Friday, March 16, 2018

Period 11 Blog #21

“Nick Carraway is in love with Gatsby”

I’ve read the F. Scott Fitzgerald classic more than any other novel — and with each reading, I grow more convinced

I have read The Great Gatsby more times than any other novel. With each reading, my understanding of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s greatest work deepens, and I pick up something I missed previously.

My reading of the book starts with this premise: Nick Carraway is actually the protagonist of the novel. This is not a hard case to make. It could be argued that the narrator of every first-person novel is the protagonist, even if the book is “about” someone else. Nick is the only character who “changes,” in the way they used to teach in high school, and anyway Gatsby is absent for many of the book’s scenes, including the drawn-out ending.

My other premise is less obvious, but no more difficult to argue: Nick is a) gay and b) in love with Gatsby.

Here’s what we know about Nick Carraway, from what he tells us in the first few pages of the book: he was born in 1896, so is about the same age as Fitzgerald; he went to Yale, as his father did before him; he fought in the First World War; he resembles his “hard-boiled” great uncle; his aunts and uncles are worried about him because he is in his late-20’s and still single. Reading between the lines, we deduce that there is something unusual about him, something that concerns his family. So far, Nick’s is exactly the profile of a (closeted) gay young man in a prominent Middle Western family in 1922.


From here, we look to Nick’s impressions of the various characters:


Daisy Buchanan is the Southern belle with whom Gatsby is so desperately in love that he joins the underworld, amasses a small fortune, and ultimately ruins his life. It is safe to assume that there’s a reason Daisy has been played in the movies by fair beauties like Mia Farrow and Carey Mulligan. Yet here is how Nick, a distant enough cousin to lust for her with impunity if he had such impulses, describes her:

I looked back at my cousin, who began to ask me questions in her low, thrilling voice. It was the kind of voice that the ear follows up and down, as if each speech is an arrangement of notes that will never be played again. Her face was sad and lovely with bright things in it, bright eyes and a bright passionate mouth, but there was an excitement in her voice that men who had cared for her found difficult to forget: a singing compulsion, a whispered “Listen,” a promise that she had done gay, exciting things just a while since and that there were gay, exciting things hovering in the next hour.

Essentially, Daisy, this legendary beauty, this great love of Gatsby’s life…had a nice voice. A voice they later realize sounds like money.


Next up, the golfer Jordan Baker. Nick’s take:

I enjoyed looking at her. She was a slender, small-breasted girl, with an erect carriage, which she accentuated by throwing her body backward at the shoulders like a young cadet. Her gray sun-strained eyes looked back at me with polite reciprocal curiosity out of a wan, charming, disconcerted face.

We can easily imagine Jordan, a prototype of the modern-day female athlete: sporty, fit, trim, and a bit flirty. Other than the word small-breasted—which de-emphasizes the golfer’s feminine attributes—this could be a description of a man.

Nick spends a lot of time with Jordan during the summer when the story takes place—enough so that she is under the impression that he “threw her over.” But we never hear about this. Jordan Baker does not interest him. He is dating her to try and convince himself that he is attracted to her, this boyish woman, but he is not.


Then Myrtle, who we can also assume, because a wealthy and athletic man like Tom Buchanan could probably have his pick of available women, is easy on the eyes:

She was in the middle thirties, and faintly stout, but she carried her surplus flesh sensuously as some women can. Her face, above a spotted dress of dark blue crêpe-de-chine, contained no facet or gleam of beauty, but there was an immediately perceptible vitality about her as if the nerves of her body were continually smoldering.

To Tom, Myrtle is the smoldering portrait of voluptuousness, but Nick is not taken with her at all. Granted, he might not be inclined to like his cousin’s husband’s lover, but I find it curious that he’s so sure her dress is made of crêpe-de-chine.


Compare the way Nick views the women of the novel with his description of Tom Buchanan, someone Nick does not particularly care for:

He had changed since his New Haven years. Now he was a sturdy straw-haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner. Two shining arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward. Not even the effeminate swank of his riding boots could hide the enormous power of that body — he seemed to fill those glistening boots until he strained the top lacing, and you could see a great pack of muscle shifting when his shoulder moved under his thin coat. It was a body capable of enormous leverage — a cruel body.

Daisy is about the voice, Jordan the erect carriage, Myrtle the crêpe-de-chine. Only Tom is given such an attractive description.


Then Nick meets his wealthy neighbor Mr. Gatsby for the first time:

He smiled understandingly — much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you might come across four or five times in your life. It faced — or seemed to face — the whole external world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just as far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey.

If you came across that passage out of context, you would probably conclude it was from a romance novel. If that scene were a cartoon, Cupid would shoot an arrow, music would swell, and Nick’s eyes would turn into giant hearts.


Next, we’ll skip to the part where I believe Nick hooks up with Mr. McKee.

This would be the end of chapter two, before he meets, and falls instantly in love with, Gatsby. He is in Manhattan with Tom, who wanted Nick to meet “his girl,” Myrtle. They are at Myrtle’s apartment with her sister Catherine and some neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. McKee—the former being “a pale, feminine man.” They spend the afternoon together and drink into the night—it is, Nick says, one of the few times in his life he has drunk to excess. There are two couples plus Nick and Catherine, and that arrangement suggests that she is who he should wind up with, but at the end of the night, after Tom breaks Myrtle’s nose, here’s what goes down:

Then Mr. McKee turned and continued on out the door. Taking my hat from the chandelier, I followed.
“Come to lunch someday,” he suggested, as we groaned down in the elevator.
“All right,” I agreed, “I’ll be glad to.”

Then the strange ellipses—the only time in the book Fitzgerald uses them—suggesting action that we’re not privy to. And I do mean action.

. . . I was standing beside his bed and he was sitting up between the sheets, clad in his underwear, with a great portfolio in his hands.
“Beauty and the Beast…Loneliness…Old Grocery House…Brook’n Bridge….”
Then I was lying half asleep in the cold lower level of the Pennsylvania Station and waiting for the four o’clock train.


The Great Gatsby is often praised, and rightly so, for its economy. So much is packed into this slender volume—not much more than 50,000 words, practically a novella. Why would Fitzgerald bother to include this strange interlude, a loopy Nick in bed with the “feminine” Mr. McKee in his underwear at 3 in the morning, if not to show the narrator’s sexual preference? What other purpose can it possibly serve? That Nick is interested in photography?


How might Nick’s sexuality affects what we are reading? Gatsby is, after all, an account written by him in Minnesota the year after the events in the book. We see only what Nick lets us see.. If Nick is in love with Gatsby—and this seems pretty clear—then the entire novel operates as a rationalization of that misplaced love. Nick romanticizes Gatsby in the exact same way that Gatsby romanticizes Daisy.


Nick wants us to believe, as he does, that Gatsby is different, that “only…the man who gives his name to his book, was exempt from [his] reaction” of scorn because of Jay’s “extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness such that I have never found in any other person and which it is not likely I shall ever find again.” Translation: “I loved this man.” Unlike Tom and Daisy, “Gatsby turned out all right at the end….”

This is easily disproven when we see that no one comes to Gatsby’s funeral, speaking volumes about how good of a man he really was and how blinded Nick was in his love as he narrated this entire story.



Your comment must be at least 370 words. Due by Tuesday 3/20 at 11:59pm. Your reply to a classmate is due Thursday 3/22 at 11:59pm.


-Do you believe the author made a strong case? Why or why not?

-What were some of the authors strongest arguments? What were some of his weaker points?
-If Nick truly is in love with Gatsby, how does that affect the way the story is told?



  1. Q. Do you believe the author made a strong case? Why or why not?

    I believe the author made a strong case, they had a lot of evidence to support their arguments and they had a lot of detail as well.

    Q. What were some of the authors strongest arguments? What were some of his weaker points?

    Some of the authors strongest points in the arguments were the quotes they added such as, “ He had changed since his New Haven years. Now he was a sturdy straw-haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner. Two shining arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward. Not even the effeminate swank of his riding boots could hide the enormous power of that body — he seemed to fill those glistening boots until he strained the top lacing, and you could see a great pack of muscle shifting when his shoulder moved under his thin coat. It was a body capable of enormous leverage — a cruel body.” and “ He smiled understandingly — much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you might come across four or five times in your life. It faced — or seemed to face — the whole external world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just as far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey. ” These quotes helped provide evidence for the arguments with detail from the actual story itself. I feel as though there wasn’t any weaker parts to the arguments.

    Q. If Nick truly is in love with Gatsby, how does that affect the way the story is told?

    It could be possible that Nick is in love with Gatsby. I believe that it shouldn’t affect the way the story is told and it shouldn’t affect the significance of the book either. I strongly feel and believe that people should be with whoever they want to be with and that they shouldn’t be judged for it or looked upon as an outcast or even a monster/demon because of themselves and what they like.

    1. I like the way you formmated the questions and answers. I think you did a swell job at answering them aswell. I dont believe nick was gay, but maybe he is.

    2. You make some good points. It could be possible that Nick is in love with Gatsby and it could be possible that he is gay, as well. Despite this, it shouldn't truly affect how someone were to view the book. Yes, it could affect how Nick would be viewed, as it was the 1920's, but it should not, as you said, change the significance of the book.

  2. I think that the author of the article may have been on to something. Before I knew about Daisy and Gatsby I thought him and nick were gay but then i was proved wrong when i learned about the love between daisy and gatsby. I do not think nick is gay because he would have been more hurt when gatsby died and he also had the hots for jordan throughout the book.
    The author talks about many character sand how he (nick) reacts with them but in the ultimate end being gay was not even allowed to be a thought in a person’s mind in the 1900’s. It was majorly frownded upon and anyone who was thought to be gay was said to have mental problems and be unstable. It is still frownded upon in today’s socitity so i highly highly doubt that nick was gay. He did not have many friends and he was a nice pleasant smooth type of person. I do not think that that is a reason to call him gay. If anything i think we should be questioning if Gatsby was gay, because he did the most inviting nick everywhere with him and sending him notes and lying to impress him. I do not think that nick is gay nor should be thought to be gay.
    If nick was invlove with Gatsby i think nick would have fessed up at some point and not have helped him get with daisy. The fact that he did not fess up or interfere with his love chase of a woman i do not believe nick was gay he is just the victim of a wrongful accusation.
    I think that the author of the article may have been on to something. Before I knew about Daisy and Gatsby I thought him and nick were gay but then i was proved wrong when i learned about the love between daisy and gatsby. I do not think nick is gay because he would have been more hurt when gatsby died and he also had the hots for jordan throughout the book.
    The author talks about many character sand how he (nick) reacts with them but in the ultimate end being gay was not even allowed to be a thought in a person’s mind in the 1900’s. It was majorly frownded upon and anyone who was thought to be gay was said to have mental problems and be unstable. It is still frownded upon in today’s socitity so i highly highly doubt that nick was gay. He did not have many friends and he was a nice pleasant smooth type of person. I do not think that that is a reason to call him gay. If anything i think we should be questioning if Gatsby was gay, because he did the most inviting nick everywhere with him and sending him notes and lying to impress him. I do not think that nick is gay nor should be thought to be gay.
    If nick was invlove with Gatsby i think nick would have fessed up at some point and not have helped him get with daisy. The fact that he did not fess up or interfere with his love chase of a woman i do not believe nick was gay he is just the victim of a wrongful accusation.

    1. I agree that i do not think nick is gay, even with well written ponts i dont believe it either, you point out some very good points and facts, good job kate!

  3. I do think the author makes some good points. He explains everything very well. There is nothing he misses out on pretty much. He adds detail like crazy. This is great for him.

    Some palces he does explain quit amazingly is everywere. He does explain things like hes supposed to. As he says here “Nothing lasts forever. Enjoy every moment that you have. Enjoy life and practice being present in the moment because it goes by extremely fast. There will be both good and bad times. The bad thing about up is there’s always a down. It’s important to really enjoy and savor the good moments in life because you’ll need those memories to reflect back on when the bad times come. The first 10 years after high school go by at a breakneck speed and before you know it you’re 28 and wondering how the time has escaped you.” He explains it very well. He explains every little detail about it. This is great becuase he shows how much he cares. Then he says “Enjoy being young while you are still young! Enjoy being young as much as possible. Enjoy the metabolism and the fun times. Cross stuff off your bucket list while you’re young because no one knows how much time you truly have. Don’t wait until you’re old and can’t or may not be able to do the things you really want to experience. Seriously, you may be broke while you’re young, but that doesn’t matter. You’ve got time to make money and settle down. Travel, explore and do what your heart desires now. You can still get married, have children and a household and career starting in your 20s if you want, but you should try to balance your life with equal amounts of responsibility and fun. The last thing you want to do is look back on missed chances.” This shows he cares. This is why i agree that his advise is helpfull becuase he explains everything exactly how it is. He is a great author.

    1. i agree on what wrote about i think that you were right about the author doing some strong cases about nick being gay and he was right even though he didn't have the strongest cases he still did go

    2. i agree as well because he was strongly accusing nick multiple times

  4. I believe that the author did make a strong case, because the points could be vaildated if seen through their eyes.
    The strongest arguments the author portrayed were when they explained how Nick described the women versus the men. Showing visual contexts from a book can be very persuading. They also pointed out how he was basically Gatspy’s little puppy. He loved Gatspy he would always speak highly of him and never let anyone talk down on him. BUT maybe because they were good friends? The more weaker points is how they try to make everything about him being gay. Is it gay to love your friends? Is it gay to support them and always be there for them regardless of gender? No its not, so exploting irrelvant points is actually pointless, like them trying to tell us jordan is actually a male character? I didn’t see how relevance was there at all. or w
    If Nick WAS in love with Gatspy I don’t think it would affect the story at all, he never acted on the love or affection, it is irrelavant and he even helped him with Daisy. If you’re in love with someone you dont help them get your cousin? I dont think the author made a strong case, because all in all no one knows but the author is Nick is gay, and just assuming if he was, that it changes the story is ridiculus.

  5. The author did make some good statements, but I don’t actually think that Nick was in love with Gatsby. He did back up the statement by describing each one by their events that occur in the book. At first Nick didn’t even know Gatsby he just heard about him, since Gatsby was well known for his money. When he did actually meet Gatsby for the first time he didn’t even know it was him until he introduce himself. Nick has a great personality making him nice to everyone he meets, which doesn’t mean he would be in love with every single person he is nice to. He is a friend to him once getting more further into the book. Since Gatsby first lover was Daisy which is Nick’s cousin he wanted to help out. He was being a friend to Gatsby during the whole book there really wasn’t no real reason to say that he may have been in love with him. He liked to help because it was one of his family member that was with Gatsby. When Gatsby offer Nick a job he turn him down by saying no he doesn’t want to accept it. Nick also saw how Gatsby was in love with Daisy if he were he would have been jealous or shown hate towards his cousin. Nick also knew when to distance himself from Gatsby and Daisy to let have time alone. At the end when Gatsby deadhe called people for them to show up to his funeral because he was a friend to him. If it were true the whole story would have been completely different, Gatsby may have been still alive til the end. We would have seen more moments between Gatsby and Nick and showing affection to each other. Daisy would have never had an affair with Gatsby knowing that her own cousin was in love with him. Since they both were at the army we would have known more about the war and about them. So many things would be different that the whole book would have even had a different theme since it can’t be the same. But things will have not turn out the way it did in this book but it would have been interested to see it from a different point of view.

  6. I think the author did make a pretty strong case since he put in the details to explain how nick would love gatsby saying that him and jordan baker are only dating so he thinks that he likes her but in the end he doesn’t since he seems to just ignore the fact that there is even an relationship and seems he is in love with other men especially gatsby and he hooked up with the other guy mr. mckee before he actually talked to gatsby which it seems that gatsby wont even date nick since in this case he isn’t gay and is trying to date daisy which he can't because she is already married to tom since when this all happened gatsby was in the war which made it almost impossible for him to date her and since she already made the decision of marrying tom already.
    Some of the strong arguments is when they talk about nick sees gatsby for the first time and that he goes into great detail when this happens and goes on for a while talking about him or when nick first or only sees him for the first time sees mr mckee and then he hooks up with him and then says lets go to lunch one time and they end up meeting again and they were at one of the other person's house which meant that they probably were dating which gave some good evidence on the topic about it. Now what i will say one of the weaker ones are about him dating jordan baker because i think he did like her but not to the point where he would do anything it was just to cover up that he was gay but it doesn’t seem that they knew he was gay only that other guy probably knew he was gay since he did date him before which may be the only person besides him and his family. Nick is truly in love with gatsby since he would always like him even if he did something bad to daisy or not do stuff smart he would take care of him and or hang out with him everyday and stay long and when he died he tried to get people that went to his party to go and it was only him that did it usually there was more people who would help but no one come except him and gatsby's dad

  7. I believe that the author did make a pretty strong case about how Nick Carraway could be in fact gay. In this time period it was not seen as “okay” for a man to be with another man in anyway. In fact, it was illegal at this point in time. Whether Nick Carraway is really gay or not has not been proven or out right stated in the novel, but there certainly is evidence in the novel to hint towards Nick being gay. As the author had used evidence from the text to support this statement. For example, when Nick clearly shows disinterest in the clearly attractive women around him. Daisy, being a distant cousin, was someone, as the author puts describes, “Yet here is how Nick, a distant enough cousin to lust for her with impunity if he had such impulses”. But Nick shows no interested in Daisy throughout the novel. Of course this could be because of the fact that she is a cousin of his, albeit a distant cousin. Though, if we jump to his relationship with Jordan, he also tends to show no interest in her either. Nick describes Jordan as a “slender, small-breasted girl, with an erect carriage, which she accentuated by throwing her body backward at the shoulders like a young cadet. Her gray sun-strained eyes looked back at me with polite reciprocal curiosity out of a wan, charming, disconcerted face.” The author goes on to explain that besides the fact that he describes her as a “small-breasted girl”, Jordan’s description that he gives her, could also be used for an athletic male. Of course, Nick does spend a lot of time with Jordan during the summer, giving the reader the impression that maybe he was interested in her, but he never outright states that he’s interested in Jordan. Nor does he go out of his way to see Jordan during the novel. His main focus is always on other things. And, of course, Nick also clearly states that he is not at all attracted to her. Though, this could also simply be because Tom is cheating on his cousin with Myrtle and he just doesn’t like that. Although, there is a REALLY strong argument when the author brings up the fact that Nick may have “hooked up” with Mr. Mckee. “. . . I was standing beside his bed and he was sitting up between the sheets, clad in his underwear, with a great portfolio in his hands.
    “Beauty and the Beast…Loneliness…Old Grocery House…Brook’n Bridge….” Then I was lying half asleep in the cold lower level of the Pennsylvania Station and waiting for the four o’clock train.” It states that Nick was standing besides the bed with Mr. Mckee sitting up between the sheets of the bed in his underwear. I honestly don’t see why else the author would put something like that into the novel if it wasn’t to say, “hey, by the way, Nick is gay!”.
    Some of the weaker arguments that the author says could be the part about Nick is not attracted to Myrtle, when this very well could just be because he doesn’t find her attractive in the first place. Or, for the simple reason that Tom is cheating on his cousin with this woman and he just doesn’t appreciate that. Which, I’m sure no one would.
    If Nick truly is in love with Gatsby, this changes the way people view the novel quite a bit. Firstly, because of when this novel takes place. It takes place in a time where being gay was something that was illegal and people would be killed for being gay. Not only that, but it changes how Nick views the world. And if he was in love with Gatsby, then he would typically side more with Gatsby. View him as a better person than he really was. As in; no one came to Gatsby’s funeral, despite the fact that Nick thought plenty of people would come. Especially because Gatsby had had so many parties and had known so many people. But if Gatsby was truly a good person that people had loved and appreciated, more than two people would have shown up for his funeral.

  8. Do you believe the author made a strong case? Why or why not?
    I think the author made a supported case by backing it with facts from the book as well as their own personal knowledge of the book that they have read “more than any other novel”

    -What were some of the authors strongest arguments? What were some of his weaker points?
    In my opinion the author is trying to make the case that we all thought throughout reading this book that Nick is gay for Gatsby. We all thought it we all have different opinions on it mine is that he is not. He is a guy who moved from his small low populated home and knows no one and does not have much knowledge about people skills. How can i back this up? Well he sits there listening to everyones problems and watches as his cousins husband cheats on her and says nothing to him or to her he then helps her cheat on him with a friend all because this friend simply asked. Nick also just came from one of the most gruesome wars known to man. I believe nick is an awkward individual that doesn't know people skills or have “street smarts” and therefore his affection for Gatsby is there purely on the fact that he was the only person that had respect for him and was willing to show him the way of life around a more populated area it is for this very same reason he did not go off on Tom because Tom took him out to the city.

    -If Nick truly is in love with Gatsby, how does that affect the way the story is told?
    If Nick was in Love with Gatsby it wouldn’t make much sense that he’d set him up with his cousin even if Nick knew he wasn’t gay he would do what anyone else would do in that situation and tell Gatsby Daisy isn't available.

  9. I don't agree with the author nick could not be in love with gatsby or gay. He was into jordan in the book. Daisy even said she was going to get the two of them to get together. Daisy said she was going to get them to fall in love. Daisy and Nick were very close I mean they were cousins. If Nick was gay Daisy would know and would try and get him together with one of her guy friends or something. If Nick was in love with Gatsby he probably would have talked to him and not helped him get with his cousin. We would have been told if he was gay because we knew his thoughts because of the way the story was written. It was written in first person and we know Nick's thoughts so if he was in love with the great gatsby. If Nick did love gatsby it wouldn’t make any sense he would of been jealous of Gatsby trying to date his cousin. If somehow Nick did love gatsby which would make no sense it wouldn’t change much of the story. He would of never gotten jealous of Gatsby and Daisy. It would explain why he always was hanging out with Gatsby. Then when Nick tried so hard to get people for gatsby's funeral it wouldn't be because of how good of friends he was gatsby. It would of been because of the fact that Nick loved Gatsby. He said to Gatsby's dad that he was one of his best friends. When no one showed up to Gatsbys funneral he was pretty upset and mad when people said they werent coming. Anyone would be mad if no one was going to there best friends funeral so that dosent mean hes in love with him. If he really was in love with Jimmy Gatsby then Nick Carraway would of tried something in that whole time. We would have know that he loves Gatsby because we know all of nicks thoughts becuase of the way the story is written.

    1. I have to disagree with you Gavin in your first sentence. At the end of your writing i have to agree with you.

  10. I do in fact think that the author does have a good point to his accusations but i also do not think that Nick could possibly be love with Gatsby. I guess if you dig deeper you may get that vibe but i am not sure that is the case. The author did a good job discussing this article with supportive details and a well structured outline, also with brief comments explaining his opinion. I believe that Nick Carraway is just amused by Gatsby and looks up to him, as does everybody else in the novel, Gatsby is a very successful man and worked hard for it and to get where he is now. Nick i think is maybe amazed by him and how much everyone well respects Gatsby as a person and more interested in his story rather than what everyone else comes for, his parties.

    One of the authors strongest arguments in this novel is that i believe was the best describes is how well he pointed out the way nick looks at or opinion on how the female characters look, to the way he describes the male characters in the novel. It mostly talks about how nick does not really give great descriptions of the women or rather say lovey or one of how a man would look at a woman of this time period but gives dreamy descriptions to the male characters and makes the more described and handsome. The male characters stand out in nicks way of how they look and the girls are very bland, which i did not really notice until after i read this article.

    Once again i do not think this article can change the way i look at the book. It really does not make anything much different of a change because even if nick is in love with gatsby the book still goes on the exact same way as before. It also does not make me think any different but maybe explain why he was so upset at how no one was showing up for gatsby’s funeral

    1. I do agree with you when you said that the authors strongest argument was the way nick described the male characters as if he does love males instead of females.

  11. I think that the author made a strong point that Nick is in love with gatsby. There was a lot of good evidence that made me think that this could be true. The way Nick described the female characters and then how he described Jay Gatsby. Nick talks about Gatsby in a different way than what someone straight would talk about if it was a girl.

    There are a lot of strong arguments that the author made and some weak ones as well in the article. One of the strongest points were the quotes they added such as, “ He had changed since his New Haven years. This is one of the strong point in the arguments. I didn't really think that the article had any weak points.

    If Nick did love Gatsby then it would change the whole story completely. Nick would stop Gatsby from meeting with Daisy. I think he would tell Gatsby how he feels about him at the end.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


  13. I wholeheartedly believe the author made a strong case when he states that Nick and Mr. McKee had something going on. First, Nick and Mr. McKee spent an entire afternoon together drinking; then, Mr. McKee invites him to have lunch, then all of the sudden they’re both together in a room and Mr. McKee is almost naked in his underwear. This scene is extremely odd and out of place.

    …“I was standing beside his bed and he was sitting up between the sheets, clad in his underwear, with a great portfolio in his hands. Beauty and the Beast…Loneliness…Old Grocery House…Brook’n Bridge…Then I was lying half asleep in the cold lower level of the Pennsylvania Station and waiting for the four o’clock train.” If this scene wasn’t creepy enough, the author goes even deeper. He points out that the way Nick describes each male figure in the story is in a provocative way. However; he doesn’t do the same with woman. The way Nick describes the woman seems as if women turn him off, or as if he was not attracted to them. I do not see any weak points in the authors arguments.

    If Nick truly is in love with Gatsby, I believe that does not affect the way the story is told. Everyone is entitled to have their own ideas and beliefs. One may read the Gatsby story and believe that maybe Nick could probably be gay. On another hand, another person may read it and have a total different perspective of it and think that one night two men met each other, had too many drinks and both woke up with a hangover. Nothing more, nothing less. If you were to ask me, it still sounds a little disturbing.

  14. I can agree with some of the statements as in why Nick Carraway is in love with Gatsby, but i disagree with half of the authors theories because Nick is a kind,trustworthy, friendly man. This would’ve changed the whole story a lot because if Gatsby knew that Nick was in love with him, he wouldn’t have asked him for favors to try to get with Daisy. Nick would have said no because of jealousy, but no he agreed to help. I really don’t think Nick Carraway is in love with Gatsby because Nick always wanted to meet Gatsby and when he did he was surprised. He was even shocked that he was the only one who got an invitation to his party. The author was right about the part where Nick spent a lot of time with Jordan in the summer, meaning maybe he could be in love with Jordan and not Gatsby, he probably just sees Gatsby as a brother to be honest. If Nick Carraway was really in love with Gatsby the whole novel would be totally different, because then Nick wouldn’t have helped Gatsby by getting Daisy with him.
