Monday, September 18, 2017

Period 1 Blog #2

Your comment post should be  at least 220 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm. 

  Henry Ford once said "Failure is simply the opportunity t begin again, this time more intelligently."
                                        *That do you think this quote means?

                                        *How does it relate to an experience in your own life?


  1. I think that this quote means if you fail once just try again.The quote is telling you to keep trying and to never give up.It could also mean if u fall just get back up and keep going.This also means to never give up. The moral of the story is to not give up and always keep going.

    1. You got the overall picture but you didn't go into very much detail. And you said the same thing over and over but your definitely on track. You are right you can't give up that's a way to look at it.

  2. What I think the quote "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently" means. I think that means if you fail you will be given the opportunity to try again but this time you try harder and study more. I think it means that because if you fail you might be given the opportunity to try again and if you do you will try harder and study more. Intelligent means smart and to become smart you need to study and try hard. That is what I think that quote means.
    How it relates to me in the past. It relates to me in the past by in 6th grade we took a math test and I thought I knew all of the stuff so I didn't study and when I got my grade back I failed. So my teacher said I can retake the quiz. So this time I asked my teacher for some help so she gave me a study guide. So I studied and by the time I took the test again I knew everything. So I took the test and I got a 92. And I learned that if you study and try your best you will pass. Another experience I had was in 5th grade.It was in Language Arts. We had spelling tests every week.I would never study the words and I would always fail. So I decided to study my words and when I got my test back I passed. From that I learned to always study my vocabulary words.

    1. Ryan, I agree completely to your view on it. I think it means the same thing. When given the opportunity to fix something you did in the past you should take it and work harder to get better. Your experience is the perfect example. If you didn't study and you get the chance to retake the quiz you should study hard and change what you did.

    2. i agree with Ryan because he had a similar experience with this question.

    3. Ryan,I totally agree with you and your meaning of this quote.i had the same idea you were heading for.If you fail the first time and u get a second chance you clearly try harder and study more.I also had the same experience but it was in 7th grade and i failed my math test and i retook it and did excillent the second time.So yes I totally agree with you and your meaning.

    4. I think that your answer was right to me because you gave a lot of detail . Never give up on the things you want to accomplish.

  3. “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” is an amazing quote. It means that if you fail in life you must get up and try again, and if you continue to fail then keep getting up and learn from the mistakes you are making and then succeed in what you are doing. Weather it be building something, creating your own company, or just in life general. This quote is an amazing quote to live by every day.
    A personal experience that has happened maintaining to this quote is that when I was in 8th grade I started to not care as much when it came to school. I wouldn't do my homework, I didn't like what I was doing but since I did it for too long it became a habit. It stayed like this till about the last month of school. It finally hit me what I was doing and i wanted to fix everything, for myself and my mom. It was a terrible time for me but I had to fix something and I had to to fix it now. About a 5 days later it started to look up for me I was trying as hard as I possible could. Since it was so late in the year it was really hard because we didn't get as much work anymore so I had to work in detail for everything so i could get extra points. I've learned to never do that again.

    1. I agree with Taylah failure might be an obstacle but u must get up from your "failure"


  4. I think this quote means if you fail at something,you try it again but this time you know what you did wrong so you can do it better the second time.The second time you may actually succeed.
    This quote relates to a real life experience I had once in my life.One day in math last year I was so confidence about a test I was taking and I sure thought I was gonna pass the test.A few days later when we got it back and I got a 28 on the test but they gave everyone an opportunity to retake the test after school,so i decided why not to retake it.During that class time I looked over what problems i did wrong so i can figure out what i did wrong in them.When i stayed after and i retook it i remembered what i did wrong in the problem and i did the right the second time.The next day we got it back and i got an 88.I was so happy because it was a passing grade this time and i learned from my mistakes i did on the first test.So if u fail the first time at something just try it again and you may actually succeed the second time you try it.You never know unless you try again.

  5. Henry Ford said a brilliant quote. This quote should be the way you look at life. There are a couple different ways to look at this quote. “Failure is simple the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” This to me is like your getting a second change from when you screwed up the first time. People will mess up everyday but if you keep going on with your life knowing you didn't get a second chance it might suck. This is also means that you're going to mess up in life but you just have to make it better and try again harder without being dumb about it. Everyone learns from their mistakes and that's good.Be more smart about your actions and do what you failed and make it better by achieving it.

    1. I agree with Kelsey because I have the same thought as her. She is saying if you fail and get the opportunity to try again study more and try harder. And she also said the other ways to look at the quote. She’s also saying that you’re not going to be perfect, you’re going to mess up and fail. That is why I agree with Kelsey.

    2. Very well said Kelsey!😌


  6. I think this quote means even tho you failed you can always get back on track, but every time with more passion to do better.this can also mean that your failure helped you in a way meaning you now know that if you keep trying you will eventually get to your victory however that may be for you. You honestly fail if you don’t reach your goal. You don’t fail until you decide to give up working harder or to your best is what gets you your victory. It’s what gets you you goal to strive for your best. This relates to my life because sometimes i need to be reminded to not give up because failure isn’t an option i should try my best at everything and keep doing it until I’ve reached my best or my above best if possible because giving up is never the answer you never know if the answer has been in front of you this whole time.

    1. Exactly Genesis very well said. Because everyone is human we all make mistakes and we all learn from them. And try to do what’s best to not fail.💯

  7. In Henry Ford's quote “ Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” I believe that this quote is  directed to those who are in doubt when they try to succeed. From this quote i can understand that when Henry Ford says “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again…” he means that when you fail you don't stop there, you keep trying over again. The second part of the quote “...this time more intelligently.” is directed to when you do fail you try the same task again, but with better strategies, and act upon that failure more intelligently.
        When I usually fail at something such as a project, or attempting to overcome something I usually let it go, and forget about it until the problem comes up again. There are very few cases where I would see myself using this quote, but I can think of when I would fail a test, and would strive to do better on the next one, or of the times where i’m faced with heights. Most of the time I attempt to avoid going anywhere that does not comfort me, so heights are never really an issue. However, I am sure that sometime in my life besides tests, and the occasional interaction with heights I will remind myself of what this quote instructed me to do.  

  8. I think that the quote is saying that once someone fails to do something, they try to have a better comeback so that they could do way better. For example if I was to fail on a test and it dropped my actual garde to a failing grade. I would have to step my game up in order to pass. One way this experience relates to me is when I’ve made mistakes I tried to not do those same mistakes again or several time. Because the whole
    Purpose is for you to learn from your mistakes. Not to make mistakes and continue to make them, if that’s the case then you will never end up learning at all.

  9. “ Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently “ is a life quote because the quote can be read over and over as much as you want to keep you positive . Even if you do something wrong the first time, don’t give up on your second chance in life so you better take it. When you don’t do something right the first time, don’t stress it! Take a deep breath and try it again . Like it says in the quote “ this time more intelligently “ means try to do it the right way now.
    This quote relates to an experience in my life by never giving up on how bad my grades are, even on my bad days when i would get F’s i never stressed it . The only thing i did was tried to better myself on that subject. If you don’t keep trying you won’t do it!

  10. I think this quote means that if you don’t succeed the first time then the other times have more of a chance to succeed. Or maybe it could mean that if you fail something once, you’ll have more information and knowledge the second time and beyond. Nobody really can just do something and be perfect at it, they need practice, even if they’re really good. They aren’t going to be a pro at the start.
    I can relate to the quote by the fact I wasn’t as good at art as I am now. I’ve redrawn drawings over and over again in the span of time, seeing how I improved.

  11. I think that this quote means that when you fail something and begin again then do not do the same things that you did when you failed and do something else to not fail. It relates to an experience in my life when I use to get home from school and then play games in my phone and then after that I didn’t have time to do my homework and get zeros, but now when I come home from school I do my homework first.
