Your comment post should be at least 230 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.
Henry Ford once said "Failure is simpley the opportunity t begin again, this time more intelligently."
*That do you think this quote means?
*How does it relate to an experience in your own life?
ReplyDeleteHenry Ford once said “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, but this time intelligently”. I think this quote means when you fail, you’ll have the chance to do it over again but this time think about it more. Think about it more and you will be able to get the answer. Failure is just another chance to correct your mistakes. An experience that I had that related to the quote was one time when I failed my test. I was really upset and I knew that I had to do better the next time. When I took the test the next time I passed I was so happy. I knew that if I worked harder, I would be able to pass the test. So failure taught me try harder. I didn’t get a good grade the the first time so when the next test came around, I knew I had to think more intelligently to prepare myself. So this quote is saying that when you fail, it’s a new beginning for you to try harder the next time. When you get another chance, think about it so you don’t mess up a second time. Failure does not mean that you shouldn’t try. Failure is for you to try it again and do ten times better the next time. You have to think smart to correct your mistakes so take the time to think about how you can improve on your next try. You can fix your mistakes by looking back and seeing what you did wrong the first time.
I really agree with what you said. You should always fix your mistakes by trying again and seeing how you can improve on your next try.
DeleteI agree with you Sam. Failure isn't something that should stop youa nd cause you to give up. Failure is something that helps you realize your mistakes and do better the next time. You should always try again and again so that you keep learning from mistakes you encounter to become better and better.
DeleteI agree with what you said Sam.Failure is another chance to do better and be better at things.Failure doesn't necessarily mean that you ruined your chance at something,it means that you created a chance at something because you will have more experience at something and be better.
DeleteI agree with what you said. Failure is definetly just another chance to be improved appon. It just helps you fix what you did wrong.
DeleteI one hundred percent agree with you Sam. Failure is an opportunity to get another chance to do better at something. If everyone gave up at the first sight of failure then no one would be anywhere in life. It is the people who made mistakes and learned from those mistakes who truly make this world what it is.
DeleteHonestly, this quote is pretty straightforward and easy to see what Henry Ford meant. “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. “ By looking at it now, you must know what it means. Here it is in my words: “When you mess up in something, it lets you redo it, but with more caution, now in the knowing of what to do.” So basically, he’s saying that when you mess up in life, don’t feel bad about yourself. Just take it as it is, and use it to your advantage. Do it more intelligently. Do not quit. This relates to me in a lot of ways. The first way is guitar. When I started, I was horrible. I couldn’t do anything. Whenever I’d mess up though, I wouldn’t just quit. I’d go back and do it over again, this time more efficient knowing my mistakes. Even if I got frustrated, I never, ever quit. And yes, as this was hard, it also showed me to never give up, and when I’d mess up, I would just go and do it fixing my issues with it. Another example is a project. I remember one time, I had to do this poster. The first time I tried, I messed up. And, so, I had to re - do it. I did it again, and I messed up on it another time. Then I was mad. But, just like the quote said, I re did it, and, more intelligently, I finished. That’s my story.
ReplyDeleteHenry Ford once said a wise quote.said; “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” I think he means, that if you fail at something, you can always try again. I think this quote relates to another one; “When a door closes a window opens.” If you mess up on something, you don't have to dwell over it so,you can just make it better next time. There are always more opportunities available. For example, I tried out for PAA. I didn't get in, but now I go to central. I have chorus as an elective. Im also in after school chorale. Since I didn't get the opportunity to go there, I got another one by trying out for other stuff. I also started playing piano three years ago. I was so bad and 100% confused. I gave up after a while, but then I tried again. Then, i had a goal to not to give up. So, I didn't and now i know how to play. Then, a more general example is if you fail test, next time you can study and do better. Also, if you are playing a game and you lose, then you can always play again and try to win. I definitely agree with this quote because whenever you fail at something, you can always try it again, but better.
I completely agree with what your saying Brianna. This is how I interrupted the quote. You should never give up on something even if you keep failing. Like when you said you didn't make it into PAA now you have cool electives you can take that are probably just the same or similar to PAA. This quote is perfect to live by.
DeleteI agree with you completely Brianna. If you don't get things the first time you should never give up. Instead of PAA, you have chorus and after school chorus. Now you may even have more advantages than you would at PAA. You represented incredible examples about this quote. This quote is perfect to abide by.
DeleteHenry Ford once said "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." I think this quote means that even if you fail the first time, you should never give up. You should try until you finally get it right even if it takes multiple tries. In addition, its saying that when you do try something again, think about what went wrong, and try to fix that problem that caused you to fail or mess up. It also means that you have to really think things through when you do something whether good or bad. This relates to an experience in my life when I failed a test. I was really upset with myself and I knew that I could do better. So when the next test came around, I prepared ahead of time so I knew I would be ready for the test. I ended up passing the test and I felt like I have the potential to pass every test I take only if I prepare for it properly. Another way it relates to me is whenever I lose a game. I always push myself but sometimes we still lose. The next time we play that team however, we try harder than we did the first time to make sure that we win. Failure has taught me to work harder than I did the first time.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you, Noor. You should never give up even if you mess up. When you fail you need to try harder and do something to help you not fail, like study or push yourself harder because everyone does have potential. When you fail you should push harder next time, and make sure you fix the problem.
ReplyDeleteI find this quote a really good one. “Failure is simple the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” I think this quote means that failing is the opportunity to have another chance, start again, and this time you’ll be more smart about it. Failing is pretty much an anther chance to learn from your mistakes, and to try and succeed with more common sense.
This quote can easily relate to my soccer life, or really any sport. Why? Because in soccer making mistakes is common, and soon you learn from it. Like when I, a defender, always shoot in, or swing my leg out, to stop the person with the ball and all they have to do it quickly cut back and dribble away, leaving me behind. It is so simple to not do it, but in the heat of the moment it just happens. The one time I did it and the girl beat everyone and scored. it was all my fault, and everyone knew it. When the whistle blew to start again, it was like a fresh start, to begin again. When she came up against me I made sure to not shoot in. I did not want her to score again, so I started playing again with more common sense. Thankfully I learned from my mistakes, and used more intelligence than before, and I ended up not shooting in and not letting her get a goal.
Dallas, I agree with what you said about getting a chance to learn from your mistakes. I believe the same as you when you say that you have to learn from your mistakes and try to succeed more successfully with common sense. I also want you to know that goals that have been scored are not all your fault, soccer is a team sport. You win as a team and lose as a team.
DeleteHenry Ford once said “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, but this time intelligently”. This quote means a lot and is very true. If you fail at something in life, you shouldn’t think of it as a loss or worthless effort, you probably have learned from your experience. You can probably use that new knowledge to your advantage if you try again. For example is you test something in science and your hypothesis fails, you have definitely learned from your experiments. Whether it be that your hypothesis is extremely wrong, you’re on the right track, or maybe you learned something new about whatever you were testing. With this new information you can start another experiment with a new or improved hypothesis with more information than when you started so you can retest something or make sure to stay clear of an idea. You never learn nothing from an experience. You probably learn more from failures than you do successes because you know what you did wrong and how to improve on it. This quote relates to an event in my life. When I did track in 8th grade when we would have long distances races I knew nothing about what to do. Once I raced I used all my energy in the beginning of the race and was really tired for the rest and ended up losing. Even though I lost the race, I learned a lot on how to improve on my running and knew next time to spread out my energy. The quote by Henry Ford is very true, failure shouldn’t be looked at as an all negative thing, it is also helpful in many ways.
ReplyDeleteWhat i think the quote “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again. This time more intelligently” by Henry Ford means is that when you fail something, It’s time to try again, and this time better than before. Failure just creates another opportunity to try whatever you failed at again, so that you can learn from your mistakes and try some new techniques to succeed. This relates to an experience in my life because when i was younger, and it was my first year of playing basketball, i didn’t know what i was doing. I couldn’t dribble, pass, shoot, and all other basketball related techniques. This was something i failed at, so that means next basketball practice is my next opportunity to try again. When that came, i learned from my mistakes. I was able to dribble, pass a little better, and be able to make a basket. This made me feel proud of myself, and made me realize i succeeded at what i failed at last time. There is always room for improvement in anything you do. Without failure, there would be no point to life, because there would be no goals for us to reach and nothing for us to try and do better at. Everything would be perfect, and nobody would have any problems, so everyone's life would be the same. To sum it all up, failure is what makes up our life, because without it, all our lives wouldn’t be as special and valuable since they wouldn’t be unique in our own ways.
DeleteHunter, I agree with your statement on how when you fail it’s time to try again. Also, how failure creates another opportunity to try again. When you try again after you fail, do it better than the first time. Also, failure gives us another chance to reach our goals and do better.
Hunter, I completely agree with you. You should always learn from you're mistakes and then try again. We are able to do our best once we have a clear mind and know what we did wrong.
DeleteI think that the quote “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently” by Henry Ford means, that you failed at something once and this time you’re going to do it differently but better. This quote could also mean that once you fail at something it gives you a chance to begin something again but more intelligently. This quote relates to a lot of experiences in my own life. For instance, in math when you get problems wrong on your class work you’re allowed to fix them and redo them. Therefore, if I get every single problem wrong on the class work and fail. I have the opportunity to redo my answer but more intelligently, check all my work, and make sure I get a hundred. Another example, is say you tried out for a sport like cheerleading. However, you didn't make the team because, you're not flexible enough. Don’t fret about not making the team just practice on your flexibility watch youtube videos or take some gymnastic classes. The failure of not making the cheerleading team just gives you a chance to try harder and try and make the team the next year. All in all, this quote has a huge impact on the life of many people it relates to me in a lot of ways and is extremely important quote to live by.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you Tori. As you said, "that if you fail at something it gives you a chance to begin something again, but more intelligently." Interpreted the quote the same way as you. I think you are 100 percent correct when you were talking about the failing a test and then fixing it next time.
DeleteTori, I agree with what you said. I love the examples you used too. I think you were right when you said that the quote has a big impact on life and is an important quote to live by. You did a great job with your paragraph.
DeleteHenry Ford once said the saying, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” This quote could mean a lot of different things. In my opinion, I believe that it means when you fail do not ever give up, get back up and try again. You have to learn from all of your mistakes. About three or four years ago, I joined my first competitive travel soccer team. It was a big step from recreational soccer, it was such a different experience. I never realized how mean coaches can be and so straightforward with you. Around my second season with the team, our keeper couldn't make it to the hardest game of our season. My coach asked, “who wanted to go in the goal” and I raised my hand. I played in the game, but we lost 3-0 i was so upset. My coach never let me go in the goal again. I was so mad at myself, but I was going to prove him wrong. That summer, I played for a summer select team. I played in the goal, my coach would call it “the Alyssa show.” I played so great he wanted me to go play for his team. I decided I did not want to play for my other coach and switched teams that fall. I have been playing for this team ever since. I have had so many opportunities since then, like playing for the national premier league for match fit, to PDA, one of the best clubs in new jersey, being able to turn down a position on their team, and making first cuts of the Olympic Development Program. Anything that has let me down or pulled me back has led me to here. I have never allowed anyone to tell me that I couldn't do something, because it only gives me the power to try harder and to never give up.
ReplyDeleteAlyssa, i totally agree with what you are saying. If something doesn't go the way that you planned or did something kind of bad then just bounce back and try again. Also, i agree completely with the don't give up part because if you do give up on something that you will never achieve that goal.
DeleteI totally agree with you're saying, Alyssa. Feeling upset after you didn't win the game when you were goalie, motivated you to do better next time. You also didn't give up, and practiced very hard to become better. That failure opened up a new window of opportunity for you and you proved to your old couch that you could do it.
ReplyDeleteHenry Ford once said “failure is simply opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. I think that this means that if you fail you have the opportunity to try again and this time you will fix your mistakes and do it more intelligently. Failure is not always a bad thing in fact it is a good thing because it gives you the opportunity fix what you are doing wrong and learn from it. Way too often people are afraid of failure because they think that is a bad thing. However, they have to get over that fear and realize that before you get good at something you probably fail 100 times before. The people that are the best at what they do are the people who failed a lot, but fixed their mistakes to become as good as they are. If you don’t fix your mistakes in life you can never expect to be successful.
This quote relates to me because when I play sports and fail I know that I have a chance to fix my mistakes and try again. If you don’t fix your mistakes when fail then you are not taking the opportunity and trying again more intelligently. If i don’t take the time and fix my mistakes in hockey i can’t expect myself to just magically get better. If I don’t take the opportunity to try again when I fail and if I don't get better I have no one to blame but myself. This quote by Henry Ford is a great quote and people think about it when they fail at something.
I agree with what you said Jakob. Failure isn't always a bad thing. Also that People shouldn't be afraid of failing. If you never fail you'll never be able to fix your mistakes. You have to get over the fear of failure to be successful. Otherwise if you never fail you won't be successful.
DeleteHarrison Ford once “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again,this time more intelligently.”What this quote means is that you learn from your mistakes and every time you do retry something and fail you become smarter after that experience.Failure isnt something you should be disappointed about but something you should be happy about.It doesn’t feel good to fail at something but if you get a second shot you should be happy that you know what to do for next time and use it to your advantage,failure is a second chance. One time I remember not knowing how to to solve algebraic expressions and the next day i failed the quiz which was about algebraic expressions.When we had to take the test for algebraic expressions I was prepared from the last test and I passed with a good grade.You always need failure in life because if you never fail at anything you won’t learn competition and you wont succeed in life.Learning from your mistakes is an important life lesson that you need to learn.Harrison Ford said this quote so people will learn to use failure as an advantage and not a disgrace.You should always remember to learn from your mistakes and use failure as an advantage to your success.
ReplyDeleteHenry Ford once said that “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” I think this quote means failing gives you another chance to do something again, but this time you can try to fix your mistake till you get it right. Failing lets you learn from your mistakes so next time you’ll try not to make that mistake again. If you never fail at anything you’ll never learn how to handle certain situations or how to do things better than before. You shouldn’t be afraid to fail because you can learn from mistakes you made. The most famous people in the world fail a lot before they made it. They just learn from their mistakes till they can do it better than anyone else. If you never fail you will never be successful.
ReplyDeleteThis relates to me because I play sports. For example, in basketball you fail a lot. Whether you are shooting or you got your shoot blocked there are many ways you can fail and fix your mistakes. The only way you’ll get better at basketball is keep shooting and failing till you get it right. Even in baseball too if you never strike out or make an error you won’t know how to fix it and do it better than before. Making mistakes is a good thing though because you can learn from them. So I think this quote by Henry Ford is a great quote.
I totally agree with your response Nick. People should never be afraid to fail, because failure can only make you better. you just have to learn from your mistakes and fix them. Even the best have failed before they got to the point where they are at. If you just keep pushing yourself to get better It will pay off in the end.
DeleteI agree with what you said Nick. Failure is a way to help yourself be able to try again but be better at it. If you fail at something, you know now that you can do it a different way to succeed.
DeleteHenry Ford once said “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” I think that this quotes means that if you fail you have have to chance to “redeem yourself” meaning that you have the chance to bounce back 0r get another try. But Henry Ford said to be more intelligent. this mean that if you fail you have the chance to try again but do it carefully and think about it before you are going to do it. Also, you should always learn from your mistakes because the next time it happens you will react and know what to do. This quote relates to me in life because one time in 7th grade I failed a test, but when I failed I learn that next time i have a test I should study for it and try harder so I do get a better grade on the next test. Another example is that when i was in 8th Grade I forgot a homework assignment I came in the next day without it and got a zero. i learn from my mistake though. The next homework assignment that we had to complete i wrote what we had to do in a notebook or agenda. Unlike the last time, I opened my agenda or notebook and knew exactly what to do, and the nest day i came in with it completed and got a 100%
ReplyDeleteJustin I agree with you 100%. Everyone gets chances to get great things. They just have to accept that they can fail. Also that you should learn from your mistakes.
DeleteI think the quote "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently," means if you fail, to never stop trying. If you mess up, start again. You know what you did wrong so fix it. You have more knowledge and you know that not to do wrong. There's no reason to be so upset about it when you can improve it and make it work. Every try will not be a failure, you have to look at the glass half full instead of half empty. Without positivity you would be a pessimist and it's really worth it to have positivity and to try it again. You will make it happen sometime but you just have to try and try. This relates to when I got really frustrated over building a scale I needed to pass my band midterm. I tried every scale, going through major and even diatonic pitches but I couldn't play it because I couldn't write it out correctly. I kept trying and asking until I realized I was missing a half step and then filled in the note. Every time I failed, I was one step closer to getting the correct scale. I learned to never stop trying because every time you mess up, you'll be closer to what you need to accomplish. Make it happen, don't back out and remember if J.K. Rowling didn't stop trying after being turned down by multiple companies and Walt Disney didn't stop trying after his idea for a amusement park was shot down, there would be no Harry Potter or Walt Disney World.
ReplyDeleteThe quote, "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently," by Harrison Ford means that when you fall you have to get back up and try again but better. When you fail you must get back up, dust yourself off, and try again. This happens all the time around the world. For example, Walt Disney had an idea that started when he was very young. He tried and tried to get his ideas around to start something big and bring his ideas to life but everyone would tell him that he was too young or he wasnt smart enough. He kept on failing and failing but that never kept him down. He kept on trying and pushed himself until he finally got someone to listen to him and brought his dreams to life. Now he created the biggest amusement park in the entire world. Another example of this quote would be Barack Obama. Barack Obama was the first African American president to lead the U.S. This election was a very important time in our country. Obama had worked so hard, had been rejected so many times just because of his ethnicity. But to Obsma, that the least of his concerns. No matter what happened, he picked right back up and tried again. Eventually, all of his work finally had payed off and he had become the first African American to run the United States of America. So in conclusion, when you get knocked down, don't give up, get back up and fight back.
ReplyDeletei agree with your essay Ashley. I like how you introduce Walt Disney, he was someone who tried, failed, and tried to improve what he did. Also, i like how you said that people shouldn't give up on what they do.
DeleteHenry Ford once said "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." This quote is what we do to bring ourselves back up when we failed or made a mistake. But the meaning of this quote is, at a time when you fail or make a mistake. You’ll get back up and fix and improve the mistake that you made. An example will be with scientists, they conduct experiments to their hypothesis. But when they make a mistake or a problem happens, they fix and improve their experiment and succeed and whatever they are doing.
ReplyDeleteWe as people succeed or fail at whatever job or task we do. But we always find ways to get up and be a better person. Also, trying to exceed and enhance at the job or task us as people do. Like me as a student, I either fail or succeed at the school work I get. So when I fail at like a test or something, what I do is the next test that comes, I will study really hard and try to get a really good grade. This quote also involves with fighting and with war. When you are in battle, you have a chance to win or lose. When you lose, you get yourself back up and you make yourself a new and strategic plan. This is what this quote means.
The quote “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, and this time more intelligence,” said by Henry Ford means that if you fail, you have another chance to re-do it but better than before. You’ll also have time to think about it before you do it again so you don’t fail a second time. When you fail, it opens a new window to allow you to retry what you’ve failed to do. When you fail, you learn from your mistakes and figure out how to correct them. There are numerous strokes in swimming; freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. One of the hardest stokes for me is the butterfly, or better known as fly. When I first started to learn how to do butterfly in swimming, i’d fail miserably, but i’d always practice it to get better. Butterfly is a very agile stroke in swimming since it needs a specific technique, rhythm, and strength in order to perform it. It’s also very difficult to do since it requires you to lift your arms up and out of the water as you do a caterpillar type motion. I’ve participated in Berkeley Rec. swimming with the Scouts since kindergarten and i’ve stuck with it ever since. I am developing into the best swimmer I could ever be and I plan on joining the highschool swim team this year. In conclusion, I’ve failed many times, but practice makes perfect.
ReplyDeleteHenry Ford once said “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” I believe that this quote means that if you fail at something, revise what you did and figure out a better way to do it. Just because you fail at something does not mean that it is not possible, just find a better way to reach your goal. This quote relates with a lot of common daily situations. One example of this quote being put to good use in real life is when I failed a test. I was being lazy and didn’t study for the test. When the test came I had no idea what to put down. I ended up getting grounded for it. However, when the next test came around, I changed what I had done. I actually studied. I studied long and hard, and in the end it paid off with a nice A. I was smart enough to actually realize what I did wrong, and i applied this quote. I revised what I did and I fixed my previous actions by studying. You can apply this quote to your daily life. Every single person in the world has failed at one point or another. However, there is always a way to fix it. You have to realize what you did wrong then fix it. So as you can see, this quote can be used with every person’s daily life. But that’s not what changes it. What changes it is how you apply the quote.
ReplyDeleteHenry Ford’s quote, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently” means if you don’t succeed, try again and fix your errors. You know which way doesn’t work when you make a mistake so you can try it a different way to be successful. Every time you fail you just see another way not to do that. Another quote that would apply this one is “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work” by Thomas Edison. There was a time where this quote applied to my own life. A while back I was trying to learn a difficult song on the piano that required both of my hands. I haven’t done a song with both hands before so I knew it was going to be a challenge. I did struggle a lot and made many mistakes but that did not discourage me from discontinuing learning the song. I simply learned from the mistakes I made previously and didn’t do them again. I still had confidence in getting it correct and didn’t give up on it. Finally I did get it even though I did fail over and over. Learning from my mistakes helped me to get the learn the song.
ReplyDeleteI think the quote “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently” by Henry Ford, means that if you fail, don’t be worried, but put more effort into it or think more about it. Sometimes you just have to accept failure and not be fazed by it, and to continue on. this way you know what doesn’t work and to revise things. some people might see failure as a bad thing but it is simply an experiment. A way this can relate to me is when I play video games and someone is better than me, and I fail over and over until I get better and beat the person I face. It takes lots of patience and you can’t give up, even when it get very frustrating. It's not a very good example but it works for the point I'm trying to get across.
ReplyDeleteI think the quote “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently” by Henry Ford, means that if you fail, don’t be worried, but put more effort into it or think more about it. Sometimes you just have to accept failure and not be fazed by it, and to continue on. this way you know what doesn’t work and to revise things. some people might see failure as a bad thing but it is simply an experiment. A way this can relate to me is when I play video games and someone is better than me, and I fail over and over until I get better and beat the person I face. It takes lots of patience and you can’t give up, even when it get very frustrating. It's not a very good example but it works for the point I'm trying to get across.
ReplyDeleteThe quote “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently” by Henry Ford has many meanings. What this quote means to me is that you should learn from mistakes. And the next time you perform the task you failed it should be better because you learn from your mistakes. Also that mistakes aren't bad, they can lead to a big discovery or a great invention. That's what happened with Henry Ford. He wanted to make a machine that could transport people better than a wagon and horse. So he kept trying and failing. But, eventually he made it work and that's why we have cars today. And that's why Ford is such a successful company today. I can relate this quote to my life. When we did the catapult project in Mr Cuccis project my group and I kept failing to launch the bead far enough. We kept failing and we kept trying. We thought we would lose for sure. But one of the group members had an idea that worked. When we had to launch in the competition we won by 25 feet. So if we didn't keep trying we would have lost. So without the quote by Henry Ford “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently” we would have lost the competition. This quote is very powerful and can help everyone with there problems.