Monday, November 30, 2015

Period 3 Blog #8

Your comment post should be at least 280 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm (worth 70 points) and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm (worth 30 points).

There are many different ways to express yourself (art, music, writing, dance, sports, and many others) What is your favorite way to express yourself or get your point across? Explain using examples.


  1. There are many ways that you can express yourself, one of the ways is through sports. Sports help me express myself because I am a very competitive person, and sports let me use my competitivity in a positive way. Some of the sports I play are Cross Country, track, and baseball. Each sport has it’s own way of helping me express myself. In baseball I am a pitcher, I can express myself because even though I’m not the best hitter I can still help contribute to the total team win. So even if I don’t get a hit, I can still hold the other team to no runs. For example, one game for All Stars I pitched, but I didn’t get a single hit. However I was able to contribute to the win because of my pitching. I was able to hold the other team to just one run the entire game. For Cross Country it’s the complete opposite, it’s an individual sport and the opponent is yourself. You must push yourself to the braking point, and if you do bad the only person to blame is yourself. That's why i like the running sports, because you are the only thing standing in the way of success. An example of this is one race that we had the coach told me privately that I had the potential to win the entire race. Because it’s Cross Country I didn’t need to worry about the rest of my team. So when the race started I was able to push myself to end up getting seventh and beat my previous personal best. So now you know that I use sports to express myself.

    1. Troy I agree with you that sports express you. Also that doing sports that are solo make you push yourself harder. They make you a better athlete and show who you are. But team sports are just as good.

    2. I agree with you Troy. You express yourself in sports in many ways. You always push yourself whether it is cross country or baseball. I think that is what makes you a good athlete. I also relate to that because I play sports too and I always try to push myself

    3. I completely agree with you here Troy. Sports are definitely a way you express yourself, and along with many others, so do I. It is an excellent choice to express yourself with.

  2. There are many ways to express yourself. The way I am best at expressing myself is through writing. If I write an essay or short story for school or a test I use characters to relate to me. I give my characters certain qualities that I also have to make them closer to me. I also can make characters have similar opinions that I have as a way to express how I feel. Writing stories with characters that are similar to you makes writing easier for me. If the characters think, feel, and act the way I do then I can basically write it based on how I would act or think in the situations that the characters are in. Writing is very good for expressing yourself because depending on how you’re writing you can basically just write how you feel or think. I also find expressing myself through writing easier than other ways because whether it’s characters talking, thinking, and acting or me talking directly to the reader I can make my point straight forward. An example would be for a test I took in 4th grade we needed to write a story about a character standing up against something that they see wrong. Through writing the story I was able to express my feelings through the character. It also made the story better because it was how I would actually act. It became way more realistic compared to me making feelings, opinions, and actions up for the character. Writing is the easiest way to express yourself in my opinion. You can say what you want to straightforward through characters or you talking to the reader. It also makes writing easier and more fluent.

  3. To tell the truth, there are many ways to express yourself. Personally my favorite way to express myself is writing. A lot of writers write about their feelings or their personal stories and since it's a way they can express themselves without being judged. People love to read about writers problems in the story or just problems in the story in general and enjoy reading it and relating to it. If you’re feeling frustrated about something you can write it down rather than using physical violence. Writing is a better way to get your point across you're able to explain yourself better than if you just punched someone in the face. Writing why your mad would help explain why you are so mad. According to, “Writing about your feelings can help the brain overcome emotional upsets and leave you feeling happier”, psychologists have found. If you write on paper it reduces amygdala; amygdale is “ganglion of the limbic system adjoining the temporal lobe of the brain and involved in emotions of fear and aggression.” Also, “The findings suggest that keeping a diary, making up poetry and scribbling down song lyrics can help people get over emotional distress.” I remember when I was upset with my dad because, he poured out my cranberry juice I wouldn't talk to him. Later on that night I took out my journal and began drotting down my feelings towards the situation. When I was done writing it I reread it and realized how silly it was for me to be mad at that and I started laughing. All in all, it is extremely important to write down your feelings it is proven to make you feel better and less frustrated than before, so whip out those diaries and pour out your feelings.

    1. I agree with what you said, Tori. I also have to write down what I am feeling when I'm mad or upset because it helps me get my feelings out and get my mind off of it. I also find it interesting that writing helps you overcome upset emotions and leaves you much happier.

  4. There are many different ways to express yourself. Some people express themselves by art, or by writing, or dancing, or sports. I express myself with music. I listen to music and I can relate to a lot of it. The writer takes their life and pours it onto paper to make it a song.This brings me back to poetry. The words, which is poetry, can get turned into a song. Some people may not be able to relate to the songs to because of their life, but most of the time you can. I even write music myself. I also express myself with writing. I thought “Oh I think so why not write my own music.” I have to take moments and feelings out of my life and turn them into words that eventually turn into a song. Sometimes I let my friends read them and they say “Oh I know exactly what you are talking about,” but sometimes they can't relate. Then, sometimes we use music to get a point across. Some people write songs or even books, just to get their point out. If enough people hear or see it, then they definitely got their point across. I also play piano, so I can express my feelings and emotion with the keys. As weird as that sounds, it's true. If you have a really emotional song it might have bigger chords to it. Then, maybe if you play less powerful chords, it's not as much emotional. If you listen to the lyrics of a song. Then, listen to the type of instruments and you might be able to tell. I think people can express their feelings in anyway;they just have to think about it.

    1. Brianna, I totally agree with you. Music is a wonderful way to express who you really are. It also describes how you're feeling at a certain point.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I totally agree with you Brianna. Music is also another way to express yourself! I think it's amazing how you write your own songs and how you show you're friends

  5. There are many different ways to express yourself. For example, art, music, writing, dance, and sports. I have to say that my favorite way to express myself is probably with sports. Sports, like soccer, let me show my competitive side to everyone. Even though I’m not the most athletic person on the team, or not the best shooter, I still feel like I’m myself when I’m on the field. Even when I’m having my rough days, my team always stands by me. I can express how good I am at one thing like crossing the ball, and show how I need to work on things like using my left foot, or doing tricks. My team will show me how to work on something so I do become a better player. I try to push myself as hard as I can whenever we are on a long run. I always tell myself that the only person that I’ll disappoint is myself, if I do stop and walk. I also try as best as I can during a game. Even if a girl gets past me, I’ll try as hard as I can go get the ball back and move it away from our goal. Even though I fail sometimes, and I know that it’s probably my fault that we’re going to lose, my teammates try to encourage me to do better. So that next time, I can stop the girl before she gets to close to the goal. In addition to exposing my competitive side, I can also show my teamwork skills. I try to make best of whatever's happening when I’m on or off the field. Sports let me express myself in anyway I can think of and that’s my favorite way to express who I am.

  6. There are many ways to express yourself. Either through sports, music, clothing , writing and just how you act. The way I express myself is through sports. I snowboard competitively, play baseball, tennis and golf. When I do all of these sports it helps me express myself. When I snowboard its not a team sport its individual. So I always try to get a good time. This shows that I am competitive and that I don't like losing. With golf and tennis it is like that too. It is a single sport not a team sport. But in some cases of tennis you can play with a partner. That is why I enjoy these sports more than a team sport. Because I know if I lost it was my fault and that I have to become better to win. This makes me train more and want to beat everyone. But on the other hand when I play baseball it is a team sport. If you don't play as a team you wont win. Last year during the regular season are team completely sucked. That was because no one played as a team and we didn't try hard enough. But when it came to all-stars are team played way better. We didn't always try to get the big hit just to put the ball in play for the next guys to hit you in. Doing that helped us win lots of games. I also can express myself through music. Before a game I play music that makes me pumped up to go win and kick butt. But if I am feeling down and sad I will put on sad music. So as you can see people can express themselves in many ways.

    1. Zach I completely agree with you.I do think that sports is a way of expressing yourself.I express myself in sports also.I also agree with music expressing yourself.Music always gets me ready for a sport too.

    2. I most certainly agree with you. Sports is a great way to express yourself and show people who you really are. Sports is also my way of expressing my self because people truly get to see who you really are.

    3. Zach I totally agree with you. I express myself through sports also. Sports are a great way to express yourself. Sports often relief stress I have. Finally, you are right that you have to play as a team to win

    4. Zach I totally agree with you. Sports are a great way to express yourself. Sports often relieve stress I have. Finally I like to always better myself at sports like you.

  7. My favorite way to express myself is by art because it expresses what i like, how i feel about things, and my creativity. I am able to let my mind and imagination go wild by being able to draw whatever I want , choose what colors it should be, and the way it should look with details. For example, recently we made a plaster letter in applied arts. We had to make pattern and designs on our letter in sections. For my patterns, i made them involving nature, such as flowers, trees, vines and other patterns. I did them involving nature because I like the peace and serenity it brings. It makes you feel calm and comfortable, feeling emotions of relaxation. Also, i usually like to add bright colors into what i make. They bring me happiness and some excitement. Using these bright colors show that I usually like to be happy, and everyone should be and there should be some excitement in your life. Dark colors usually mean you are sad, or glum and make you feel emotions of darkness and sadness, while on the other hand, bright light colors bring some excitement into your life, showing you are happy and what others to experience that happiness. Art allows you to express yourself in many different ways, letting others know how you’re feeling, what you like, and the way you think. These were just a couple examples of ways i express, but others express themselves in many different ways in the art they make. Your creativity is greatly expressed in art, and without it, you wouldn’t have anything to express since it contains and lets out all your emotions and feelings.

    1. Hunter, I agree with how art is a great way to express yourself and how it really is a stress reliever. Also, art is a great way to express your emotions in your own work.

  8. There are many ways you can express yourself. But the best way for me expressing myself is listening to music, doing sports, writing, drawing, and being myself. Every song that I listen to has a certain feeling to it. Like when I am in a happy mood, I listen to songs that has a nice beat and happy lyrics to the song. When I am in a sad or angry mood, I listen to the song that fits my mood. These songs let me express what types of music I like and what I do with them. When I do sports, I want to try my best. I want to push myself to the limit and show that my training has paid off. The sports I do right now is soccer and track and field. In soccer, it was about speed and skill, I didn’t have both so I trained the best I can. Now, I can run like there’s no tomorrow. When I draw, I express myself in the picture. I take my time in my drawing, I want the picture to be perfect to me and to everybody else. When I get an assignment to make up a story, I get so many ideas in my head I get a headache. . I literally have to think which story I have to make. So I put every detail known to man to finish the story. The last way how I show how to express my self is literally being myself. That is the best and most important way to express who you are and what people can see you as. Those are the ways that I express who I really am.

    1. I completely agree with you Anthony. There are many ways to express yourself. Things like music, sports, and drawing can help bring out who you are.

  9. There is many ways to express yourself.It can be writing ,sports,acting,etc.My way of expressing myself is trough sports and music.Whenever I play a game of golf I always end up expressing myself.I always get competitive even tough its not the most competitive sport that around.I always take it as a leisure time to think about certain things or things that are bothering me.I always get competitive when playing golf even tough its not the most competitive sport that around.People see a competitive side of me when I'm playing golf with them and most of the time I’m not that competitive in sports.Also golf is one of the few many sports I'm good at.Most other sports I'm not very good at or I just don't like.In golf I find it to express myself so much easier because its something I like and something that I'm good at.I also express myself through music.I love just relaxing and listening to some music.Its how I show other people who i am and what I like.By the songs I listen to it shows people what type of person I am.I listen to more happier music and good mood music so it shows people that I'm a happy person and not a sad and depressed person.Both these ways show who i am.With golf it shows that I can be a competitive athlete. With music it shows that I can be in a good mood and am rarely sad or depressed.Many people express themselves in many different ways and people should always be able to express themselves in whatever way they do.If people don't express themselves then people wont know what type of person they are.

    1. You right, Rudy. You've got to express yourself to show people who you are and what your about. And expressing yourself through music is a good way. You can express yourself in whatever way you want.

  10. You can express yourself in many different ways. Whether it is music, writing, or sports everybody expresses themselves in their own way. I express myself in many different ways but my favorite way is through sports. I express myself in many different ways playing sports. One way I do is by being competitive. I am a very competitive person and I do not like losing. So I always do my best to try to win and help my team anyway that I can. I do everything I can for my team and give it my all to try to win every game. So that is one way I express myself of always being competitive. Another way I express myself in sports is being a good teammate or friend to everybody on the team. For example in baseball or any team sport you have to be friends with everybody on the team or you aren’t going to win many games. You have to always work together to win games. If you aren’t friends with people on your team you might not care as much and not play as hard. Another way I express myself is when I am practicing by myself. I always try to stride to be better than everybody else. I push myself everyday to be better than I was yesterday. Only myself is standing in the way of me becoming a better athlete. I don’t have to worry about other people and just focusing on getting better. So that is another way I express myself by always trying to be better. So there are many ways I express myself in sports and in many other ways besides sports too.

  11. There are many ways to express yourself. Some may be through art, music, writing, dance, sports and many others. The way that I feel I express myself the most is through athletics or sports. I play hockey, basketball, soccer, and baseball. Baseball being my favorite. People may judge me a lot. “He too small to play, or he sucks” or whatever it is. I like being around people i enjoy being around. I feel that when i am on the diamond, or up to bat I can express myself the most, and really show people that i have the ability to do stuff just like you and just as good as you. Also, my friends view me as an athlete and a nice person to be around and i am friends with them because of that. I do have other friends that first view me as that person i was explaining about before but i showed them that i was just as good as them through the sports that i play. Also, I show express myself through sports because i show people that i care and put 100% effort and heart into everything sport i play. I really embrace that feeling of how nobody cares about size and are just treating you as a kid just like them. I really show people who i am when i am in the zone with playing and doing stuff like that. I guess there are many ways you can express yourself, and mine is through sports. And yours may be different but that's ok because that's how it is supposed to be. Don't listen to negative stuff people say and just be yourself.

    1. I agree with you, Justin. I express myself through sports too. Whenever I get a rude comment it just motivates me to push harder and prove them wrong.

    2. I think that's cool, Justin. I like that you always give 100% with all sports you play. Also, it's very good that you don't listen to people that put you down. I'm the same way. Others are irrelevant to what and how you express yourself. Do what you want in life.

  12. Music is my best friend in any form, through instrumental pieces, marching band shows, or even bands like Twenty One Pilots and Pierce the Veil. Music has made a huge impact on my life, without It I probably wouldn’t have the motivation to wake up in the morning. Especially after my grandfather died, he was also a musician and he was a huge influence on me. He always urged me to play more instruments and that’s why I play so many. After my state band audition on the 12th, I’m going to learn another instrument that he actually handed down to me. He passed away in the middle of the marching band season, and I had a game that Friday and a competition the next day. I was a complete wreck that whole week and playing the music that made his eyes light up when I showed him at the hospital made me feel better. Being around the marching band helped too, I was around people who appreciated music as much as me and who comforted me. To be honest after my grandfather’s death and how close us both were to music, I was considering dropping it all. I felt as if I couldn’t handle it. Practicing at home, I broke down every 10 minutes and for two weeks I lost all motivation to do anything. I remember once he was well enough, he got moved to rehab and we drove up to go see him, he put his fingers and hands in place like a trumpet and it made my entire day, but I won’t see it anymore. After I began to accept it, I started to look at life a little differently, I started saying “I love you” to family members more, I started hugging people for longer and most importantly, I started appreciating music so much more even though I literally breath music. When you lose someone, it really reminds you about how you can lose anything at any moment. So I like to think as if I didn’t have music, I would be so boring inside, I wouldn’t have the amount of passion as I do now, or the amount of appreciation that I have now for many things, including love, and music.

    1. Danielle, I am completely touched by your story that it nearly brought me to tears. I think it's amazing that your grandfather and the events that had happened transformed you in a way that allowed you to see things through a new lens and over all brought you extremely close to music, something that you are so passionate about and (in my opinion) one of the most beautiful forms of self expressions. This was very, very well written and I'm glad I got to know who you are.


  13. There are many way to express yourself, and sports is one of them. I think my favorite is by playing sports because I love playing them. They help me express my feelings because you can very easily tell if I’m happy or not. When I get on the field, or the court, I can forget about everything and just focus on playing a good game and getting the W. I love that rush when you helped someone score a goal, or even just to see everyone hug and high five, it just makes me happy. Same thing with basketball, I love having that one shot that is the game winning shot, or defending the game winning shot. I might not always be so happy, so maybe I might foul more and get my anger out on the player and you can kinda tell. It is very easy to express myself in my sport games and practice by contributing effort. If I’m quiet and not really trying I’m probably upset or tired. If I’m running around and working hard then you can tell I’m not upset.
    I like expressing my feelings through sports because I know everyone on my team, the other team, the coaches, and the parents will know how I feel. Playing sports for me is a good way to express myself because I usually don’t do it. I don’t like talking about myself, so sports allows me to talk about myself because I can rant on about how bad I was, or how awesome that one play I had was. I truly believe that my favorite way of expressing my feelings is through sports, and I’m very fine with that.

  14. No matter which way you do it, no matter what you do, there are many ways to express yourself. I personally, have a couple ways. My main way of doing it , though, is through music. Whenever I feel like “saying” something, or expressing myself, I “say” it through my guitar, using emotion and feeling to convey that into notes. and so, I write music all the time. Whether it be slow, meaningful music, to just a nice guitar riff for rock, I always express myself. The music I write doesn’t always pertain to my mood, though. It just gives me something to do, but I can feel it. I feel it all the time. The notes just seem to flow right through my whole body with ease. Every single time I play it, I can not help but be focused completely on what I’m doing. I’d do it for hours on end. I’d do it for almost the whole day! A lot of people just don’t really understand how important music is to me. That or they just don’t understand it. It’s like a drug that you can’t help but take every day, over and over again. And that’s why I like music, and why I use it to express myself. I feel that when something becomes such a big part of you even, it becomes more than that. Music and guitar playing aren’t just a way of expressing myself, I mean, it’s a part of me. It’s not, in retrospect, just “something to do” it’s much more. I wouldn’t give up my, skill, knowledge, and feel for the drug that is music. So yes, the way I express myself is music, because I can’t go without it.


  15. Everybody loves to express themselves in different ways like through art, music, dance, sports or other ways. I like to express myself through art. Art is one of my favorite thing to do on my free time and I feel like I can really express myself and my emotions through art. I am able to be myself and show what I am like as a person. When I am doing art, all my ideas come out of my mind and then I draw them on paper. I get some of my best ideas when I am by myself drawing in my room and away from other people. I usually like to draw different scenes of people or skylines. Sometimes you can see that the people are expressing different emotions within their facial features. Sometimes there will be people that are sad or very happy either expressing my feelings within that moment or how I’m feeling towards a certain someone or something. Doing art really expresses me in a creative way that I’m good at. I’ve always done art and it has been able to help me show people the real me. Sometimes I will draw different places where I would want to be and places where I want to be able to go to later in life. Also, in art some colors that you use are also able to express your feelings. If I’m using darker colors throughout the whole drawing, than it will show that I’m sad or not in a good mood.If I’m using lighter or brighter colors, it shows that I’m feeling happy or I’m in a really good mood. Art is my favorite way to express myself without speaking. It’s a great for me to put myself out there and my emotions in a way that I love.

    1. I agree with you Samantha. Art is a great way to express yourself because you can let out all of your creative ideas in your mind onto paper for everyone to see. Also, you are the one making the art, and you choose how everything should be because of the way you are feeling. You are right when you say that people epress themselves of their facial features in the drawings. You chose them to look like that because that was probably how you wwere feeling at the moment. Art is a great way to express yourself, and can let everyone know how you are feeling at the moment.

  16. There are many different ways to express yourself like art, music, writing, dance, sports, and many others. Artists paint or sculpt based upon feelings. For example, Michelangelo sculpted the Virgin Mary holding Jesus in her arms when he died. He wanted to express the feeling of love and sadness through the sculpture. You don’t even have to be religious or a parent to understand the feeling of losing a son. No one should ever witness their son dying before them. I for one express myself in two different ways; through sports and music. When I'm feeling stressed, I listen to more loosening up music to relieve some of the stress. When I'm having a bad day, I'll listen to some sad music to relate to the way I'm feeling. Usually I'll listen to Ed Sheeran to get the emotions out. With sports, when I'm angry,I am more aggressive. In field hockey for example, when I'm upset or mad about how I have played or if I have been having a bad day, I'll drive the ball harder than usual. Or, I will push myself to do better in games and practices to work harder. Sometimes in practice I won't talk to anyone or I won't work well with other people because I push myself to be better at what I love doing. Every game my emotions push me to make more goals and fight harder for the ball. In conclusion, people express themselves through meant different things whether it is sports and music like me. They can write down their emotions, dance through it or even draw about it. It all depends on who we are.

  17. I think I express myself through acting myself or maybe through writing on the few times I have to write. I try to write with authentic personality and not just writing what i think they want to hear. I also like to express myself in running; if it’s by myself or with the team. I’m not too competitive but I like to make a little bit of competition in races mainly for the people I run with. I like to push myself and see how far I can push, and I try, usually, to get better times each race. I think this season I will work harder to be better and expressing myself more through track. If I was good enough at art I would probably express myself through that more, like paint my daily mood, but i can’t paint well. It is important to express yourself and to express yourself in a good way, because it’s how people categorize you and you want to be your best self- all the time.

    1. Dan, I really agree with you, you need to do your best 100% of the time. Expressing yourself is very important because if you didn't, you would probably just be plain out miserable. So expressing yourself is a very Important thing. It's good that you express yourself th right so many things and that you enjoy those things.

  18. There are many ways to express yourself no matter how you do it. You can express yourself through art, music, writing, sports, dancing, and many other ways. The way I express myself is through writing. When I write, I write down every thought I have along with any idea that comes to mind. I make my main character have traits and qualities that are close to mine so try and make them as similar to me as possible. Like my main character, I try and make the other characters similar to my friends and family. Same goes along with the conflict. If I’m facing a problem, I'll make my character face the same one. I feel as if writing sets my mind free and I allow myself to roam into my imagination little more. You always find new thoughts and ideas to incorporate into your story no matter how bizarre they seem to be. You are writing the story, so you can make it the way you want without having someone stop you. You also tend to incorporate your emotions into your writing. For example, if you’re feeling sad you might write a sad story based in what caused you to be this way. Writing also allows me to express my interests and make them either the setting, era, or what the character is doing.
    Some people say that when you're mad or upset to write down what you’re feeling. This actually works for me in some ways. If I’m upset about something I write it down and look it over when I'm down. This helps me with overthinking and stressing out about things because i'm not keeping my feelings caged up. I remember the time I got upset with someone and I came home mad as ever. I sat down at my kitchen table and wrote down exactly what I was feeling. After I was done writing down what I was feeling, I felt much better. In conclusion, I find that I express myself more with writing then I do with anything else.


  19. There are many ways to express yourself, and my favorite way to express myself is through sports. I have always loved sports and be competitive. I get my point across by excelling at sports. It put a lot of time into sports, and i am always trying to better myself. It shows people that I am very dedicated to the sports I play. When I excell it shows people that I am a good athlete, and take sports seriously. For example, in wrestling I got many compliments from people about how dedicated I am. When we had the banquets for my wrestling team I got most dedicated three out of four years, and most wins once. This showed the parents, coaches, and my teammates that I wasn’t there just to be there, I was there to help my team and better myself. I rarely missed practices, and worked hard at every practice we had. It made the coaches mad when other kids skipped practice because they were tired or slacked off when they showed up at practice. This showed the coaches that they didn't care to get better, and they were wasting the coaches time. So that's how I expressed myself through wrestling.
    I also like to express myself through school. I get my point across by getting good grades and being respectful. I am also very dedicated to school. I miss two or three school days a year, and I always do my homework. When i have projects I give them my best effort, and even though i'm not artistic it shows teachers that I tried and care about my work. I am an honor roll and high honor roll student. It shows my teachers and my parents that I care about my education and want to go to college and do something in my life. That is how I express myself through school. There are many ways to express yourself, those are two ways how I express myself.

    1. I agree that sports is a good way to express ones self, to be able to play well to show your love for the game is a good skill. Though I never got much into sports you do a really good job describing how you strive to be good at it.

  20. There are many ways to express yourself such as art, music, writing, dancing, sports, and many other examples to go along with those few. My personal favorite way to express myself is through sports. I love to do sports and win while doing it. I am a really competitive guy, and only settle for victories. I do many sports that are either team sports or individual. Some team sports I do are football, soccer, bowling, (Sometimes) and basketball. Some individual team sports I do are bowling, (Once again sometimes) tennis and that’s about it. A lot of kids like sports but not to the level in which I enjoy them. I go home and play sports. I wake up, I play sports. I finish eating, I play sports. I am constantly playing sports, some more than others, but nevertheless I am still playing those sports. Most people see me as an athletic kinda guy because of how much I enjoy the sports and how often I play it, along with my skill level towards it. This is just one of the many ways you can express yourself too. Some people also like to express themselves with music. This isn’t really my type of thing though. I like some music but not much of music. But some kids get to the point to where they are constantly listening to music, even when they really shouldn’t be. Sometimes it looks like they never stop listening to music and you wonder how they can possibly do that. But that is just how they express themselves. So as you can see there are many ways in which you can express yourselves, and my favorite way is Sports. There are also many different ways such as music in which you can express yourself, and that there are endless possibilities.

  21. There are many ways for one to express oneself but, in my opinion writing is the best way to express your feelings. If someone can express how they feel with words than that is a great skill. If you can write in a happy and upbeat way when one is feeling happy and upbeat than that is a good way to express your happiness. If you can vent sadness through a sad story than that is a great way to express your sadness. People can mess up if they want to express themselves through words because one slip up in a sentence could mean a loss of a friend. Music is just a stupid way to try to express yourself because I see music as a sort of private thing, not some way to express yourself to others. Art can be a good way of expression, but it takes time to hone the skills to properly do so. After hurricane sandy my family had to move away and it was very stressful on everyone, what made it worse was the 4 inches of water that leaked into our house. We spent over a year out of the house I had grown up in and I had many stressful times and depressing moments. But after I began writing stories I found it to be a great way to express yourself. If I was writing in a sad mood, my story would be a sad story. But if I was happy I could capture the happiness in a happy story and have good times to look back on. All in all I believe that writing is a good way to express feelings, but it is not the only way.
