Friday, September 11, 2015

Period 2 Blog #1

Your comment post should be  at least 210 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.

Dr. Suess once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter"


          * What do you think this quote means?  Relate this quote to an event in your life or to something you have seen someone else experience and explain the relation using examples.


  1. Jadir Lampkin



    Be who you are meaning be yourself. Be yourself no matter who you are around. Friends or no friend, be yourself because that it is all you can be. You cannot be anyone but yourself. We were all born alone and i’m pretty sure we are going to die alone. Say what you feel, means say what comes to mind first. Do not hesitate to speak up. It doesn't hurt to speak up about true feelings. It will not kill the next person you are speaking the truth to. Speak or you may forever hold your peace, spoken by A man with wisdom. If you don't say what you feel at the moment you will most likely feel bad about it later and regret it. That is why it is good to speak up what you are feeling. Also, everyone has their fair rights to an opinion everyone’s opinion matters! Dr.seuss is very right about these quotes and the points he was trying to get across are very meaningful. People will say whatever for attention so if you don't mind it, it won't mind you. Those who mind don't matter therefore, if you don't care about your grades in school and slack of course in the long-run you might fail or feel less.

    1. Hey Jadir, I agree what you wrote. You honestly speak the truth, you should always be yourself. And you should always speak up and speak your mind no matter what. It won't hurt anyone if you speak your mind. And those who mind what you say don't matter.

  2. Dr. Seuss once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.” This quote is saying that no matter what other people think you should always do what makes you happy. THe people who judge you for liking something or being something that they don't like are people who shouldn't matter your life. You shouldn't do what somebody else wants you to do or what they like to do. It's the people who respect your decisions and are always there for you no matter what who are your true friends.
    For example this is used in an everyday life because friends always judge you for who you are friends with. If one friend tells you not to be friends with someone but you really like that person then you shouldn't hide the fact you're still friends. You should be able to make any choice that you want and still have other people be happy with that. Friends are somebody that you are friends with, not them. If they will judge you and not be friends with you because you want to be friends with somebody then they don't matter in your life. Don't let other people choose who your friends are. Because they should accept you for you and your decisions.

    1. I feel as though I agree with frankie because you should always do what makes you feel happy as an individual. No one can stop you but you. So therefore, do what you please. Also, say what you please,but being a jerk is not necessary. Keep mean thoughts to yourself. If it is not nice please think twice! YOLO

  3. Dr. Seuss once said “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.” I think what he meant was that you should be your own person. Do what you like, not what others like. Your friends will accept you for who you are, if not then they aren’t true friends. This quote can be relate to my life a lot, actually quite recently too. One of my closest friends recently stopped talking to me because I’ve changed a lot for my own benefit. I used to be really quiet and non outgoing and used to deal with anyone. But now I’m trying to be outgoing and not deal with others and there lies and stuff. My friend didn’t like that. He said he liked the old me better and said he didn’t want to be friends anymore. It stinks but it’s for my better good. So in the end you really see who matters in your life. Like Dr. Seuss said, “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.” He couldn’t accept the new me so he doesn’t matter. My real friends have accepted the new me, that’s all that matters.

    1. I agree with Dylan, that he did not matter because he did not like how you changed in your personality, the people that do matter are the ones that have accepted you when you changed


  4. The quote that Doctor.Seuss write means be yourself and don't be shy to show who really you are to the whole word or to the other people even if they going to make fun of you because being yourself a nice thing that you ever done to yourself before because you accept who you are, you're happy to what you have and those people who try to make you change is not your really friends because the really friends is always there for you and they will accept who you really you are. I have a friend that want to change herself because she want to be friend to the popular kids because she want to be popular too but when she change herself we started to argue because she’s not the same person she’s not my best friend anymore and she even started to broke the rule in the school and she started to broke her parents rules she really became like a bad person so I never hang out with her anymore but after a few years she realize that she lost her own friend and her parents trust so she try to be herself again so when she became herself again we fix our friendship and now are friendship is strong that nobody will broke that friendship. dont change yourself accept who really you are.

  5. Dr. Seuss once said “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter”. This quote to me means those who are there for you will not mind helping you with problems because they care about your situation and your feelings. The ones that are true will stay by your side through thick and thin. The ones who do care about helping you and are never really there for you when you need someone the most should not matter in your life because they are not being themselves. You should never go to a person like that because they do not care. This quote by Dr. Suess is relatable to something i have seen in my life. My friend lost his dog and was really upset about it and they tried talking to someone about it hoping they would care and help. Instead the person acted like somebody they were not and one worded him and did not really care much about how he was feeling. This quote by Dr. seuss really fits well with this person's situation i feel because the person they wanted to help cared about helping but in the wrong way. Be yourself no matter what.

  6. I think it is So important for people to stay true to themselves. I'm sure you have heard it all before, but no one else exists in the world who is just like you. So why not give the world a different flavor of person? Anyways, it really doesn't make sense to me why people try to act like something they're not. I mean, I understand the slight issue when someone is trying to find him/herself, or someone might not be comfortable with him/herself, but overall, everyone is unique, everyone is special, and everyone should be themselves, because everyone is beautiful. It saddens me to see people hide themselves simply because they don't fit the images that the media is constantly pushing. Like I said, everyone is beautiful. People everywhere need to dig deep and figure out what's great about themselves. There's no need to lose yourself. Find yourself, keep yourself, and BE yourself. There really shouldn't be some sort of hindrance that prevents people from saying what they want to say. I think too many people keep quiet way too often. I do think there are times when certain remarks or questions should be withheld for the sake of the circumstance but people have to be their own judge on what's appropriate. With the exception of that there, say what you feel! If I have an opinion that I want to be heard, I will make it audible. Say what you need to say, because keeping your thoughts bottled up inside isn't really the best thing for you as a person. Though it could lead to negative things being said, it's important that everyone exercises their unalienable right of the freedom of speech. Speak up! Just don't say anything too crazy that will cause a war or something.The difficult thing when it comes to saying what's on your mind is deciding who matters and who doesn't. The part of the quote that says, "those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." I think that is what got the quote to become so popular, because it's kind of true. The people who get offended that you tell the truth are the people who shouldn't matter, because obviously they can't handle what you have to say. Those who should matter to you are the ones who listen to what you have to say even if they don't agree with it. No matter what you say, there will always be at least one person who disagrees with you. I'm not saying critique is bad. It could open your eyes to help you realize something else. But if someone is always trying to shut down what you have to say, ignore them. Don't let anyone get to you or keep you from speaking up. It's your voice not theirs.

  7. Joslyn Olivos
    Period 2

    Dr. Suess once said ‘’Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter’’. I think this means be you who are in front of anyone. It does not matter if they are your friends or not, do what makes you happy. Nobody can tell you what to do or who to be. Everyone is special in there own way.
    Once, one of my really good friends saw a group of popular girls and she felt so insecure because she was not one of those girls. I was always there for her she would always say how she wanted to wear the same clothes as the popular girls did. It did not matter to me what she wore because she is my friend and I cared for her. Until one day I saw my friend walking with one of the popular girls and she had a whole new wardrobe. I did not know who she was she pretended to be someone she is not just for people to like her. You do not need to spend hundreds of dollars just for someone to notice you, your personality is what counts. If people don’t like you for you are they are not worth chasing for. This quote really has taught a huge lesson to just be myself and only worry about myself, and to just be happy for who you are.


  8. This quote is saying that you should always be yourself no matter what because you are unique, and there is nobody else like you, and also speak your mind if you disagree with something or if you think something is not correct than speak up don’t be afraid of anything or anyone.

    If someone does not like you for some reason you should not care because they are only trying to make you feel bad and those are the people that should not matter to you, the people that should matter to you will listen to you and accept you no matter what.

    This quote is experienced by almost everyone, and almost everyday, some people are afraid to be who they are because of what others might think and they end up living in a world of fear, for example if there is someone that dresses a little bit different than us, it does not mean that the person is odd, it’s just what they like to wear, or maybe the person is from a foreign country where they dress like that.
    People should be able to dress however they want and say whatever they want without people saying anything, and if they do then you already know who the people that should not matter to you are

  9. I think it means don’t worry about what other people think and be bold about everything you do. And the people who care will understand, but the people who don’t care are irrelevant. It also means be who you naturally are and don’t change because others might see you as weird or different. It kind of encourages people to be different and unique, I think. It would relate to me when sometimes I have to act different than everyone else because if I didn’t that just wouldn’t be me.

  10. Dr. Seuss once said "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter." What Dr.Seuss is trying to say is speak your mind and do your own actions. The people who tell you to stop are the ones they don’t matter. The people who don’t mind what you say and what you do are the ones who matter to you. This is how you figure out who are your real friends and who are not. The people that dont let you do what you want or say are the people who you shouldn't care about. I know this from personal experience. I am who I am and I do what i say and no one stops me. They let me do whatever I want without anyone interfering. You should do what you want no matter if people are trying to stop you from doing it. Those people that try to stop you or get in the way of things are the ones who know you’re going to make it. The people who are blocking you from doing what you want are also making it more of a challenge. This is my opinion on people who matter and don't matter.
