I Believe That Jay Gatsby Is A Black Man
August 25, 2000
Carlyle V. Thompson
Assistant professor of
American and African literature at Medgar Evers
College, United States
Jay Gatsby, F.
Scott Fitzgerald's opulent playboy hero, was a black man. Fitzgerald litters
his novel with signifiers that suggest Gatsby to be black, although he
"passes" as white. In The Great
Gatsby, he is frequently described as "pale", as is his car:
"It was a rich cream colour, bright with nickel, swollen here and there in
its monstrous length" Yellow is a great signifier in Afro-American
discourse to suggest miscegenation and racial passing. Here, Fitzgerald is also
playing with the symbolic status of the car and with stereotypical images of
blackness. Why does he do this? Why are there so many clues?
I have looked
at similar themes of racial tension in works of Charles Waddell Chesnutt,
William Faulkner and others. Gatsby has 40 acres: 40 acres and a mule are
traditionally given to ex-slaves; he is associated with New Orleans and
"black" jazz music; he trims his hair everyday - suggestive of African
And he tells
Nick Carraway that his family is dead. The word 'dead' is significant in that
those light-skinned black individuals who choose to try and pass for white in
society become symbolically dead to their families.
Fitzgerald was
writing in the jazz age, a time of eugenics and the rise of white supremacy. He
had already written on the threat of "the negroid that creeps
northwards". Fitzgerald's racial anxieties shape the novel. A book popular
in Fitzgerald's time, “The Rise of the Coloured Empires,” is cited by one of
the novel's characters, Tom Buchanan, early on. The novel then explores
(traditionally) the search for The American Dream.
There is one
open discussion of race in the novel, where Tom insinuates Gatsby is a
"black" individual, but Jordan defends him saying: "We're all
white here." Jordan, however, is known as a liar: another hint.
More than
that, every time we see black individuals -- such as “the three modish negroes,
two bucks and a girl” in the limousine, or the “pale well-dressed negro” who
describes the yellow car that hit Myrtle Wilson -- we see Gatsby or Gatsby has
just left. Not to mention, the color yellow also suggests the term “high
yellow,” which is a signifier for black individuals who pass as white.
Gatsby is identified as a "bootlegger.” Bootlegger means counterfeit, and
here Fitzgerald implies that Gatsby was racially counterfeit. The narrative
constantly whispers the presence of blackness. In my paper, "The Tragic
Black 'Buck': Jay Gatsby's 'Passing' in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby,”
I wanted to make people read a favorite book as they had never read it before.
My audience
was skeptical at first, but they have been reviewing the evidence. A CNN
"quick vote" poll showed that 15 percent of voters agreed with me
that Gatsby was black.
I would like
to see Denzel Washington or Laurence Fishburne, not Robert Redford, playing Jay
Gatsby and dancing with Daisy.
Your comment must be at least 370 words. Due by
Tuesday 3/13 at 11:59pm. Your reply to a classmate is due Thursday 3/15 at
-In our reading so far,
how have you pictured Gatsby in your head?
-What do you think of
the authors argument here? Do you believe he has some sound evidence?
-If Jay Gatsby really
is supposed to be a black man, how does that change the significance of the book?
-Consider the time
period this was written in and that Gatsby is from West Egg and therefore seen
as “other” or “less than” the people of East Egg. What about the fact that it
seems society is determined to keep him from achieving his American Dream. Do
these considerations reinforce the idea that Gatsby may be a black man?
Due to seeing scenes from the movie The Great Gatsby, I had begun to see Gatsby as a white male with brown hair and blue eyes. Maybe a little bit different than the movie, though. But basically, I say him as a tall white male with brown hair and blue eyes.
ReplyDeleteI think that the author has an okay argument here. The book never specifies the race of Gatsby, so it’s all up in the air to what his nationality is. Not only that, but the book never specifies anyone’s race; not Nick’s, Daisy’s, Tom’s, Jordan’s, Myrtle’s, or even Mr. Wilson’s race. It’s all up in the air for the reader to picture the characters as. It all depends upon the readers viewpoint on the world, and how they view people. For example, I viewed Daisy as a women with ginger hair, green eyes, and freckles. But in the movie, the newest movie, she has blonde hair and blue eyes. Different views, but the same characters.
I believe that the author has found some evidence, some proof that Gatsby could in fact be black. There are specific details in the book that could hint at Gatsby being black. But, on the other hand, he could also just be a plain white guy like we all had imagined him to be. It’s all based upon the reader’s perspective; how they view the world and how they feel about the characters.
If Jay Gatsby is in fact a black man, that does change the book. It changes his whole backstory, how he had grown up on a farm makes more sense. He could have been a slave, along with both of his parents. Certain other details mentioned in the book also make a lot of sense then too. Tom trying to find out about his past, why Gatsby is associated with black jazz music, and why Gatsby had changed him name and his past.
The story being written in this time period, and how Gatsby is conveniently placed in West Egg where people are considered “less than” weighs in heavily on what Gatsby’s nationality might truly be. It shows even more proof on how he’s not just a white male who became rich, but instead he’s a black male who made his way up in society and got rich. It changes how people would view Gatsby and even his past would be changed.
I agree with some of what you said, I think the author may have a few leads but its up to you to choose what the characters look like thats the magic of a book.
Deleteyou are right, they never say gatsby's race so he might well be black, i think it does change the presepective of the book and may change the way i look at it but probably not considering i have seen gatsby in a totally different way to begin with.
DeleteThroughout the book Gatsby has been described to seem like a good looking rich white man. I picture Gatsby to look like Leonardo because that is the only image I have seen.
ReplyDeleteI feel like the person who wrote this article is also a person who believes every conspiracy they have ever heard about. In the 1920s blacks were still segregated and white people were still disgusted by blacks. Unless everyone in the book was black I highly doubt a bunch of rich white folks are hanging around with a black man. If Gatsby was black then why in both movies made about the book would there be a white actor playing his part. I personally do not see how Gatsby would be considered to be colored. There are many words in all books that could make you think differently because you can create characters in your imagination. But the movies puts a face and color not only on Gatsby but everyone else as well. Gatsby is from West Egg and therefore seen as “other” or “less than” the people of East Egg. East egg is considered to be old money, those people are mostly born into money and didnt have to work for it. West egg is more people with new money who worked for it and started a business and became successful. Andrew Carnegie and Rockefeller would be the type of people considered to have new money and they would flash there money while the people with old money did not need to flash there money for people to know they had it, everyone knew their who they were, therefore there was no reason to shove it in peoples faces. In my own opinion to conclude I say Jay Gatsby is white and there is not any reason to think otherwise.
I agree with what you have said and think that you have a good point. But if Gatsby was half black, as the author was stating, and maybe "passed" as a white person, than it would be hard for people to tell that he was black. Perhaps he was a slave, along with his parents, and maybe his slave owner had released him? It could very well be possible, albeit rare.
DeleteConspiracy or not, it's a very interesting thought to think about, as it could completely change the way people view the book based on what they believe about Gatsby.
In our readings so far i have picture gatsby as a plump older man, who kind of looks like the Colonel Sanders from the Kentucky Fried Chicken place, but much younger and more plump. Since back in the day it meant that you were wealthy if you were plump that is what i imagined Gatsby to look like since Gatsby is also such a wealthy man. He also kind of reminds me of the monopoly guy with maybe only wearing a spectacle only when it is necessary or to look of more importance.
ReplyDeleteI do believe that the author has a point to his opinion and his imagination, and maybe Gatsby is black and maybe everyone for the time period just assumed that he was white and that Scott Fitzgerald just went along with it to keep the peace. Or maybe Gatsby is actually just white and all of his characteristic are just a coincidence and people are just making theories. Either way i could see it both way because the article makes me see things in a whole new way with the facts that the author gave and the way they explained everything throughout the passage.
If Gatsby is supposed to be a black man then maybe that’s why Tom can’t comprehend on why Daisy would choose him over her. I actually can not see how this would change anything in the book though but to really dig deep in question on how a black man of that time period gained so much wealth and became so famous in the first place especially since i do not think that the time period on how he got so rich unless there was some type of sketchy business going on.
I do not think anything really changes throughout the book weather or not Gatsby would be a black man or not besides the fact on how he gained so much money for his race and the time period.
I like the way you put it, because it does make sense. But we never know if he was or wasn't since it wasn't in the book. He was rich with all the money he had and felt bad to waste it.
DeleteI agree of what he said about Gatsby it seems that he is an older man but not that much older than nick and Gatsby
DeleteJay Gatsby seems to me as a pale man being really tall with nice clothes on everyday. The way he was describe with all the clothes he had in his closet when he brought Daisy over seems the type of way he would dress up. The article may be right but back then was completely different from now. Since racism was a huge thing in the past I wouldn’t think white people would hang around a color skin person. In the story they do get along fine or maybe they all could color people but it is not something that can be know for sure. In the book we never got to know about his race so it would be hard to say. Also it was way more harder for a color skin to be successful because they didn’t have the same rights as a white person did. Gatsby wasn’t rich at first he earn it but it was also because he did go help in the army that made him where he is right now. I would think he was a white person rather than a color skin but the article does bring up so good points but it doesn’t mean that Gatsby was a color skin person. It would have been different because he would have struggle in society since I said before it was more tough on a color skin person changing the book. He had so much opportunities given to him so I wouldn’t say he was a colo skin person because during this time it was really hard to get there. His family own a business at one point, he achieve his goal on his on but it was something he never took advantage. He really didn’t care because he would throw party for strangers, it was be basically every weekend. He would throw his money on things that aren’t really important and waste it on new clothes or house, things that were unnecessary. A person who cared about it and struggle would use it. The only thing he really wanted was the love of Daisy he wasn’t focus. It would be hard to believe that Gatsby was an color person in this book.
ReplyDeleteThe image that I have about Gatsby in my head already of what we have read is that he is a high class man who has been a bootlegger and had done that so he could get the money in which he has so he could impress and try to get Daisy one day by being right across from her where he used to be a poor man but got a lot of money from doing what he did. I think that the authors argument is a good one I think he does have some sound evidence about what is going on since he wrote the book he would go into the details about happened. If Gatsby is a black guy In the book it changes the significance of the book because back then people were still racist about stuff like that and since Tom is racist it would not be good because he would be mean to Gatsby when he meets him and doesn’t seem to like him since he is black. No I don't think that what has happened because anyone could make the American Dream if they tried but the situation that he is in about getting Daisy and achieving all of what he wants to do to make it the perfect way that he wants it he would probably achieve the American Dream if you tried and did what he needed to do but he has tried and he thinks that it probably won’t work out for him since how it has worked out from Daisy coming over to his house and him trying to get her to be impressed by showing her his house and other stuff. I think he might be black since that it seems in the readings that I have read it has some evidence that he is probably black and it seems that he is so because he couldn’t be white since of the book saying that he has to be black since of what has happened in their and saying that he was a bootlegger and that people would say that because he was black and then would say other stuff about the stuff he did to back it up.
ReplyDeleteJohn I don’t agree with you in what you said in your writing. I don’t think Gatsby could have been black.
DeleteIn the book, “The Great Gatsby” we have already met Jay Gatsby and now he is a main character and important as well. The way he has been presented by everyone people can image what Gatsby looks like. Everyone has image Gatsby being a white american either from the book or watching the movie. If you saw the movie than you know that Jay Gatsby is white and not black. The movie had everyone thinking that Gatsby was white and for some people it was just common sense that he would be white.
ReplyDeleteI think that the author is trying to prove that Jay Gatsby may have been colored with the evidence that was given in the article. To me it doesn't mean the he could have been black at any time. To me I think that it was not supposed to be like that but people made it seem that Gatsby is a black man. I think that the author didn’t mean to do that but the way it was written out is how people think about it.
To me i think that the way the evidence has come out it doesn’t change anything at all. Not all white american did get rich like other ones. It didn’t matter what color skin you had but the way things were in the time period white people just had a better and greater chance at having the american dream.
ReplyDeleteGatsby I think a kind man, good person respects and with other people, tall and with money because he always brings nice and elegant clothes that are already in a folder of the book that has too much clothes in his closet. I think that this article is correct because it is very different from the present, but the history of gatsby is all well and good, it is not known with certainty because the book was never about his race or skin color ... gatsby was a normal person without money, he reached a great economic position because he entered the army. . His family owns a business at one point, he achieved his goal in his, but it was something he never took advantage of. He really did not care because he was going to throw a party for strangers, it was basically every weekend. He would throw his money at things that are not really important and spend it on new clothes or at home, things that were unnecessary. A person who cares about her and fight used her. The only thing Gatsby wanted and cared about was Daisy's love. I do not think Gatsby was a person of color
In our reading so far, I have pictured Gatsby in my head as a typical white man trying to achieve the American Dream. A tall skinny man, blonde hair, pale skin and light eyes. I believe the author’s argument has a lot of sound evidence that Gatsby could in fact be a black man. Throughout the novel, there are many written hidden clues that I missed. However, it does not change the significance of the book if he is a black man.
ReplyDeleteI believe that although society seems determined to keep Gatsby from achieving his American Dream, it does not reinforce the idea that he may be a black man. Therefore, I believe that many times society seems to find a way to keep people from achieving their goals and dreams due to religion, color, gender, country of origin, social status.
Despite the fact the book describes that Tom has 40 acres, listens to “black jazz music, trims his hair everyday and has a cream color car,” that still doesn’t mean that he’s a black man. Anyone can possess and do these things. In addition, just because Gatsby mentions his family is dead and the book describes him as a “bootlegger,” it is still not enough evidence that Gatsby could in fact be black. The discussion that caught my attention was the one where Tom indicates Gatsby is a black man, but Jordan defends him saying: "We're all white here." Jordan, however, is known as a person who lies. To me, that was a direct statement that had me doubting that Gatsby could be a black man.
I agree with you Taina. Even though if Gatsby was a black man it wouldn't change the significance of the book.
DeleteQ- In our reading so far, how have you pictured Gatsby in your head?
ReplyDeleteA- I pictured Gatsby as a man who has been through the army and also lives the rich type of lifestyle but also I see him as a 1920’s Romeo and Daisy as a 1920’s Juliet. I don’t know why but I feel as if Gatsby would have a mustache and would seem to be italian.
Q- What do you think of the authors argument here? Do you believe he has some sound evidence?
A- I think the author has a good argument here with a lot of back up and resources and quotes to help back up their theory and argument. Do I believe he has some sound evidence? Why see I do, there is examples not only from the book but from the actually author themselves.
Q- If Jay Gatsby really is supposed to be a black man, how does that change the significance of the book?
A- If Gatsby really was a black man I think the books significance would still be the same even if he was black or white. I also think if it shows us in the book that Gatsby is black then we might be able to see how black people even if they were living the rich lifestyle.
Q- Consider the time period this was written in and that Gatsby is from West Egg and therefore seen as “other” or “less than” the people of East Egg. What about the fact that it seems society is determined to keep him from achieving his American Dream. Do these considerations reinforce the idea that Gatsby may be a black man?
A- I’m not really sure if they can reinforce the idea that Gatsby may be a black man, it could also mean that he has a bit of less money then people in East Egg. There is a possibility that they do does reinforce the idea that Gatsby may be a black man because due to the time period the book takes place in people of color were looked down upon at the time still and had less rights.
The book never specifies the race of Gatsby, so it’s all up in the air to what his nationality is. Not only that, but the book never specifies anyone’s race; not Nick’s, Daisy’s, Tom’s, Jordan’s, Myrtle’s, or even Mr. Wilson’s race. It’s all up in the air for the reader to picture the characters as. It all depends upon the readers viewpoint on the world, and how they view people. For example, I viewed Daisy as a women with ginger hair, green eyes, and freckles. But in the movie, the newest movie, she has blonde hair and blue eyes. Different views, but the same characters. how he had grown up on a farm makes more sense. He could have been a slave, along with both of his parents. Certain other details mentioned in the book also make a lot of sense then too. Tom trying to find out about his past, why Gatsby is associated with black jazz music, and why Gatsby had changed him name and his past.
ReplyDeleteThe story being written in this time period,and if you see this it was a test to see if you actually read the blogs. Also, he illustratesv the way he creates, and how Gatsby is conveniently placed in West Egg where people are considered “less than” weighs in heavily on what Gatsby’s nationality might truly be. It shows even more proof, I personally do not see how Gatsby would be considered to be colored. There are many words in all books that could make you think differently because you can create characters in your imagination. But the movies puts a face and color not only on Gatsby but everyone else as well. Gatsby is from West Egg and therefore seen as “other” or “less than” the people of East Egg. East egg is considered to be old money, those people are mostly born into money and didnt have to work for it. West egg is more people with new money who worked for it.
I believe that the author has found some evidence, some proof that Gatsby could in fact be black. There are specific details in the book that could hint at Gatsby being black. But, on the other hand, he could also just be a plain white guy like we all had imagined him to be. It’s all based upon the reader’s perspective; how they view the world and how they feel about the characters.
ReplyDeleteIf Jay Gatsby is in fact a black man, that does change the book. It changes his whole backstory, how he had grown up on a farm makes more sense. He could have been a slave, along with both of his parents. Certain other details mentioned in the book also make a lot of sense then too. Tom trying to find out about his past, why Gatsby is associated with black jazz music, and why Gatsby had changed him name and his past.
The story being written in this time period, and how Gatsby is conveniently placed in West Egg where people are considered “less than” weighs in heavily on what Gatsby’s nationality might truly be. It shows even more proof on how he’s not just a white male who became rich, but instead he’s a black male who made his way up in society and got rich. It changes how people would view Gatsby and even his past would be changed. Despite the fact the book describes that Tom has 40 acres, listens to “black jazz music, trims his hair everyday and has a cream color car,” that still doesn’t mean that he’s a black man. Anyone can possess and do these things. In addition, just because Gatsby mentions his family is dead and the book describes him as a “bootlegger,” it is still not enough evidence that Gatsby could in fact be black. The discussion that caught my attention was the one where Tom indicates Gatsby is a black man, but Jordan defends him saying: "We're all white here." Jordan, however, is known as a person who lies. To me, that was a direct statement that had me doubting that Gatsby could be a black man.
So far in our reading but (i have not been paying attention) just kidding it was just a prank bro. Yes so far in the reading we have learned more about gatsby then we did in the beginning of the book and till now. Like he dated daisy in the part he served in the great war and more he became successful after the war and had one dream to complete. Throughout the book i have imaged gatsby as a white rich male who is tall handsome is from the other side from the atlantic ocean who came to america to become a rich successful man in life. Who is alone but still waiting for his soulmate daisy. I also think gatsby as him throwing money by throwing all these parties and wasting a lot though we don't know what he does yet all we know he is making a lot of money and wasting it on parties and expensive things That is how imagined gatsby from the start. I think the authors argument here is not good evidence to say that gatsby is a black man only because during these time black men people had to deal with racism and segregation and because a majority of all black people lived in homes and in harlem in New York City. unless some black people came out and wanted to be successful during this time but i can't really imagine it because racism, segregation. If jay Gatsby was really a black man, i mean that would be a twist in the book because reading and knowing what we know during those times 1920s or roaring 20s. If jay gatsby was a black man congrats for him he wanted to be successful and he did (big OOF) The book would change not by much but it would change like they would probably say mean thing to gatsby and keep asking him how he did but sooner or later his secrets will be revealed to us and the people in the book.
ReplyDeleteSo far since we have been reading the great gatsby i have been picturing gatsby as a white male. And the argument is that he thinks that gatsby a black male i mean i don't believe in actually what he is saying because just theres like little pieces in the book that can relate to a black man doesnt mean he is. There is no actual proof that he is black and also in the movie gatsby is being played by a white man. And no significance would be changed because he is not black. Also in this time period people are still more discriminated if you are black and if gatsby was black during this time period he probably wouldn't of been dating daisy back then because she a rich white female. And he probably wouldnt have a mansion all these parties and stuff because life was harder for a black man back then.