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Romeo and Juliet' has led us astray
Romantic love, love at first sight -- it's great theater but disastrous dating advice.
February 14, 2010|By Andrew Trees
What if Shakespeare had it wrong about love in "Romeo and Juliet"? In fact, what if all of us have it wrong and our ideals of love and romance are hopeless? Perhaps the time has come to reconsider the concept of romantic love. We need to ask whether, in the pursuit of the perfect romance, we haven't actually declared war on true love. Cupid's arrow does strike often, but with the U.S. divorce rate near 50%, one has to wonder whether the wound is particularly deep or long-lasting.
Our typical romantic beliefs are quite often wrong. For instance, even couples who are blissfully happy together can't count on a happy ending. The PAIR project, a long-term academic study of couples, found that those most in love when they marry are also the most likely to get divorced.
And the chemical attraction that many people rely on to choose a partner has been found to fade "to neutrality" in two to three years. That's right, neutrality, which is deadly for a marriage.
In my research, I even discovered that wife murderers tend to be strong believers in the romantic ideal. Take that, Romeo and Juliet.

Love and romance did not always rule. As recently as the 1930s, American men ranked mutual attraction as only the fourth most important quality for a relationship, while women had it even lower, placing it fifth. But in recent decades, love has climbed to No. 1, accompanied by a rise in the importance of looks, which suggests that our romance with romance is long on style and short on substance.
I hate to sound unromantic, but perhaps it's time to place less emphasis on romantic attraction as the key to finding a partner. What can shoulder some of the load? I would suggest that we rely a little more on what science has discovered about human attraction.
For instance, some researchers can now predict whether a couple will stay together with far more accuracy than the couple themselves. And it has less to do with the things we might think, such as fighting, and far more to do with the things we take for granted, such as asking your spouse about his or her day.
According to a 1982 study by two Indian researchers, the level of self-reported love in arranged marriages increased over time. They reported more love than in marriages that were freely chosen. Incredible as it sounds, people with a very limited say in choosing their own spouses eventually became happier with their relationships than people with the freedom to choose anyone they wanted.
Although we almost always read "Romeo and Juliet" as a story of love at first sight, Shakespeare actually offered his own critique of romantic love at the beginning of the play. Romeo is pining away for love -- but not for Juliet. There is another fair damsel who has rejected Romeo's advances, and he declares himself inconsolable. He disdains finding someone else and tells Benvolio, "Thou canst not teach me to forget" -- which is, of course, precisely what happens a few scenes later when Romeo meets Juliet and realizes that he was completely wrong before and only now has discovered true love.

We never remember that part of the story, though, because if we think of "Romeo and Juliet" from that perspective, the whole play starts to contradict our usual romantic notions.
Perhaps the time has come for us to take a skeptical view of romance We should realize that "Romeo and Juliet" has led us astray. Shakespeare's story may be entertaining, but it is disastrous dating advice.
- - Do you believe Shakespeare believed in love at first site or was criticizing it?
- - Do you believe in love at first site? Why or why not?
- - What do you think about the information the author uncovered about love in arranged marriages vs. love in freely chosen marriages?
- - What is your favorite love story of all time? From a book, television show, movie or real life? Why is it your favorite?
No, I don't believe shakespeare believed in love at first sight. I think that because you shouldn't love someone by the way they look. You especially shouldn't love someone on first sight. Your first time ever seeing them. They could be mean and a jerk. You should get to know them a little better and talk to them. Ask what there name is and maybe get there phone number. If you ask them out at first sight and then when u get to know them they're a jerk and then it would be weird to break up with like 10 minutes after you already asked her/him out.
ReplyDeleteNo I don't believe in first sight love. I don't believe in first sight love because you don't know there background they can be really beautiful but be a serial killer. They could've gone to jail and you would have no idea because you decided to ask her out of first sight then to talk to her and get to know her. That is why I don't believe in love at first sight.
What I found out what the author uncovered in arranged marriages. One thing I found is that the divorce rate is near 50%. He also states that the more in love you are at marriage the more likely you will get a divorce. Finally he states if you get married and really love each other your bond will fade in about 2-3 years.
My favorite book with arranged marriages is Romeo and Juliet. It's my favorite because that's like the only book that revolves around there love. They love each other at first sight and want to get married. So they married and then Romeo gets into a sword fight with Tybalt and accidentally kills him. Then he has to leave Varona the town he lives in. And now Juliet is crying and wants to leave Varona to, to be with Romeo. That is my favorite book/movie that revolves around first sight love.
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ReplyDeleteFrom my point of view, I think that Shakespeare did believe in him, but at first glance I do not know if it is good to say that he criticized him, but he knew that it was illogical ... 2 ° BELIEVE IN LOVE THE FIRST VISION? The truth is that NO ..., it is true that you can see someone, either a boy or a girl, and you can feel attraction for that person, but I do not think it is possible to fall in love that way, I think to start a relationship with someone, it's better to know each other and this does not mean they're dating! ... so you can see if that's the person you think a love relationship could work with. 3 ° I believe that the perspective of people is based on "a list of what we want or what we look for in someone", that's why relationships do not always work. 4 ° So far, a movie of my favorites is "Me before you"
DeleteI Think that Yeah shakespeare believed in love at first sight but then he realized that he had change his mind to the other way around . He was out there giving advice to everyone bout relationships kuz he seen that you kant really fall in love at first sight til you see that its real & get love for eachother . Foever aint forever so therefore he thought that most kouples dont last . No i dont believe in love at first sight kuz its never really like that until you make somewthing real without questioninn the loyalty from the other person but nowadays you juss gotta ride solo . Its like what shakespeare said , a forever is not a forever kuz kouples no matter what get problems in their life .I think the author did good on telling these people out here the real about relationships. I dont hsve a favorite book or movie love story tbh . It never really got my attention in reading or watching about love storys.
ReplyDeleteidk bro you did good but sum dont even make sense
ReplyDeleteI think Shakespeare believed that you know when you find the person you meant to be with. I think he thought It could be at first sight or maybe last. I don’t think he was criticizing it I think he was writing a play not meaning it in a certain way. I also think he could’ve been trying to teach something like every good comes with a bad or you never know who your true love really is which is the truth you don’t. I think he also tried to say never say you hate someone until you know the person or family. I believe that it’s not impossible to have love at first sight i just think its not likely. I think you can fall for someone anytime it doesn’t have to be first sight. I like a older tv show i’m not going to say the name but i like it because I like how the characters grew onto each other. They knew each other since birth and learned over time not just right then and there. That's how I think this whole love thing comes.
ReplyDeleteI don’t believe that Shakespeare believed in love at first sight. I don’t believe in love at first sight because people shouldn’t fell in love with someone they don’t even really know, what if that person is mean and did something bad in their past or recently or what if you don’t like the personality of that person. That’s why I don’t believe in love at first sight I would only fell in love with someone that I have known for a long time and if I like that person’s personality. My favorite love story is Romeo and juliet. It is my favorite because they fell in love at first site, and they were really in love because they died for each other.
ReplyDeleteThis is good you really showed your opinion it's just a little short yk
DeleteShakespeare beleives in true love at first site. Why would he write a whole play of love at first site if he didnt believe in it. Throughout the play he really shows the love in the characters for each other. Shakespeare expresses himself so well with love and how would he not believe in love st first site. I anyone who think he doesn't believe he believes in love st first site is dumb lmao. But I honestly do believe in love at first site. You never know when your gonna meet the love of your life like it just happends. Like if you meet Someone for the first time and y'all r just vibin together like ur obviously gonna just fall for that person . You can't help yourself. I don't really follow love stories but I guess my favorite love couple are these couple from YouTube. They do pranks on each other and get mad but at the end of they day they always love each other and there not mad anymore. Now that's true love. And there always matching and going new places together and it's so cute.
ReplyDeleteI think Shakespeare was just criticizing about love at first sight. Do I believe in love at first sight? I mean sure why not. If someone feels as though they’re in love... you can’t tell someone their not because you don’t know how anyone feels but yourself. I means it’s possible but everyone is different, and everyone has their own beliefs. But sometimes you may think you’re in love but come to find out your not. Because usually when you’re in love it’s because of how the person treats you or how they care themselves and they’re personality’s that make them. And it makes you fall in love with their character. But meeting someone on right than an there... it’s rare someone would say they fell in love at first sight. You hardly hear about something and sometimes it’s not really love of sometimes you may not even be in love... you could be just desperate and hoping to find love...
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think about the information the author uncovered about love in arranged marriages vs. love in freely chosen marriages?
I honestly don’t believe in what the author said because in arranged marriages it could all how wrong to it’s not always gonna be a definite that you will fall in love with that person. And that you guys will last for ever and be the happiest couple. It’s all just being lucky. And sometimes when you do pick whom ever you want to marry it can go right and you can be the happiest couple ever and enjoy your life until death does it part. I don’t believe in what the author has to say about marriage.
I don’t have a favorite love story of all time nor book or show or anything like that because it’s just not for me I don’t get all into the lovey dovey crap.
Wrd bro I definitely agree with you . Ion believe in none of that first love crap that’s dead lol . You can’t fall in love with someone you can fall in love with how they look and that’s about it.
ReplyDeleteI believe he was a little bit in between believing love at first sight, and criticising it. In the story, Romeo and Juliet, he makes it a little too believable that they were both in love with each other, but in the end, their love cannot be, as they both take their own lives. I think he believed, yet didn’t believe love at first sight.
ReplyDeleteI believe love at first sight, but the two lovebirds must make a connection first before they actually get married. Loving someone at first sight is possible, but must be backed up. You don’t wanna marry someone who you know nothing about, it’d make things awkward and what if you don’t like the person after saying you love them? Love isn’t something so easy to get, but it is a feeling we can’t deny. I’m 50/50 with believing and not believing.
I think that marriage should be with someone you truely love, and not some random person. People usually divorce because of a huge arguement or something like that. Something may have happened during the marriage for both parents to get upset. Maybe after they had/adopted children one parent became more mean and didn’t like the kid for whatever reason, meanwhile the other parent did. That’s another cause of divorce. Mainly fighting and a huge disagreement cause divorces, but maybe they weren’t meant to be together. Arranged marriagements can be a little awkward, as you don’t know who you are going to marry. If you meet them, you might not like them but still be forced to marry. There is a chance you could be happy with who you are marrying, but there also might not be.
I haven’t read many books about romance, but there are a few stories I have read online and from libraries that caught my attention. One book, Wings of Fire, has two characters named Sunny and Starflight. Starflight likes Sunny a lot in the books, and in the book where we hear his thoughts, he admits he does like her. I’m not sure if they are a thing yet because I haven’t read 2-3 books, but Starflight has said he would do anything to protect Sunny as she is almost defenseless. Sunny also believed in Starflight a lot, so Starflight got some courage from Sunny believing in him. Their pairing is popular in the fandom. Another love story that had the theme “love at first sight” was an obvious choice, Shrek. To protect his swamp, he and Donkey (my favorite) went on a quest to get Fiona. Along this story, Donkey also met the love of his life, the lady Dragon. Although Donkey wasn’t love at first sight, but love at second sight, Shrek and Fiona were love at first sight, despite Shrek being a disgusting monster. The scene in the 2nd movie (or 3rd) had a scene where human Shrek and human Fiona kissed, and the spell put on them basically said “true loves kiss can turn you back” or something like that. As the two kissed, they returned to their Orge forms, as that was the form they kissed in the 1st movie. Fiona loved him despite how ugly he was, for he rescued her from the tower.
I believe shakespeare didn’t really believe in love at first sight because there is a lot more that contributes to love than looks because basically you fall in love with a physic and not a soul.
ReplyDeleteI realistically don’t believe in love at first sight because of the statement that,that is just interest at first sight you probably can say ya maybe i’m going to like this person and kinda have a little clique or connection and the author really opened up my views on the perception of romance and being in love can be the best thing in the world but if you are with the right person for you for the right reasons not just the aesthetic and physical look getting to know the person is best. And i don’t think arranged marriages are the best thing to do because that doesn’t give someone a chance to explore the other “fish in the sea” and that part of their life is already explored not leaving them the option. But actually getting to pick the person you love,adore,and admire is the best choice.My favorite love story is “The beauty and the beast because its relevant to the fact of” looks don’t matter” and it my favorite because i thought belle was so pretty and as a kid the whole movie was just exiting for me and just because it’s a disney movie just brings me back to my early childhood when hannah montana was still a show.concluding this with the statement that i can’t rely on the idea of love at first sight for many reasons such as not knowing the person at all but you know life is just very wow .
i think shakespeare did not believe love at first sight because they're are more contributes to the way love looks because you love with the person physically not mentally. i dont really believe in that because if you dont know them then you dont know the real person because you just met them.