Your comment post should be at least 250 words this week due Thursday by 11:59 pm and you will be responsible for responding (respectfully) to one of your classmates in at least a one paragraph reply entries by Sunday at 11:59 pm.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
*That do you think this quote means?
*How does it relate to an experience in your own life?
What I think the quote "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" by Ralph Waldo Emerson means is that you shouldn’t just do the same things as someone else's life. You should make your life unique and different than others so that you create a new trail the way you wanted to make it. If everyone followed the same trail, than everybody would be the same, and nobody would be unique in their own ways. You should just be who you are, so you can create your very own new unique trail the way you wanted it to be. This quote relates to an experience in my life because once in class, there was a question we needed to answer, and everyone was discussing a certain answer that I thought wasn’t correct. I ended up putting down my answer i thought was correct and wasn’t the same as everyone elses, and i ended up being one of the only people to get it correct. I decided to take my own path and not follow where the path was leading. You should always stay confident in yourself and believe in yourself. Never doubt yourself, because you never know if the new path you created is actually the right path, so that you leave a trail for others to be able to also make the right choice.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with hunter's response on the quote. Making your life unique and different is what makes you. I completely agree with his response on never doubting yourself and create your own path for you. Also, how you should be different because without being unique, everyone would be the same.
DeleteI totally agree what you are saying hunter. You should be different and unique in your life. People cant choose what you can do, you can only do that.
ReplyDeleteRalph Waldo Emerson once said “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” I think this means to stop following in everyone else's footsteps, and stop going with the crowd. He’s saying you should create your own destiny and make your own future. You shouldn’t always go with the flow, you should be yourself and do your thing. Going down the same path is boring. Who likes being boring? Be yourself and have your little special thing that makes you different. They say you need to get lost before finding yourself, and maybe getting lost in your path is just your way of finding yourself.
ReplyDeleteThis relates to my life big time, I mean in high school everyone follows everyone else. They don’t realize following everyone isn’t what you want to do, instead of following everyone else you should do what you want to do. I mean I’ve had that moment in life where everyone in school got this one shirt. I really wanted it to fit in, but it wasn’t really my thing. My mom questioned me getting it, and I begged for it. I ended up getting the shirt, and never wearing it because I didn’t really like it. It took me to actually get the shirt to realize I didn’t want it. I should’ve done my thing and stayed on my path, and not jump on the bandwagon.
Dallas, I agree with you when you said that you only got that one shirt to fit in with everyone else. But even after you go the shirt, you never wore it because you realized that it wasn't a shirt that made you fit in with everyone else. You should have your own unique style and wear whatever you want without having to worry about what others think.
ReplyDeleteRalph Waldo once said “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” I think that this quote is saying that don’t stay on the same path all the time. You don’t have to follow the same trend or style that everyone else is doing. Go start something on your own and create your own path for yourself. Leave your own path for other people to follow. Start something that is going to leave a mark for other people to see and to enjoy. You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing, just do whatever you. Doing your own thin is what separates you from everyone else. Doing something differently from someone else makes unique and one of a kind. An experience that I have had in my life that relates to this quote is when I was in middle school. I wanted to try and be like everyone one else and do the same things that they were doing. Later, I then realized that I am nothing like them and never will be. I had my own style and personality.I was comfortable just being me instead of following what everyone else was doing. So this quote is telling people to do their own thing and not follow what everyone else is doing. You can create your own path for yourself. Being you leaves a trail for yourself and makes you different from everyone else and people are going to notice how unique you are from everyone else.
I agree with you Sam. You don't have to follow what everyone else is doing. Instad, go create your own path different than others, and let people follow a new trend. You should be your unique self and show others that its okay to be different. If everyone were on the same path, nobody would be their own unique self.
DeleteSam I completely agree with what you said. Without making new paths we would all be the same and that's not fair. Do what you want and don't follow a path that's already made. I'm glad that you chose to be you're own person.
DeleteI think the quote “"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” by Ralph Waldo Emerson means to not follow in somebody's footsteps make your own. If there is a trail and you see footsteps from other people, why follow them? You're basically living in their memories when you can make your own footsteps somewhere else and make your own memories. This relates to many experiences in my life. However, one experience is when my friends and I wanted to go through the trail we normally went in. However, we figured that trail was kind of boring since we know exactly where it ends. Therefore we decided to make are own footsteps in a trail nobody went in. It was actually really entertaining since we had no idea where this trail ended. That’s what made it so exciting to go with your closest friends and make memories that will never end. I remember when my friend was walking in front of me and she like moved the branches so she could get through, but since she did that the branches whacked me in the face. I honestly have no idea why I thought it was so funny but my friends and I literally could not stop laughing. Don't get me wrong it hurt really bad and I’m surprised my glasses didn't break but it was just all that fun we had going through the trail and having no idea where we would go. I'm not saying just go out and be crazy with your friends make sure you tell your parents where you're going. All in all, go outside your bubble and make your own memories with your friends.
ReplyDeleteTori, I completely agree with you. The part where you said don't go with the flow was absolutely correct. Also, the example was great and funny.
DeleteI think the quote, “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”, by Ralph Waldo Emerson means that we shouldn’t follow the crowd or the flow of life blindly, but create new ideas, and be original. Even when it seems stupid, you should still do what you believe is right, not what the people around you think is right. Emerson believed strongly in individuality, and he even made a speech about it, and I think that everyone should have an opinion, and so that quote just says it plainly that every person has their own thoughts and opinion, though they might not share them, they still exist. I like this quote because I agree with his opinions and his whole life was about telling people to not go with the flow but create your own path. This quote reminds me of a few experiences where I didn’t do what everyone else was doing. Alright, so one time, in about January, me and a group of friends were at the boardwalk in Ocean City, and since the water doesn’t freeze they thought it was a good idea to go swimming. The water was about 10 degrees- yes it literally was below freezing, and so we went in. But I only stayed in for 30 seconds and they stayed in for a few minutes. Few days later, they were all sick and I wasn’t. I was happy. They were miserable. SO the moral of the story is this: don’t follow the crowd.
ReplyDelete“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave one,” by Ralph Waldo Emerson, goes hand in hand with another quote: “Be a leader, not a follower.” It means to not always do what everyone else does. Be different, or be your own person. I think people should have individuality and be unique instead of going with the crowd and trying to fit in. People should always have to worry about doing the same thing as everybody else. If you do something different, maybe people will notice and they will start to follow you. I think you should be a leader, instead of always following everyone else. So, one time my best friend and I were in the woods. She thought it would be fun to climb a tree. So we both climbed up the tree until the branches got thinner. Then, she wanted to keep climbing, but I told her that the branches don't look strong enough. She kept telling me to climb all the way up with her but, I know that if we kept climbing the branches would snap. So anyways, she climbed up the tree while I stayed on the thicker branches. The branch ended up snapping on she fell on her wrist and sprained it. I'm glad I didn't listen to her because I could have sprained it to. So, next time she should listen to me/follow what I'm doing, so she doesn't sprain another wrist. So, with this wonderful memory, I think people should listen and never doubt themself.
ReplyDeleteBrianna I agree with what you said. No one should be a follower, they should be a leader. That they shouldn't always do what everyone else is doing. That you don't always have to fit in to stand out.
DeleteI completely agree, with you Brianna in following your own footsteps. If you would of followed your friend up the tree you probably would of ended up hurting yourself. Therefore its good to follow your own footsteps and to do what you think is bed.
DeleteRalph Waldo Emerson once said "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." What Ralph is trying to say is that you don’t have to follow what other people tell you, you can do whatever you want. Also, people can’t tell you how to live your life, you can tell yourself how you want to live and enjoy it. Your life should be unique and different from everybody else. What people do now is just go or copy what other people are doing. But you have a choice to be yourself or try to fit in so people can notice you in your society. Lastly, you want to be yourself and be different from others so you can the best experience in your lifetime.
ReplyDeleteThis quote can relate in my life because there has been so many times where I had to choose where I wanted to be myself or be like everybody else. In seventh grade, I was a really shy person. I didn’t really talk to people, and I didn’t really do much, and I always did my work. But one day, I had the idea to be myself and be a whole different person. I talked more often, I have more friends than usual. Also, I am having so much fun with my friends and the new things I do. So at first I was following the path that everyone was doing. But later I seized the moment to be a whole different person and become myself and went the path that had no trail.
I think that the quote by Waldo Emerson, “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail,” means that you should go your own way in life. You shouldn’t follow someone just because you may think that where they lead is the right path to follow. Also, it means that you can make an opportunity for someone to follow you or in your footsteps to wherever the path you make will lead. In addition, you shouldn’t follow someone just because you're afraid of following what you believe in or going on your own. You should always be ready to go your own way and expect that everyone will go their own way too. Furthermore, you should never follow someone because you think they are right and you’re wrong. In most cases, they will be wrong about which way to go. Maybe it’s right for them, but it’s probably so wrong for you. You should always go the way or path you want to go in even if others think that it’s “the wrong way.” This relates to an experience in my life when my family and I were doing fireworks when we took a vacation to Michigan. I knew that I should be careful around fireworks, especially when my cousins were lighting the fireworks. My cousin had told me that on Fourth of July last year, her brother put in a firework in the bottle backwards and it flew towards the house. I was wary of the distance I was from the fireworks. All of my other cousins however, were very close to where the lighting of the fireworks took place. This summer, just like that last one, my cousin put in another firework backwards, in the bottle. After lighting it, the firework flew on a curve towards all of my cousins. It was a really funny moment and everyone was laughing but we all know too well now how to handle fireworks. I even told my cousins that they shouldn’t put the firework in backwards and to be careful, I guess they didn’t listen..
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Noor. It's definetly better to follow your own instincts and not to be afraid to. Doing what everyone else does isn't always the best decision.
DeleteNoor, i completely agree with what you are saying. You should be who you are and trust your self in certain situations.
DeleteI agree with what you said, Noor. You should always go your own way instead of following someone else. You made the right decision by staying away from the fireworks because your cousins could've gotten hurt by putting the firework in the bottle backwards.
DeleteI totally agree with you. You should always go with your gut and be yourself. You should do what makes you feel comfortable and safe
DeleteNoor I agree with you 100%. You should just be yourself and not care about the other people. You should just be you and be happy.
Delete"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson. This quote means that you shouldn’t follow the norm. You should go your own way and set your own goals. Don’t hop on bandwagons. As with all quotes, here it is all re - written: “Don’t do what everybody else does because they do it. Follow and pursue your dreams in life.” As always, I AGREE. I agree because, well, it’s what I’ve been told, and what we all have been told our whole lives. ‘Be yourself’ ‘Follow your dreams’ And, sure. That’s great. Honestly, if everybody went down “The same trail”, we’d all be the same… in reality. But really, as humans, 95 percent of us ARE the same. Predictable! I mean, most of us try to fit in, and most of us would do things to fit in! Most of us follow bandwagons. We let others lead. But you know what? That 5 percent that doesn’t follow others, and IS the leader… always is super successful and looked up to. Here’s a great relation to life: A teacher says something. “Okay, class… raise your hand if you’re on this side of the argument” And everyone but one person raises their hand. 9 TIMES OUT OF 10, That kid will slowly, shyly, and awkwardly raise their hand to stick with everyone else. So he/she doesn’t get made fun of. But again, that little amount of people that wouldn’t raise their hand are great. They show independence. And that’s what this quote is all about. That, is greatness. Be great.
ReplyDeleteRalph Waldo Emerson once said “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” To me this quote means that you shouldn’t follow the norm of what everyone else is doing. You should follow your own instinct and do what you think you should. Instead of just listening to what everyone else does and being a follow to be a leader and do something different than everyone else so others can follow you. Just like in Initiation, Millicent decides not to join the Heather Birds even though everyone else who given the offer would. She chose to do her own thing and go with her own instincts and possibly set an example for other girls in her situation to do the same. This quote was represented in my life once when my friends were picking who will win in the Super Bowl. They all picked the Broncos and I picked the Seahawks to win. They were all saying that the Broncos were going to win but I kept insisting that they wouldn’t. In the end of the game the Seahawks won by a lot and I was happy that I went with my instinct and didn’t choose the Broncos. My friends were all disappointed and I still remind them about it to this day. It paid off to “make my own trail” and go against the majority, I didn’t follow them just because everyone else did. I made my own decision.
ReplyDeleteYea, Shane I agree with you. You should always make your own path to follow. I remember when everyone was routing for the Broncos. I think it's cool that you said Seahawks and you were right! I think your interpretation of the quote is also great.
DeleteRalph Waldo Emerson once said “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” I think that this quote means to be different than others and be unique. Being individually different than everybody makes you who you really are. If you follow other people and do the things that they do people will think of you as the same person like the others, but if you are unique and different then they will think that you are different and they might want to be like you. one example of this quote could be thought of during the “Initiation”. In this story Millicent wants to be in this club but soon realizes that these other girls who run the club are taking away her individuality. This quote can relate to my life in a few ways. When I first entered middle school, Thought that i had to be like the “cool” guys to be popular and cool but then I noticed that if i am different then people could really see who I actually am. I can be my own person instead of the others that I used to follow. Another is that I noticed that one of my friends was trying to be cool like someone else, and it really wasn't working out for them until I told them to just be who they really are instead of somebody you really aren’t. He took my advice and people started to really make friends with him.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you Justin. You should be unique and stand out and show who you really are. People might want to follow you and be like you if you are unique. Standing out is a good thing, and people like other people who show their real selves and don't act fake.
DeleteRalph Waldo Emerson once said "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." I think this quote means to walk your own way and to make your own path. Be yourself and don’t follow anyone else. I feel as if it makes you a stronger person. It shows you don’t care what anyone else does and you are focused on you, just you. If you make your own path you have more to discover than the ones you are following. If you follow someone’s path, you’re following their shadow, and that’s not what you want, you need to confident in making mistakes because once you’re fine with it, you will be able to make progress and moving forward. This quote relates to me because everyone told me I shouldn’t go to a band camp in North Carolina over the summer but I did. I was told it would mess up my technique and that I’d have higher expectations. They said I’d expect more out of local musicians. It was my goal to go. I went and I had so much fun, I made a ton of new friends who loved music as much as I did. We had practice 3 times a day, and everyone was just so outstanding. Sure my expectations are higher, but that’s for myself, not anyone else. I was the first person in crms band to go to a band camp eight hours away. I went to be with musicians who wanted to be there as much as I did. I am very happy went. This is showing people I take music very seriously and that I would love to pursue a career with music.
ReplyDeleteDanielle, I completely agree with everything you said. All the points you made were very true, especially when you mentioned about how it's ok to make mistakes. I'm also happy for you that you made your own decision to go to that music camp regardless of what everyone else told you.
ReplyDeleteRalph Waldo Emerson once said “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” I think this quote means don’t follow what everyone else does, you should stand out and do your own thing. You will be more recognized for standing out and doing your own thing, than you would be for sitting back and following everyone else. People like to see leaders, and people that stand out. Anyone can be a follower and sit back, but not everyone can stand up and be a leader. If take risks in life and go down your own path you will be able to see how good you are without following what everyone else does. Most people that do good in life stand out and are leaders. They don’t wait for an opportunity to come to them they go out and create an opportunity to succeed. If you sit back and wait you might wait too long and your opportunity will pass. Therefore, stand out and take ownership of what you do.
This quote relates to me many ways. For example, in hockey my team wasn’t doing so well. Therefore, I took leadership of my team and got them to go to the rink when we didn't have practice so they could get better. Also, I got them to try harder at practice as if they were playing a game because they thought practice was a joke and they weren’t trying. However, after we kept getting beat and after I told them practice is not a joke they started trying and our team got better. So not only did I take leadership to get my team better, but they took leadership to start caring about practice. In the end our team got better and started winning a lot of games. That shows that if you take leadership and don't follow everyone else, it can lead to some good things.
I agree with you Jakob. People should take risk in their lives and people will succeed. You have to go out and create an opportunity before it passes. You should always try to stand out and be you.
DeleteRalph Waldo Emerson once said “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” I think this quote means do not follow everybody else's path and do the things they are doing. You should go off the regular path and make your own trail. Do things other people have never done before so that other people can follow in your footsteps. You shouldn’t follow other people and be just like everybody else. You should do what you want to do and be remembered for that not by being like everyone else. It would be boring if everyone took the same path. Everybody would be the same and no one would be different. That is why we need people to take a different path. People like Michael Jordan or most famous people never took the normal path. They decided to do things their own way and they turned out to be rich and famous. This quote relates to me because I don’t want to take the normal path that everybody else takes. I don’t want to be the same as everyone else. I think it is boring to take the same path. I rather be different and do things like no one else has before. I rather be remembered for being different and not being the same. Taking the normal path is boring I rather have fun with what I do. So I think that was what Ralph Waldo Emerson was trying to say.
ReplyDeleteRalph Waldo Emerson once said “Do not follow where the path may lead.Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”What he means is that you shouldn’t allows go with the flow of society of things all the time.Sometimes you should branch out and explore other things or come up with new things that society doesn’t offer.If you branch yourself out and don’t always think within society that's how you come up with great ideas and learn about new things.The smartest people in the world always don’t think within society,they think above society,beyond society.That’s how new inventions are created and new governmental ideas are created.For example this quote applies towards school.Most kids in school think within the society created in school.They try to act cool,act like everyone else and try to become popular.Some kids think otherwise though.Some kids don’t worry about having a status in school and just be themselves.That is what it means to think above society.It means to act different in a good way and to not have to follow in society’s footsteps.So what Ralph Waldo Emerson was trying to say is to go your own path,not everyone esle’s path.
ReplyDeleteRalph Waldo Emerson once said the quote, “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” This quote means do not be a follower, be a leader. You should never dream someone else's dream, be your own person. Everyday you have the chance to follow someone else's dream, or lead your own dream. Independence is a very important thing in life, once you lose your independence you lose yourself and your rights. Throughout my life I was always told that my brother was always better than me at many different things. That when it comes to soccer he was the better keeper because he was a little faster. That he was better in math because he had the ninety eight and I had the ninety two. This would make me feel insecure and not good about myself. I always felt that I needed to be better than him, that if I wasn't better than him that I wouldn't be happy with myself. Then I had a choice to either follow what everyone else is saying, or believe in myself. Then I realized that my brother is a good keeper because he is fast, but I'm a great keeper because I'm smart. That he might be better than me in math but I'm a lot better in history than him. I realized that i don’t have to live up to other people's ideal perspective of perfection. I made my own path, and it has been growing ever since.
ReplyDeleteThe quote, “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Means that you have to go your own way in life and not follow anyone else. If you create your own path, you can be you instead of someone you’re not. Every single person is unique and so is your trail that you leave behind you along the way. If you follow someone else’s path, then you’re being someone you’re not and you’re not being yourself. An experience I've had in my life that is related to the quote is when I rode a different horse than my own horse. I was asked to ride a new horse at my barn who was being trained, her name was Amarah. I had only rode her once and that was on a trail ride when I first started to board my horse at the barn. Amarah wasn’t a horse that I was used to at the time, I didn’t know anything about her except for her personality. When asked to ride her, my trainer was interested in using her in the lesson program, Amarah needed to get used to people and different riders. I got on and the beginning of the ride was great, until we started to get into work. Amarah decided to buck and try and get me off, but I held on and continued to ride allowing her to get any excitement she had out. As her and I continued on, she decided to buck again while trying to get me off. She tried everything she could to get me off, but she couldn’t since I held on during all her tricks and tantrums. In conclusion, I decided to take my own path and ride Amarah when no one else would. This allowed me to take my own path and ride a horse I’ve barely ridden. Always take your own path because you might learn something new on your own and experience a new thing.
The quote “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” by Ralph Waldo Emerson means that instead of following one person or their way, you should go your own way. What he is trying to say is instead of being a follower, be a leader. It could also mean to make your own choices rather than having them made for you or to have the courage to look for answers rather than accepting what others tell you. Another interpretation could be to embrace your individuality and be the one and only you that only you could be. Only you can be you. An example of this is my life is when I first decided to play an instrument. Everyone in my family (my uncle, dad, mom, and brother) had played the trumpet. Of course i was convinced to play it as well, continuing the train of trumpets in my family. I remember how the shiny brass gleamed at me as I held the heavy trumpet awkwardly in my single hand. I blew into the mouthpiece and out came the most horrifying sound, kind of like a dying elephant. Even though it did sound awful, I kept at it for a while to give it a chance but eventually realized this wasn’t the instrument for me. I had broken the chain and went my own way by making my own decision. I had chosen to play the violin instead, an instrument that I thought was absolutely beautiful. I was glad I didn’t hurt anyones feelings; they were very proud and supportive of me. I was glad i made the switch and still to this day I have the same violin.
ReplyDelete“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave one,” by Ralph Waldo Emerson Could mean a lot. To me it means to be a leader not a follower.That means to not always do what everyone else does. Be different, or be your own person, yourself. Your life should be unique and different from other peoples. We should stop following the crowd and change our lives. We should be our own person and decide how we want to live our lives.If you're not a leader and can't be your own person where is that gonna get you in life. Who can you follow out of school when you're in the real world on your own? In the real world there is no “cool kids” there's people who succeed and people who fail. That's all there is to it. I can relate to this in my own life. I can by seeing everyone in highschool. Everyone just follows the newest fashion and trend. Or the new phone or other things. Also with sports teams. When a football team is really good everyone jumps on the bandwagon so they don't look bad. Many people at my school do this with good teams like for say the Royals a baseball team. Everyone likes them now because they have been to the world series 2 times in 2 years and just one a championship. They just do this to brag that their team is better. In life you should just stay true to you. Don't care what people think. You should be yourself and love yourself for you.