Your comment post should be at least 220 words this week due
Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for
responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph
reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).
This week’s blog is going to ask you to reflect personally
and think about a specific event in your life that really caused you to grow
up. The topic is from this year’s common
app so get familiar with the style of the prompt; you’re going to be answering
these types of questions again in the near future…
This week’s prompt:
Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal that
marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture,
community, or family.
ReplyDeleteAn accomplishment or event that caused me to grow up was going to vocs. This made me realize that I am here for my future. I am going for cosmetology because I am interested in being a hairdresser. Knowing that I am able to get my cosmetology license in two years makes me think that I am growing up. Soon I will be able to work in a salon and do a lot of people’s hair.Coloring, cutting, styling and much more. Vocational school is a good chance to get know practice your career for free. Instead of waiting after high school where you have to pay money. Going to vocs is a fun experience. We get to practice on mannequin heads and we get our own kits and stations. We have to wear scrubs to look more professional. But back to the topic. I think about it a lot that I’m getting a lot older and I have to start thinking about my career. Becoming a hairdresser requires a lot of work and you have to be very friendly. After passing this course, you earn your license. After that, you have to start looking for salons that are hiring. You usually start as a receptionist or you start with washing your hair only. I am hoping to become a hairdresser in the near future.
i agree with you. i do need to start thinking about my future and find a career. i was thinking about vocs but im to lazy. im glad you enjoy it tho good luck with your future stick to it and keep growing up.
DeleteOne major thing that really made me grow up was my parents getting custody of my nephew. Back in 2014 i had just turned 13 and my nephew was just recently born. After him being just a few weeks old my parents were given custody of him. It was weird at first because I was the youngest in the house and then all of a sudden we get a baby. My social life was really affected by this. I wasn’t aloud to go and hang out whenever i wanted anymore. I would have to stay inside and help my mom with my nephew. Since she would be home alone all day she would have to wait for me to get home so she could get stuff done around the house. Me not being able to hang out with people a lot made me lose friends it really showed their true colors on who was and who wasn’t my friend. Even today having my nephew live with me affects me. When my parents wanna go out some nights I can’t because I have to stay home or if my mom wants to go to the store or get something done out of the house without my nephew i have to stay home and babysit him. This happening helped me grow up because I learned how to take care of a baby at an age where people are practically still children themselves.
ReplyDeleteI agree with this. I know how it feels to not be able to go out because I have to watch my little sister. Also, I know how hard it is to try and have a social life while also trying to help out your family. Lastly, I know that you had to grow up a lot because your nephew became like a little brother.
DeleteI recently turned 17. So i had to take my drivers test cause my uncle was tired of driving me to and from work everyday. I bought a car 2 weeks before my birthday with my own money i had from working. I was really proud that i had the ability to do that. It was a 2002 lincoln. My birthday came along i was really nervous for my test cause i didn't practice parallel parking and i knew that was the first thing i had to complete. I Passed first try. I got my license and everything three weeks later i was driving on the parkway and i totaled my car so therefore i had two options. I could go out looking for a car or just say screw everything and take the bus on the first day of school which was 3 days after the accident. I had some money left and i found another car which i bought the day before school started. The way this made me grow up is i knew there were things i had to do. If i didn't save up money and just spent it then i couldn't get back and forth to school and work. I also knew if i didn't get a car right away i would have money in the future for another cause i wouldn't be able to get to. So grow up kids
ReplyDeleteI agree with this because I still have to get my permit. Getting my permit makes me think about how I have to buy a car and get a job to pay for it. I also have to pay for gas money. This is all what adults do and what they have to worry about. I know I'm not close to getting my actual license yet but its about the same thing.
DeleteAn accomplishment or event that caused me to grow up was playing basketball. I say this because growing up all i did was play basketball or hangout in the streets. When i finally got old enough i realize i had to make it for my family and loved ones. Growing up made me realize there was no more time for fun and games because there is too much work i have to put in for me to be slacking. Not having a mom or dad most my life shocked me. Shocked me so much I had to chase the grind at the age of 7 and make sure my grandma was safe. Playing basketball is the only way for me to get her a house. I had to get away from the streets and drama . I knew so much about drama i had to make my life a dream. I came up with something that made me get up in the morning, came up with something that's gonna make me grind like i never grind before and make the kind of money i wanna make, live where i wanna live. A quote i lived up to growing up was , “If you gone do what you say you gone do, be what you say you gone be you can have to lion me out.” You can't do nothing significant in gazelle mode everything happens in lion mode, attack mode, i'm coming to get you. Nobody thought I could do it. They told me to my face, but you know why they said it? Cause they cant operate on that level for that long, so people try to put their limitations on you. All i could say was i could play 5 games, i can go to 3 more practice, i can give you another 3 hour work out you cant do it dont put your limitations on me im dead to your limitations your limitations dont exist in my world.And thats what changed my childhood to adulthood.
ReplyDeleteA specific event in my life that caused to grown up is having a long conversation with my whole entire family. Me and them talked about what do i want to be when i grow up and i said i want to be a mechanic like my dad and grandpa. They also asked how am i going to be a mechanic. I respond well im going to study and get a diploma for it. Then when i was going to sleep i sat on my bed and i thought about it. And that is how my life is going until now. I help my dad with the car stuff and sometimes i do stuff by myself. Like change the four tires that it have right now and put the old ones back on. I love my family because they had raised me good until this date and take care of me and i really appreciate it. My dad is also a mechanic and know how to do some things because of my grandpa that teach him and also my dad asked how he do that. That’s how my dad know how to work with cars and fix them. He also fix stuff like lawnmowers and with cars he also change oil,brakes and most of the stuff. Im going to be a mechanic.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has a time in there life where they finally have to grow up. Unfortunately mine was within the last 2 years. I had a grandfather that passed away, then and grandmother and an uncle that past away within a couple months of each other. It was a tough time for my whole family, and it caused me to realize that life is short, so you have to grow up fast. In the past 1-2 years i have matured a lot as a person, With dealing with issues in a mature way and just handling things better than I would have usually, It is crazy how 1 event In your life can completely turn it around or change the way you look at life it is. For some people this event happens at different times in life. Hopefully most people experience before it is too late. You don’t want to finally learn after high school that you need to grow up and life is not as easy as you think it is. Sadly i had multiple people who past in my family but it helped me realize life is short and you need to grow up fast.
ReplyDeleteThe thing that really caused me to grow up was when joined JROTC. I had to deal with many different types of people. When I first joined I didn't know that it was so hard to deal with different personalities. I learned how to respond to people when they were doing something. Also, I learned how to react in situations that were stressful. I learned how to take care of problems that were difficult. I also learned how to take charge of situations that nobody else could. This caused me to grow up because I was having to make adult decisions at the age of 16. Also, I was dealing with adult situations that most people wouldn't know how to deal with. How to become more responsible by knowing when to wear my uniform. For example, if I didn't wear my uniform in the right day I would get points taken off my grade. Nrotc the students teach the class and Colonel and master sergeant are there to overlook the entire process. So when I am class leader I have to teach the class and just get tips from Colonel and master sergeant. This caused me to grow up because I was in charge more than just myself. I was taking responsibility for everybody's actions. If one person messed up in the class then it was put on me because I didn't teach it right.