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Question | What’s Your Dream Job?
MARCH 10, 2016 5:00 AM March 10, 2016 5:00 am
What do you want to be when you grow up? Has your dream job
changed as you’ve gotten older? Have you already started investing time and effort
to try to make it happen?
In “The New Dream Jobs,” Jenna Wortham writes:
When the National Society of High
School Scholars asked 18,000 Americans, ages 15 to 29, to rank their ideal
future employers, the results were curious. To nobody’s surprise, Google, Apple
and Facebook appeared high on the list, but so did the Central Intelligence
Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency.
The Build-A-Bear Workshop was No. 50, just a few spots behind Lockheed Martin
and JPMorgan Chase. (The New York Times came in at No. 16.)
However scattershot, the survey
offers a glimpse into the ambitions of the millennial generation, which already
makes up more than a third of the work force. By 2020, it will make up half.
Survey after survey shows that millennials want to work for companies that
place a premium on employee welfare, offer flexible scheduling and, above all,
bestow a sense of purpose. These priorities are well known and frequently
mocked, providing grist for the oft-repeated claim that millennials are lazy,
entitled job-hoppers.
But it’s important to remember
that this generation was shaped by a recession, an unprecedented crush of
student debt and a broad decline in the credibility of all kinds of
institutions. Stability is an abstract concept to these young workers, so they
instead tend to focus on creating a rich, textured life now, rather than
planning for a future obscured by uncertainty.
Students: Read the entire article, then answer the questions
— What’s your dream job? Why do you want that job? Do you think
you’re well suited for it?
— What qualities are most important to you in your future
career? Salary? A sense of purpose? Scheduling flexibility? Feeling challenged?
Feeling appreciated? The ability to get ahead? Liking what you do or being good
at your job? Anything else?
— What investments are you willing to make now to help you
get your dream job eventually?
— What
companies would you want to work for? Are you surprised by the National Society
of High School Scholars survey rankings? Why?
My Dream job, is to be a famous youtuber and be a video game developer, tester, or game design. The reason I would want one of these jobs is because I love playing video games and I love creating things and coming up with content for video games. I think I am pretty well suited for a job like this because I love video games and I really like things like this, and I love doing things with video games like getting all the research I can do and getting everything I can do to get a job in this category one day. For my future dream job are going to be able to meet people in the gaming community and being able to see what they want and like about video games and being able to place those things into a video game for people to enjoy! The salary annually is around $83,000 for my future dream job which is without a raise and a specific job type. I am willing to go to any college that will help me take a step closer into my dream job and to devote most of my time into getting my dream job! The Companies I would like to work for are Rockstar, Ubisoft, Sony, DICE, etc. there are so many options for jobs of this nature it is just doing good enough to get/ work my way there!
ReplyDeletei like what you said. i like video games too. and i also watch your youtube videos
DeleteThanks man and I see you on my youtube all the time!!
DeleteI read your answer and I think you can do whatever you what to do. Also good luck on your YouTube channel and also with the job of being a game developer because that would really cool if you actually become one.
DeleteI think it's cool you want to be a famous you tuber playing video games. I like to play 2k.
DeleteMy dream job is to be a professional singer or somewhere in the music career. I want this job because ever since I was little i’ve sang my heart out and I have gotten so many good feedback that i’m good at singing. I want to go to Juilliard or AMDA ( American Musical and Dramatic Academy) for college because they are both in NYC and by broadway. I think i’m well suited with being a professional singer or somewhere in the music industry because i’m well experienced, i’m in chorus, drama, and I have auditioned for America’s Got Talent and soon to be auditioning for the voice. The most important qualities to being a singer is great posture, dancing skills, great breathing skills,get through stage fright and an outstanding voice. The salary for a professional singer is about or approximately $45,00- $65,00 per year, which is more than a teacher, maybe a doctor, but almost the same as a soccer player or any professional athlete. Being a professional singer is a sense of purpose for me because singing means everything to me and my mom. I always sang to her and after she passed away in 2012 I promised myself I would continue to sing for her and me. I’m feeling challenged because if I want to get into a good singing college in NYC, I have to be really good and competitive and challenged because other people are better than me. I feel appreciated if I make it into Juilliard or AMDA, or broadway, or professional singer because not everyone gets that chance. I love what I do and I can do it for the rest of my life and I know i’m good because I had to try out to be in chorus, AGT, and the play and I made it. The music companies I would want to work for would be Columbia Records,VEVO, Island Records, and etc.
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ReplyDeleteWhat is your dream job? That is a very big question. And to be honest, I don't really know what I want to do when I am adult. If I really got my dream job, I guess it would be to win the lottery or something like that. But I know that's unrealistic, so if I was being realistic I’m probably going to be a cop or have an office job. But none of that is my “dream job”, so if I could really pick my dream job I would pick, some type of well respected critic. Whether it be a food critic or a video game critic or movie critic or a roller coaster critic. I just think it would be super cool to be able to eat amazing food or play video games first or ride amazing roller coasters. I would get payed to do things that I love and get to do those things before other people and enjoy myself at work. Because if I loved what I did, it would be like I don't work at all. Also everyday I would do what I loved and it would be really cool. Plus I would get paid a ton of money just to share my opinion. And people would take it like law. For example, if I see a review on a movie from rotten tomatoes it really weighs in on if I watch that movie or not. So, it would also be cool to have that much power and my opinion be so respected. To have an opportunity to do things like that would be amazing. I would become totally invested into whatever job I have to do on any day of the week. Traveling around the country, and possibly the world, would just be a dream in itself. However family time is very important, so my family could possibly travel with me, or I would be close enough to make it home most nights. Sometimes I would like to be home with my family, even if it means hopping on a plane two times a day. So for me this is what a dream job would be. Awesome!
ReplyDeleteIs that the real question. Do you really believe you want to work a desk job? or be a Cop? No, that is not you it never was you! Honestly you are the type of guy who will speak out towards things that you have good ideas for, and change them to the way you want/ like to fit other peoples likes because you know they will like that since you want to do cool things and help people at the same time. Also, James you have so many dream jobs like if you put yourself somewhere to do something guaranteed you are able to get it done, its all about applying yourself to the things that you love and you want to do! I know that because you are always the one person I know who if you really need or want to get something done or come up with a plan you can succeed. You have a wide range of opportunities and honestly if you try to get there I believe you will with no doubt about it! Everyone including you and I know that we are not going to enjoy life if we don't do something we enjoy, so why would we waste time doing things that we hate to lose all of that respect for the thing we hate to switch the things we love, and honestly I would rather start fresh with something I love and build up and get better than stay with something I hate! That is where I feel you went with the correct decision, you don't really know your dream jobs because there are so many things you love since you have a wide range of talents to do everything you want. To me that is smart.
DeleteI think that is a cool choice. Its hard to decide what you want to do with your life. Food critic sound like a good choice. Who doesn't love to go out and try new foods.
DeleteMy dream jobs have changed many times over the years. When I was little I wanted to be a police officer. Then I wanted to be a games tester since I loved to play video games. I also wanted to be in the Army. Today, I want to be a member of the swat team for the police. I want to be on the swat because it looks like something I would like to do. It's a cross between being in the army and a police officer. You have to be brave person to do the job. You are protecting and saving people in serious situations. You cannot panic. I think I would make a good salary to buy things I want or need. Everyday with the swat team is a new day. It's a not a boring job where you sit all day. You are on a team and watch out for one another. Some days might be hard but I think it would be worth it. I know have to try harder at school to try to get in. It takes a lot of training. Of course this is how I feel today. I might change my mind again. When you get older you can learn new things that you might be interested in. I might want to be a marine biologist or a race car driver in a few years. I might not really know what I want to be yet. I am still a freshman. Some companies One company I might want to work for his Microsoft. They developed Xbox. Microsofft also works with computers that are always going to be in demand. I am not surprised in the findings by the national honors society. Many people want to work for big companies. You feel like your job is more safe. Also they are well known. Everyone uses facebook and knows Apple is. They are probably good paying jobs. People usually want to work for companies they know well or use their products. The bigger the company the more jobs available. SO today my dream job is to be a member of the swat team.
ReplyDeleteMy dream job is to be a detective. I want this job because I want to solve cases and also I watch a lot of law and order,so I want to do what they do. I do think that I will be suited for the job in the future. The qualities are most important to me is that I get to do justice and put away people. Also I want to get paid really good and they get paid a lot. Also detectives got thank for saving people and putting away people and I want to feel that. Also I feel that I would do a great job. I would get great grades then go into college and that where I would get my education on my dream job. I don't know where I would work because there is many places. But I would probably go to a very populated area so there is more work for me. I am not surprised by their results since a lot of those jobs are very common. Also they all really pay a lot so people could buy whatever they wanted.
ReplyDeleteMy dream job or career is to be a NBA player. I've wanted to be a professional basketball player since I was really little. I don't think anything is going to change my mind. I love playing basketball. Every weekend I get together with my friends are the court just to pass around the ball. Weekdays and weekends I play nonstop with my teammates friends and family. I pick up a basketball at least twice a day and once I pick it up it stays in my hands for about 2 hours. I wouldn't trade the sport for anything. I'm going to at all throughout high school, hopefully I'll get a scholarship and play in college and work hard enough to make it into the league. I want to be just like all the players I look up to as my role models. I will do anything to make basketball my weekly schedule and fit in everything I can to be on the court everyday. Professional basketball players make tons of money but that's not even what I look forward too. I look forward to the fact that I will hopefully be on the court with millions of people watching me and my team depending on me to make the win. I would like to do clinics and go to schools to help little kids achieve their goals and learn skills they never learned before. I will do my best to achieve my goal and to be able to play on a court with a big team who will become family.
ReplyDeleteMy dream job can be anything right now actually because i'm still am young but if i do want know what my dream job i might as well like to be a cop. I have always liked it since i was a kid. I don't like it when there is crime going on around me. I have always like it but now that i'm getting older i'm getting more into it high school is getting closer and closer to the end so i should be looking through school for my dream job as an police officer. Police officer only try to stop crimes try to follow the law for everyone and make everyone follow them too.
But that is also that i of course to still go to college well first graduate high school and then go to college and be successful with education and win my self up to my dream job. I need to step up my game in education if i really do want be a police officer because police officer aren't just lazy they are hard workers and i need be a hard worker too in school. My dream job are heros people look up to them at times too. It would be nice if someone did look up to me be someone's hero too.
Police officers are sworn to protect and serve the communities in which they live and work. They enforce laws, obtain warrants, arrest and interview suspects, write detailed reports and testify in court, among other duties. Police officers may work under intense stress, physically and emotionally. You need to be physically fit and have well-developed communication skills. That is a lot to go through be a police officer it's called hard working for your dreams and be very successful. Once you make it to your dream job you're successful
I need put all the effort I can. Nothing in life is just given for you unless you put yourself to work and that's what I am going to do. And see where my future takes me it's all on me now I'm getting older and I'm getting more interested on being a police officer and not just only with that, but being successful. And hopefully from 10 years from now I'm a police officer
My dream job is to be a police officer. I want this job because I want to make society a better place, and I will enjoy taking criminals off the streets. I have always wanted to this job as a young kid. Something about being a police officer has always inspired me. I do think I am well suited for this job because I am in shape. I also know what to do because i’ve had family members that were cops and I asked the for advice. You have to know when to be strict and know when to be nice to people, and I am good at that. There are many qualities that I would have to have to become a cop. For example, I would have to have scheduling flexibility and be ready to in anytime, even when i’m off duty. I would have to be good at my job and be able to keep up with the crime. You don’t have to like your job, but if I was a cop I would enjoy it. It always helps you get your job done better if you like and want to be there. If you don’t like it you probably won’t focus that much and may not do your job efficiently. If I were to start making investments now to get to my dream job, my first would be getting a college degree. You have to have a college degree to get a decent job. Another investment I would make is going to the gym or getting muscle builder to be fit and strong. I would also go to police shows and talk to officers to try to get a leg up.The last thing I would do is see how the training course is that cops have to pass and I would build a replica. If I was to work for a company, it would probably be google. I am not surprised by the National Society of High School Scholars survey rankings because my generation is really big into technology. A lot of kids have iphones and know how to use them very well, and they know apple makes a good amount of money so it doesn’t surprise me. It is a job that doesn’t take a lot of hard work and labor, therefore it’s perfect for my generation. Overall I am not surprised by the rankings due to how lazy my generation is.