Monday, November 13, 2017

Period 9/10 Blog #9

Your comment post should be at least 310 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.

Read The New York Times headline that appears below. Did you initially misread “start” as “stop”? What do you think the Op-Ed will be about? Why would someone tell kids to start fighting?
In the op-ed “Kids, Would You Please Start Fighting?,” Adam Grant writes:
Wilber and Orville Wright came from a wobbly family. Their father, a preacher, never met a moral fight he wasn’t willing to pick. They watched him clash with school authorities who weren’t fond of his decision to let his kids miss a half-day of school from time to time to learn on their own. Their father believed so much in embracing arguments that despite being a bishop in the local church, he had multiple books by atheists in his library — and encouraged his children to read them.
If we rarely see a spat, we learn to shy away from the threat of conflict. Witnessing arguments — and participating in them — helps us grow a thicker skin. We develop the will to fight uphill battles and the skill to win those battles, and the resilience to lose a battle today without losing our resolve tomorrow. For the Wright brothers, argument was the family trade and a fierce one was something to be savored. Conflict was something to embrace and resolve. “I like scrapping with Orv,” Wilbur said.
The Wright brothers weren’t alone. The Beatles fought over instruments and lyrics and melodies. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony clashed over the right way to win the right to vote. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak argued incessantly while designing the first Apple computer. None of these people succeeded in spite of the drama — they flourished because of it. Brainstorming groups generate 16 percent more ideas when the members are encouraged to criticize one another. The most creative ideas in Chinese technology companies and the best decisions in American hospitals come from teams that have real disagreements early on. Breakthrough labs in microbiology aren’t full of enthusiastic collaborators cheering one another on but of skeptical scientists challenging one another’s interpretations.
If no one ever argues, you’re not likely to give up on old ways of doing things, let alone try new ones. Disagreement is the antidote to groupthink. We’re at our most imaginative when we’re out of sync. There’s no better time than childhood to learn how to dish it out — and to take it.
Students: Read the entire op-ed, then tell us:
— What are some good things not mentioned by the Op-Edd that can come from argument or disagreement? And some bad things?
— How does your experience with your family compare with how Mr. Grant describes as many parents’ desire to keep any kind of conflict out of their homes?
— What is your response to Mr. Grant’s assertion that “we’re at our most imaginative when we’re out of sync.” Have you had an experience that supports this idea? What about an experience that contradicts it?
— How do you think people can best benefit from their disagreements? Can you think of any examples that compare to the Wright Brothers’ experiences?


  1. Some good things that could come from arguments or disagreements that were not mentioned are it creates more ideas and makes you think. When you argue with someone they are forcing their beliefs at you so obviously you’re not just brushing it off and forgetting it. You process what they are saying and asking is that correct or not. Now most cases in your opinion it won’t be correct, but at least it forces you to think about someone else’s ideas. The result of thinking about other theories is making new theories or adding onto an old one so again it benefits you by making you think about other people’s perspective about things.
    My family likes to take arguments and things of that nature away from the house because it produces a lot of stress on everyone when there is tension in the house. My dad hates when I argue with people. And basically when he is angry the whole house is on edge or stressed. Our family is really calm and not very argumentative or at least they try and be.
    I agree with Mr. Grant. We come up with more conclusions when we are being doubted or questioned. It makes you double check things and so not that everyone is always agreeing with you every time. I have experienced this many times. When me and my dad would disagree with a topic I would rethink my side after he explains his reasoning for his thinking. This has happened with me multiple times in my life.
    People can benefit a lot by disagreeing with other people. It makes you think that there could be a different truth out there than what you think. It is a very good way to learn about what other believe in. I think it helps us all when we argue and disagree with others.

    1. I agree it does make you have ideas and makes you think. My family as well keeps arguments out of the house. It makes everyone angry and stressed. I also agree with Mr. Grant because we do come up with more conclusions. Finally we can benefit a lot by disagreeing.

    2. I agree with you. When people fight it makes them thing about how they can me make life better and change their ways so it doesnt create more cinflicts.

  2. There are a lot of good things that can come from an argument. Such as working things out with the other person or people. You can also express your feelings during the argument. Also you find out the problem or who is right and wrong in this situation. Some bad things that can come from an argument are broken relationships. It could be the ending of being friends or dating or marriage even. It also can give people stress after an argument. It can also make you think more to give you ideas on how to keep the argument going.
    My family rarely has arguments because they think it's bad for us and can separate whomever is having the argument for a short period of time. When we do have arguments however it can make the other person feel bad or have sad emotions after the argument. Sometimes if i argue with my parent i just let her talk so she can get whatever she has to say out and i can agree with her and do what she wants for favors. Mr. Grants assertion that we are most imaginative when we are out of sync is true. I have experience this when I wasn't in sync and i was thinking too much at the time. I also agree with mr. grant because there are more conclusions to things then just having argument and having stress on you. I think that you can resolve something by doing other things like having a competition and whoever loses is wrong. Also you can just leave the argument be and walk away from it to resolve any conflict that might occur during or after a disagreement or an argument. I think people can definitely benefit from their disagreements because they can fix a problem and work things out with another person. After the disagreement you can relieve all the stress you might have had.

  3. Some good things that can come from an argument or disagreement is that it opens up new and creative ideas for your understanding. Another thing is that it bring you closer and work more as a team once u get the negatives out and focus on the positives. Some bad things that could happen is that the work can never get done. If you guys are arguing and can't come to a settlement the whole project can be messed up. Another bad thing is that your partner could walk out on you and you’ll be all by yourself,

    My family doesn't usually fight. We kinda try to keep things in check and not try to bring negativity around because of my siblings, we want to set good examples. If we do start to argue and my step dad gets really mad, my whole household is on edge and won't talk to each other and it kinda stinks, but that rarely happens because we are all kind to each other and love each other

    I agree because we come up and think of some good idea when we are in sync. I feel like when we get our emotions out and start thinking we get better thoughts and start to come up with more creative and better ideas. Also when we are mad we say things that we might not mean and that also could play an important factor for helping you come up with good ideas.

    People can benefit a lot by disagreeing with other people. It makes you think that there could be different out there and you knew and could find interesting. It is one of the best ways to learn about what other people think and believe in. I think it helps us all when we argue and disagree with others because u know what the disagreement and argument could lead into

    1. I agree with a lot of what you said here. You made good points from both angles. I like what you said about the whole fighting situation. And my family is the same way with arguing.

    2. I️ agree. Arguing makes you closer that way you can become more of a team. If you argue you get all of your points across. And sometimes a disagreement or two is for the best.

    3. I agree. Arguing sometimes makes things better, not all the time but most of the time. Sometimes arguing is not so good but for the best.

  4. Some good things about arguing is that sometimes when you win/lose the argument you learn a very important thing in that argument.YOU WERE WRONG!But you really learn that you can’t win every battle and when that time comes that you lose you will learn from your mistake and you will come back stronger than before.One of the bad things about arguing is that if the argument gets too heated things might get said race could become involved and then all of a sudden boom there is a fight that breaks out between the people that were arguing and then escalated it too something it should not be.Another thing that could go wrong is that if it is between two friends then you guys could become enemies of each other and in final hate each other for the rest of their lives.The last thing about arguing that is not good is that you can be put in prison for something you said such a threat toward a person or their family.
    My family is the exact way we don’t like to argue at my house because we wouldn’t get over like me and my sister how we got into a fight for 4 weeks and we are ok now we aren’t mad at each other any more we also don't like it because in our family it escalates a lot faster then it should.
    I have not had that experience in an argument all I feel is that I want to do in the argument is to prove the other person wrong and win the argument.Actually one time my friend and I got into an argument and when we finally got over it we realized that we can do both of our ideas at the same time so we are not fighting whenever we hangout over the same thing again and again and again.So in fact I have had an experience like that before.
    I feel a lot of people can benefit from their arguments because if you are good enough at it maybe you can go and find a job as a lawyer since you are very good at arguing.

  5. good things that can come from an argument or disagreement is that it lets you know more about the argument and to be able to help with the argument. My family dosent stop anyone in the house from arguing because we belive it should be settled between each other.I dont have any experience with a argument happening in my house but im going to make one up because i need to use 300 words for my blog so one time we had a argument about what to eat for dinner and the argument went on for ever because no one decided to stopped it.It was settled by everyone can make there own dinner.This can benifit someone by next time to just agree with one of another or they are just ganna fight again.I still need to write alot more so im going to write random stuff like "i dont wanna be in school right now" and "i have no idea what to write" I ran out of ideas to write about so im just ganna stop writing.oh yeah im not writing im typeing so im going to stop typeing.I feel a lot of people can benefit from their arguments because if you can they know what the others feel.

  6. Some good things that can come from arguments that aren’t mentioned in the open ended are that sometimes disagreements are beneficial to your education because it can broaden your understanding of the situation. No matter what everybody disagrees on things even if they don’t mention it. Some bad things that could come from arguments is that people could potentially give up. Sometimes intensity and stress (which arguments can cause) can get to be too much for people so they don’t care anymore about what they were fighting for. My relationship with my parents is most of the time good. Like I️ said before everybody argues, doesn’t matter who you are or how nice you are. So sometimes me and my mom fight and disagree about things but she tries not to let it happen. With me and my dad it’s different. We never really fight because he’s so quiet and shy so we talk but not really have deep conversations that would lead to a disagreement. But every once in awhile we will have a little one. My response to Mr. Grant’s assertion that “we’re at our most imagination when we’re out of sync” is that it’s completely true. I️ think he means you are at your best when you’re fighting for something you believe is right. It causes you to think more that way you have more facts to back you up. In the end everybody wants to be right but it’s better to combine your beliefs and create something versatile. I️ think people can best benefit from their disagreements because it challenges them to look at things from another person’s perspective. An experience that can compare to the Wright Brothers’ is the time me and my aunt got into an argument. We got into a big argument and then the next day we both said sorry at the same time because it gave us time to think and after that we understand each other better now so it was for the best.

  7. Good things about arguing that were not mentioned could be that you will end up learning something you never knew. You will resolve major issues in arguments. You will also come to a compromise at some point of the argument. A bad thing about arguments is that they can go on forever and it won’t stop until there is a compromise. Somebody may say something that they won’t be able to take back later. Which could cause another argument to happen. My family has arguments but we will have them at home not in public. And they will never be really bad to where everyone regrets what they said. My family rather have conflict to help us learn from each other's mistakes. Our conflicts will help us learn and grow. My experience wouldn’t because my parents prefer that we argue instead of keeping how we feel to ourselves. I agree when he says that we are at our most imaginative when we’re out of sync. This way we can do what we want. And how we care and want to do it. Without anyone saying anything.i have never really experienced this before. I never knew because i was always with someone, doing something with them, and learning from them. I have been most imaginative when i am with someone because that’s how i was taught to be. But i feel that if i tried to be imaginative on my own i would be lost but would eventually find a way. Many people will be learning from other people based on what they have experienced. In disagreements you will end up learning about that person and what they have been through. On tv shows you see families getting into arguments and there’s always a strong one and a weak one. The strong one would win all the time and the weak one wouldn’t. Just like the Wright brothers the fierce one is savored.

  8. There are a lot of good things that could be gained positively and are not mentioned in the article. Some of them being learning, relieves stress, helps express your feelings, and teaches you to keep and open mind. Learning from arguments are key. You should do this so that I’m the future you do not make the same mistake as last time. Disagreements are great for expressing your feelings. It’s good because sometimes we don’t know how to express ourselves and when we get fed up with anger it all comes out and sometimes it’s good sometimes it’s bad. And finally it teaches you to keep and open mind. This happens because we start to listen and understand what the other person is going through out how they are feeling.

  9. good things about arguing is that sometimes when you argue you say the things that you always wanted to say and you say the truth and dont like and learn things you never knew. You can sole many issues and clear things up. A bad thing about an agument is that sometimes they last a very long time and the things you say can hurt them and the people you are fighting with may never forgive you ever again. My mom and dad ague all the time they never get along they just fight 24/7 and nothing can make them stop for what my dad did to my mom. But they don't do it infront of people only at home. you learn from your mistakes. You have to make a mistake to know what not to do later in life. i agree with when he said we are most imaginative when we are out of sync.we can do what we want. i never really been thru this because i always had my sister and always did everything with her and learned everything from her and my close friends. Many other people will learn from the wrong people and do bad things and get into trouble

  10. i feel like if i was alone and didn't have anyone to look up to i feel like i'm doing like everything wrong. im glad me and my sister are so close because we do everything together and copy everything. Me and my sister may argue but arguing sometime make you closer than you already were.

  11. There is some good things that can happen because of an argument. Such as working things out with the other person or people. You can also express your feelings during the argument. Also you find out the problem or who is right and wrong in this situation. Some bad things that can come from an argument are broken relationships. It could be the ending of being friends or dating or marriage even. It also can give people stress after an argument. It can also make you think more to give you ideas on how to keep the argument going. Sometimes if i argue with my parent i just let her talk so she can get whatever she has to say out and i can agree with her and do what she wants for favors. Mr. Grants assertion that we are most imaginative when we are out of sync is true. I have experience this when I wasn't in sync and i was thinking too much at the time. I also agree with mr. grant because there are more conclusions to things then just having argument and having stress on you. I think that you can resolve something by doing other things like having a competition and whoever loses is wrong. Also you can just leave the argument and walk away so that nothing bad will happen because some people get mad and flip out on others. I think people can definitely benefit from their disagreements because they can fix a problem and work things out with another person. After the disagreement you can relieve all the stress you might have had.
