the power to change anyone and/or make them go crazy. In a sense, it makes people power hungry and have a need for control beyond what should be considered normal. Not only that, but I agree that Gatsby is definitely hiding something- there's no doubt about it. He's mysterious, seems to lie, and give little to no detail about his life.

  5. I am actually not surprised about the findings in this study. Because a lot of people’s minds are around money and how to obtain it, as fast as possible and as much as possible. It is just sometimes on people’s mindset including mine. I think that money can corrupt some people’s mind to do things people wouldn’t normally do just like drugs.

    I don’t think it would corrupt everybody though, some people, maybe those who were born into it will have a better mind set or those who worked hard for it might be better at appreciating it then those who just have it handed to them because if they know that they can just keep getting money them might spend it continuously on random stuff. But those who worked hard for it might find it more difficult to just give it up so easily.

    I think this relates to Gatsby because he has a lot of money but i can’t tell if he obtained it all by work or if some illegal involvement or maybe a little of both. I think that money has probably corrupted Mr. Wolfshiem mind but for the worst rather than for the better. Mr. Wolfshiem is a very mysterious character who also seems very sketchy and gives off a weird vibe, which is where i get my suspicions about Gatsby because that is Gatsby’s friend.

  6. I am not surprised by the finding of this article because the corruption in any type of business has been decreasing for various reasons. Money is powerful enough to corrupt anyone’s life yes, money is a huge impact on anyone’s life and it rule’s on what you’re capable of doing, it controls the mindset and the way your life is runned. Wether wanted or not money will always be the number one reason why anyone can lose their mind.
    This article is similar to the novel we are reading “The Great Gatsby” because it’s basically showing the differences of levels and stages there is to live in this world. You are classified and seperated into groups depending on what type of social class we’re in.
    Money has affected the morality character named, Gatsby the main character. He needs to “lie” at least that all his guest think he lies about his life just to receive attention. I think that everyone doesn’t realize what he went through to get to where he is. I think that money has definitely affected the way that they act. Gatsby probably takes a lot of the things he has for granted. He has parties quite often, buying liquor for them-- which was illegal during this time period. He’s obviously not worried about getting caught or arrested. Nick, although his character overall seems pretty considerate of others, does tend to judge other people. At least he doesn’t say terrible things out loud to anyone, but he does judge the one Jewish man for having a large nose.

  7. By reading this article I was not surprised because there is many people who think that money is the most important thing in life. The statement she makes some of the things I can agree with because in this world there is many different people. The people who have the most money feel the most powerful and above everyone else. It would always be apart of our society because in this world we all live by money which is not the best thing to say it effects a lot of us. The way they tested people just goes to show how people are in this world not everyone is going act the same. Money is powerful because that is how we are survive in our everyday life without it we would have nothing. It is a part of our life that people have it and others don’t that occurs for us to act different for those who are the opposite. It is sad to know that someone who was given it without any work back to the ones who have to work for it as much as they can to be able to keep themselves or the loves one healthy. It is The most known character in the story is Jay Gatsby is the wealthiest around, he is the one who throws the big parties and people come to his house often. He is the one who spends his money on things that are not important at all for examples his parties. He is not cocky about it like Tom is because he spends his gifts on Myrtle. He also wastes his money on someone who is not his wife but other than his mistress. Both characters are an example in this story “ The Great Gatsby” as I would think of when it came to money.

  8. I was not surprised by this article because if we did an examination of a poor and a rich person we would not notice very quickly the difference because many of the people who have money believe themselves to be very, very superior to others and sometimes the rich people walk around the world, hurting poor people but I believe that a poor person is much better than a rich person. A great example is in the schools, many of the students believe that by having money they can do whatever they want. Humiliate poor people
    It is related to the book with the great gatsby because just because you have money makes a party you like to spend a lot of money and never take anything good for society

  9. I am not surprised by the findings in this article, especially when Smith-Crowe said that, "...the exposure to the concept of money was actually affecting the way the participants were thinking" in the study.

    Everybody needs money to survive now a day. We are no longer living in the “cavemen era” where people did not need money to buy clothing, food or cars to transport themselves, neither to pay for a roof over their head or bills.

    I believe that money is powerful enough to corrupt certain people, but not everybody. A lot of people are weak minded and the love they have for money takes total control of their hearts. Sadly, many individuals have done atrocious acts due to the power that comes with wealth and the feeling of being unstoppable.

    The Great Gatsby is a good example of the famous sayings: "More money more problems" and, "For the love of money is the root of all evil." One of the reasons why these famous sayings are good examples is because money affected the morality of some of the characters in the story, such as Gatsby and Daisy, to name a few. Gatsby was wealthy, powerful and a very dishonest man and Daisy was a very ambitious woman and in the end she became a murderer. I believe that when the love of money becomes the number one priority in a person's life it takes control of people's minds and hearts, causing them to abandon all their morals and values.

    1. I agree with you about how people need and want money nowadays. Money is the people’s weakness for sure.

  10. In the article, they are studies on how money can corrupt people. I’m not even surprised about what the studies have shown. In this modern time that's how things work for a lot of people. It’s pretty obvious that when people have large amounts of money that it could, of course, lead to corruption. Money changes you completely no matter who you are in life. If you work hard and nothing good is happening and someone gives you thousands of dollars, of course you will take it. Even if your rich, you want to have even more of money.

    Especially when people who have a lot of money want more money; this could lead to stealing money, selling illegal items, and just doing illegal things. In the article the professor saw that unethical choices and decisions were being made when money was involved. Money is something almost everyone wants and needs. It is how you survive in the world and how you do anything and everything at all. The more you have the more power you have. That's what everyone wants in this world today.

    This article is related to the book that were reading, “The Great Gatsby” because money has a main part in one of the main characters, Gatsby. He is a rich man with a big house. He throws a party every night and pays people to clean the mess everyday. They can buy people off very easily like Gatsby did to the one police officer when he went to the Valley of Ashes.

  11. The article is about money People wanted to see if money or the concept or idea of money had caused any unethical things to do. Of course it did cause people to do things for themselves or make decisions for money. I wasn’t surprised at all. People want money and do anything for money. It is a common thing in the world everyone wants money, everyone wants fame and power. I do believe that money is powerful to corrupt any one. People don’t want to struggle to make money. Everyone wishes they are a millionaire by doing nothing. Money can get you anything you want and can make you do anything. This article relates to the great gatsby by that everyone we ever read in the great gatsby is rich. From Nick all to Meyer. They all have money. Mone is the main thing that Jay Gatsby uses to get Daisy back. He wants to show her his house by setting up all the parties and trying to get Nick to get Daisy to come over so that she can see how rich gatsby has really become. Money is a huge thing in this book and in life. I would say that money has affected Gatsby the most. He uses it all the time and we really don’t know how he even gets it at all. I think it comes from the help of meyer and he is really shady and does crimes. So i think it has changed Gatsby the most.


  12. In the article people are tested in how they think and how money affects their decisions. I am surprised with the results the people showed and by what the article is talking about. In the article the professor saw that many choices and descon were being made by money when money was involved this tell me that people are desperate for money that badly. It shows that many people will do anything for money which in my opinion is bad. Now a days what people want the most is money which is bad because they have that mentally thats say to them money will make me happy. I do believe money is the most corrupt thing to corrupt anybody. Money is powerful because everyone need it in there life to live. Money is the number one thing that can change people, once you become successful many people will start to change because money is changing them and don't need anybody to help them or find happiness because they have it all and there mentally tells them they need more money. People think that money will by them happiness because they will complete their dreams but if someone who keeps eating millions sooner or later they will start to change. If being religious money is evil because i can corrupt people in many way and people and religion say that money is satan. Also it depends on the person who is making the money.this article can relate to the great gatsby because of parties and money wealth buying expensive things like silk, gold ,silver, etc. in the article they talk about how many can change people mentally and change it slike the great, in the great gatsby tom who is rich has cheated on his wife daisy and can get a away from it. Money has gotten to toms head and now he can do whatever he wants.

    1. i agree that many religions believe that money is the creation of the devil and its the root of evil but there are other things that can corrupt people other than money and greed id a big factor in the money corrupion

  13. I'm not surprised with the finding that the article ah written because nowadays most people are
    corrupted by money. Most cops could be corrupted by money or even poor people looking to make money quickly so they go toward the money or more like the people who have the money.
    Money aint enough to corrupt a person it the temptation of having the money and whos giving the money to the person.and it relates to the novel”The Great Gatsby” cause Gatsby has money and is able to have people do stuff for him like serve him. And i don't think that they money has corrupted Gatsby because he still has feeling for people and things that people wouldn't have had cared about if they were corrupted
