Monday, November 30, 2015

Period 9/10 Blog #8

Your comment post should be at least 280 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

There are many different ways to express yourself (art, music, writing, dance, sports, and many others) What is your favorite way to express yourself or get your point across? Explain using examples.


  1. There really is many different ways to express yourself and how you feel, like you can be happy you can be sad you can be angry/ mad. The reason or way you can express yourself is so that you peers know how you are feeling and this could be shown through thoughts/ ideas, dialogue, attitude and the expression you give off! So, when you are doing things like sports, music, etc those things all show expressions and character. all these things show people your mood and how your day has or will be and if you are feeling good or not so good. Finally, even if you are not feeling good your expressions show people how you are feeling on a day to day basis, and it your expressions sometimes determine whether people will want to be around you or not.

    1. I disagree and agree with what you are saying. I do believe that emotions are a part of expressing yourself, but another part is a action part too. The action part like in drawing, playing sport or playing music.

  2. The way i like to express myself is by playing sports. I like playing sports with my friends. I only play with my friends and when i don’t play with my friends i don’t have fun anymore. The favorite sport I like to play is basketball. I am really great at it because of my height. Also I started playing it when I was younger. So whenever I play with friends I get really happy. But another way I express myself by playing sports is that I am very competitive. I always think that I have to win all the time. I also get cocky at times where I am playing against a horrible team. But in the end me and my friends only play for fun and nothing is meant to be taken seriously during the games. Also lately I have been really enjoying art class. I guess that is one way to express myself is my painting and drawing. I love to draw but I am really bad . The only thing I can draw is stick figures. I express myself in art is by putting how I feel into the art . Like if I am angered I drew really horrible and when I am happy I draw really great. It is pretty weird but I just go with it.

    1. Rogelio i disagree with your statement!! Just kidding you see my expression may have thrown you off because i came out and said i disagree and this may have sounded quite mean and i disagreed when i dont like you. Since you know i do like you i agree to your response! it looks great!

  3. You don't have to express yourself in only one way. You can express yourself in many different ways like sports, writing, drawing, building and many more. one way I express myself is by drawing or sketching. I enjoy to draw characters from the games I play. I also sketch symbols from the games. It shows what I like to do . I am not really good at drawing but I enjoy to do it. Another way I express myself is by fixing cars with my Dad. I enjoy learning about cars and how to fix them. I also love spending time with my Dad. Another way I express myself is in art. I am enjoying making the projects. It show what I can create. Some of my work is not too bad. The last way I express myself is by taking care of my animals and doing my chores. It shows that I am responsible. I take my dog for walks and give him treats. I help clean the cat liter. I do chores that my mom tells me to do. I am a hard worker. See there are many different way in expressing yourself. By expressing yourself you show what king of person you really are.


  4. Dupreme Holland

    There are many different ways to express yourself (art, music, writing, dance, sports, and many others) What is your favorite way to express yourself or get your point across? Explain using examples.

    There are many ways in life that you are able to express yourself. But my favorite way is sports, i do enjoy everything such as music,dance,writing and art but the reason why i choose sports is because i feel that i excel most in them mostly football when i'm on the field and people are watching especially people that i care about i tend to want to do my best. Anger when i'm mad i love playing football because you can hit people and for some as well as me you can relieve stress or anger by hitting like some people would refer to boxing because it's a contact sport.Happiness in football when i score or do something good i may start jumping around yell or even dance because i'm excited what i show is that i'm happy and i'm having fun.

    1. Dupreme is right because when he's happy he does dance or do whatever ad its funny

  5. There really is many different ways to express yourself.People do it mostly on their emotion, like people are excited about something they just say anything. Expressing yourself can bring out the difference in people. The way some people do it is by just acting themselves.In Romeo and Juliet they have a fued between two families, capults and monteques.They express eachother with hate. When seen a big tussle, fight, might happen. Action also plays a big role. It doesn't matter what you do actions are more powerful than words. The real point is that fighting won't really solve anything. I got a cream puff stuffed in my face and i had gay comments said to me so i was in a pissy mood for the rest of the night. That had my mom thinking if i didn't feel well or tired .

  6. There are many different ways to express yourself (art, music, writing, dance, sports, and many others) What is your favorite way to express yourself or get your point across? Explain using examples.

    There are many different ways to express yourself especially with emotion in art, music, dance, talking to someone, ranting, or sports. I express my feelings with singing or sports, it just lets everything out. When i'm singing I feel the beat flow through my body and the harmony coming out of my mouth. It makes me feel like I've had everything lifted off my shoulders. When i'm singing I forget everything and i'm happy. When I run track, it feels like i'm running from my problems and everything is out of my mind. Running makes me feel free and makes me forget everything like singing does. I've been made fun of ever since 1st grade so ever since then I've been singing, listening to music, and running.
