Monday, September 25, 2017

Period 3 Blog #3

Your comment post should be at least 330 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

Student Question | What’s Your Dream Job?
By MICHAEL GONCHAR  MARCH 10, 2016 5:00 AM March 10, 2016 5:00 am

What do you want to be when you grow up? Has your dream job changed as you’ve gotten older? Have you already started investing time and effort to try to make it happen?

In “The New Dream Jobs,” Jenna Wortham writes:

When the National Society of High School Scholars asked 18,000 Americans, ages 15 to 29, to rank their ideal future employers, the results were curious. To nobody’s surprise, Google, Apple and Facebook appeared high on the list, but so did the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The Build-A-Bear Workshop was No. 50, just a few spots behind Lockheed Martin and JPMorgan Chase. (The New York Times came in at No. 16.)

However scattershot, the survey offers a glimpse into the ambitions of the millennial generation, which already makes up more than a third of the work force. By 2020, it will make up half. Survey after survey shows that millennials want to work for companies that place a premium on employee welfare, offer flexible scheduling and, above all, bestow a sense of purpose. These priorities are well known and frequently mocked, providing grist for the oft-repeated claim that millennials are lazy, entitled job-hoppers.

But it’s important to remember that this generation was shaped by a recession, an unprecedented crush of student debt and a broad decline in the credibility of all kinds of institutions. Stability is an abstract concept to these young workers, so they instead tend to focus on creating a rich, textured life now, rather than planning for a future obscured by uncertainty.

Students: Read the entire article, then answer the questions below:
— What’s your dream job? Why do you want that job? Do you think you’re well suited for it?

— What qualities are most important to you in your future career? Salary? A sense of purpose? Scheduling flexibility? Feeling challenged? Feeling appreciated? The ability to get ahead? Liking what you do or being good at your job? Anything else?

— What investments are you willing to make now to help you get your dream job eventually?

— What companies would you want to work for? Are you surprised by the National Society of High School Scholars survey rankings? Why?


  1. My dream job is to be in the MLB. I want to be in the MLB because I enjoy playing and watching baseball. I play for Juniors at Berkeley Little League. I play on a travel team. I don't know if i'll make the MLB because only a handful of people make the MLB. So I will have to work very hard. And I am not going to let go of my dream. I will try my best to make it to my dream.
    The qualities that are most most important to me from my dream job. The most important quality is salary. You make millions of dollars. All i need money for is to buy a house,car food etc. Another thing that is important is if you like your job. And yes I would like my job because baseball is my favorite sport and it would be cool if I get to play my favorite sport for a professional sports team. And I like things that are challenging so facing pitchers that throw over 100 MPH will be challenging.
    Some investments that will lead me to get my dream job. One is to get good grades in school. Another is to practice and pay attention in baseball. I would need to practice on fielding so I won't make any errors in the field. I will need to practice hitting so I can hit the ball hard and far. Also I would need to practice on pitching so I can strike out a lot of kids. I will need to study more so I get A’s in all my classes. Those are some of the investments I will need to make to get to my dream job eventually.
    The company that I would want to work for is MLB. It is the same company as my dream job. You get to play your favorite sport on a professional sports team. Yes I was surprised about the National Society of High School Scholars rankings. I was surprised that Build-A-Bear workshop was ranked number 50. I don't think it should be ranked number 50 because anyone can get that job and it's very low pay so you would need to get another job to. I don't think it's surprising that Google,Apple and Facebook were high on the list. I wasn't surprised about that because they are very high paying jobs and for google all you have to do is play on the computer. Those are some of the jobs that surprised me that most.

  2. My dream job is to be a mechanic and a barber. I want to be a mechanic and a barber because my dad is a mechanic and also my grandpa was a mechanic so I'm taking my risk and not let it go and be able to be a mechanic. Also I love to be a barber because I've seen many videos on YouTube and I kinda like it and it makes me happy seeing so many barbers help the homeless people by giving them a haircut so they can look nice. Yes I think I'm well suited to be a mechanic because I had learned a lot of thinks from my dad and grandpa. To be a barber I have to go train for that but I will take my risk and be both. The qualities I have on my future career are perfect. Salary I don't care what is going to be but I know a mechanic makes a lot of money in the shop. Also I can be a mechanic on my neighborhood and help people fix their cars. Schedule on a mechanic is flexible and you get to have your afternoons so you can have time with your family. On the weekends you can work in the neighborhood and also get time to spend with your family. My dad told me learn things from me so when you're grown and your car or you're wife's car break down you can fixed it and you don't have to pay to others. I'm not going to be challenged in this because I already know some of it from my dad and grandpa. I love what I'm going to be because I know I'll be good at it. The investments in willing to make is study, go to college and get a degree from it. I could work to repair like NASCAR cars and stuff and fixed like some rich people's car and they paid good money for thatšŸ¤£.

  3. When I was younger the first job ever that I wanted to have was to become a full-time firefighter because my dad volunteering influenced me to wanting to do it. But as I got older i realized why he wouldn’t want to do it full time, the hours are bad and they don’t get payed well, But it does have good benefits. Since I have gotten older my mind has changed somewhat and I would like to have a career in Law Enforcement. I've had many uncles and grandfathers who were police officers and I think it’s a good career to follow. It could be corrections, Sheriff department or even working in a local town are all good future jobs with a lot of good assets then come with it. They are all stable jobs with decent hours that you work. You could choose between nights or days, And other than corrections you are out experiencing new things everyday. The pay can be very good depending your place in the department and how long you’ve been there. Also you could retire in 25 years in the Sheriff's department, so you're not working till the day you die you get to retire early . And there are good health benefits the come with being a Police Officer. My view on my future job has changed since i have gotten older, back wHen I was younger I wanted a job that i thought could be fun. Now I want a job that I can help people with, Also where i can get payed good not work overly too much and have good. It is better than working a boring 9-5 desk job where you do the same things everyday. I rather get out and do something that interests me and no day will ever be like the day before. Those are the reasons why I want my future job to be involved with Law Enforcement and I will get to help people in the community.

    1. Working in law enforcement seems like a good choice. You get good pay, flexible hours, multiple options to choose from and you are making the world a better place. I agree that working a 9-5 day job doing the same thing everyday is boring because why do that when you can actually do a job that you love and interests you.

  4. My dream job is to become a hairdresser. I want this job because I enjoy doing my hair and others’ hair. I think I am well suited for this job because I already know how to do some things with hair. I mostly know how to braid. When I was younger I wanted to be a teacher. I would always play school and pretend to be the teacher and pass out papers. I was really interested in it. But t as I’ve gotten older, I have been thinking about what I really want to do. I’ve recently been into hair. Watching videos on cutting, coloring, and just styling overall. I thought it was so satisfying to watch and cool to look at all of the vibrant colors people would dye their hair. I think it would be a really exciting profession. What is important to me with my job is how much I will get paid, liking what I do, feeling appreciated, and scheduling flexibility. Knowing how much I get paid is important so I can have enough money for essential needs. I have to learn how to work around my schedule along with other people’s schedule so they can make an appointment that works for both of us. I want to feel appreciated when I’m working so I know people will come back here. Lastly, liking what I do is the most important. I do not want to be in a business where I don’t really enjoy it. I recently enrolled in Vocational School for cosmetology. Doing this program will help me achieve my goal in the near future. Also, a lot of practice when I learn new skills will get me closer and closer to my dream job. I don’t really have a preference on where I work or what salon. I’m actually not really sure either. The surveys did surprise me because Build-A-Bear was at number 50. But I think that was at that ranking because like it stated, people are lazy. I think many people would pick that job because it doesn’t require much knowledge. Or any previous experience.

    1. I think you would do well with this career. You do quite well on hair. i like when you do mine. do mine tomorrow. I agreed on the part where you said build a bear takes no education. People are settling for bare minimum and that is kind of horrible. However save the good paying jobs for the ones with the education.
      thanks homie

  5. There are people who have their dream job and know what they want to be when they grow up and there are people who do not know what they wanna be when they grow up. I am one of the few who does not know what they wanna be. Even though i do not know what i want to be there are still qualities i want for my future job. I would like to have a flexible schedule, making a good salary to have a good and stable lifestyle, and i want to be good and like what i will be doing for a living. I am willing to make some investments. I not know what companies i am willing to work for as i do not have a dream job. I am not surprised by the National Society of High School Scholars survey rankings. It does not surprise me because those are big corporations which will pay a lot of money. Like the survey said everyone is lazy and will try to find the easiest but highest paying job out there. So google, Facebook and Apple being the top 3 companies that people want to work for does not shock me.

    1. While I am not one of the few people who do not know what they want to do and they grow up, I see where you're coming from. I think it's cool that you know what you want from a job. Also, it's good to have standards.

  6. Blog #3

    My dream job is to become a big time famous photographer. I love everything about photography. I would like to shoot celebrities and people like the president. Photography is a big hobby of mine. I don’t think i would be suited for it because if someone isn't cooperating or just being annoying and pissing me off id loose my cool.
    I don’t really care about the salary. I just want a job I can work whenever I need to. I’ve loved photography for a long time. So I feel like if this were to happen it wouldn’t be like work it would be more of a hobby then a job. I want a job that doesn’t feel like a job. I want to be happy when I work and not feel like I have to do something or I’ll get fired.
    I’m willing to invest anything that is needed to do this job. I would need to take more photography classes. I would need to buy a new camera, maybe a studio and possibly a new computer so I can run adobe editing software. I would have to be able to put my work out so people can see it. This would take a lot of time. But it would be worth it cause at the end I’ll be happy.
    I would like to start my own company. I wouldn’t want to have to work under anyone other than myself. I’m not surprised of the survey because kid/ young adults don’t know what they want to do in life. They only want the money but they don’t know how to work for the money. The survey wasn’t to surprising but I wonder about it!

  7. Blog #3

    My dream job is to become a big time famous photographer. I love everything about photography. I would like to shoot celebrities and people like the president. Photography is a big hobby of mine. I don’t think i would be suited for it because if someone isn't cooperating or just being annoying and pissing me off id loose my cool.
    I don’t really care about the salary. I just want a job I can work whenever I need to. I’ve loved photography for a long time. So I feel like if this were to happen it wouldn’t be like work it would be more of a hobby then a job. I want a job that doesn’t feel like a job. I want to be happy when I work and not feel like I have to do something or I’ll get fired.
    I’m willing to invest anything that is needed to do this job. I would need to take more photography classes. I would need to buy a new camera, maybe a studio and possibly a new computer so I can run adobe editing software. I would have to be able to put my work out so people can see it. This would take a lot of time. But it would be worth it cause at the end I’ll be happy.
    I would like to start my own company. I wouldn’t want to have to work under anyone other than myself. I’m not surprised of the survey because kid/ young adults don’t know what they want to do in life. They only want the money but they don’t know how to work for the money. The survey wasn’t to surprising but I wonder about it!

    1. I agree with this. The salary is important, but it doesn’t matter to me because I’d be doing what I love. And you should also be happy like you said when you work not feeling like you’re doing something wrong every time you do something.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. My dream, job is to go to the NBA. I want to go to the NBA because growing up everyone doubted me, growing up in the streets no one was proud of me. The people that didn’t believe in me are the ones that are pushing me. Everyone said i couldnt do it. But thats when i had to cut everyone off. I had to emotionally cut everyone even my closest ones. They try to be cool, they act like they aint leave me high and dry, i looked them in the face and said your dead to me. And thats why most of yall wont be succesful cause thats some stuff in your past that you keep holding on to and you gotta get to a point where you ready to grind, and you ready to get to the next level. The only reason why they doubted me because they cant operate on the level i can for that long, so they tried to put their limitations on me. But, im dead to your limitations, your limitations are dead to me, they dont exist in my world. I was holding on to stuff that i shouldnt of been holding on to. it should be dead to me . i gotta go to a funeral or something and get rid of that junk bury it do whatever i gotta do because its weighing me down it was killing me everyday i think about it i shouldnt be thinking about it move one. I had to move towards my greatness. Another reason is that I am a short kid, but heart over height, so that short crap doesn’t mean anything to me. For example, Muggsy Bouges, Nate Robinson, and Isaiah Thomas are some short men in the NBA, but they play with heart and are motivated to succeed and that is why they are in the NBA. So, if they can do it, why can’t I? The qualaties of going to the NBA is the millions of dollars. I’m gonna distribute some money to all the people that didn’t doubt me, didn’t give up on me, and didn’t switch on me.

  10. My Dream Job is to be an immigration lawyer because it has been impacted my life and others. This is the job I would like to have because I seen my own family struggle and many other immigrants around the world are taken advantage of because they are not from here. I want to be that person to change that because i don’t think it is fair. When we talk about the salary that is one thing that I am not interested in because I feel like the world is worried about money. I want to protect equal rights that we all have but it got taken away for most of the immigrants. They are treated different because some think they are bad people. I feel like it shouldn’t happen because it is not right. I want to help others and make sure they get the rights like everyone else does. Hopefully one day I can do that and knowing that i helped a person or a family out would be great. There is also so much to learn from it and I will get to hear different stories each day which will be interesting to listen and help them out. I think at times it can be hard but it is all worth it
