Friday, April 13, 2018

Period 1 Blog #22

5 Tips for Talking About Racism With Kids

5 hints for starting the conversation about race (good news: it doesn't have to be awkward!)

Recently after interviewing a potential nanny, I asked my daughter Chloe, 4, what she thought. "I don't like her brown skin?" my daughter replied, phrasing it like a question in that hesitant way she does when she knows she's testing.

I was shocked—and horrified. She'd never mentioned skin color before, despite having good friends of different ethnicities, and I naively believed she was colorblind. Now, faced with the fear that I had inadvertently raised a pint-size racist, I biffed it. "That's not a nice thing to say,' I scolded her. And then, unsure of what else to say, I said nothing at all.

I'm pretty sure that falls on the "how not to handle it" list. We spoke to Dr. Beverly Tatum, president of Spelman College and author to find out what you should say, and when.

1.      Don't be afraid to bring it up

For many parents, the race talk is as difficult as the birds and the bees talk. Dr. Tatum attributes this awkwardness to a lack of communication about race in many of our own childhoods. "There are concerns about saying the wrong thing and sounding racist, even if that is not the intent." says Dr. Tatum. "Sometimes parents naively believe that if they talk about issues of race with their children, they will cause them to notice race in a way that they did not before."

2.      Look for teaching moments

Not sure how to get the conversation started? If your child comments on different skin colors, that's an easy in. Children's books that discuss race are also a gentle introduction. Or, you can look for subtle openings in everyday life. "I was cooking with my 3-year-old," says Dr. Tatum. "We used the last white egg in the carton, and then took out another carton of eggs, this time brown eggs.  My son noted that the eggs were different in color. 'Yes,' I said, as we cracked both eggs open, 'But look—they are the same inside.  Just like people, they come in different shades, but they are the same on the inside.'"

3.      Make the message age-appropriate

For preschoolers, use concrete examples, like the egg example above. Since even young children can understand when something is unfair (how many times have they lobbed the "not fair!" charge at you?), you can break down slavery (or segregation) for them: Slavery happened a long time ago, but holding people captive and making them work without paying them is unfair. So slavery ended, because many people thought it was unfair and worked to change it. "I think it is important to emphasize that no racial group is all bad or all victims," says Dr. Tatum. "For example, in the US, white people were slaveowners, but white people also worked against slavery. Black people were enslaved, but many resisted their mistreatment by running away and helping others escape. Offering examples of people working together is also important."

4.      Accept that prejudiced comments may happen—and that doesn't mean your child is racist

If your kid makes a questionable remark, don't freak. "Children often repeat what they hear others say, and it doesn't necessarily mean that the child believes it," says Dr. Tatum. "Ask questions. 'What made you say....?' Gently dispute the stereotype or prejudiced attitudes. 'I've heard people say X about Y, but my experience with Y people is...' and give an example to dispute the stereotype."

5.      Most importantly, be a role model

"The best way to reduce children's prejudices is to model an inclusive home, demonstrating that you have friends of all backgrounds," says Dr. Tatum. "Parents who have learned to lead multicultural lives, connecting with people different from themselves, are more likely to have children who develop those important life skills at an early age."

As for my own little stumble, we've recovered. Hanging out together on Martin Luther King Day, I asked Chloe if she knew who Dr. King was, and somehow she did. We talked about the work he did, and how unfair it is to treat someone badly just because they have different color skin. And then we went back to coloring.

Your comment must be at least 380 words. Due by Tuesday 4/17 at 11:59pm. Your reply to a classmate is due Thursday 4/19 at 11:59pm.

  • Sum up each piece of advice offered by the author.
  • What advice might Atticus add if he were writing this article?
  • The last piece of advice tells parents that they should be a role model for their kids on how to treat people, how was Atticus a role model for Scout and Jem on how to treat people?



  1. In advice one it is to “not be afraid to bring it up.” In that advice they are saying that some parents that have a problem with something involving their child they don't tell anyone they let it go. For example if there child is getting bullied there not going to report it to the school they will let it go.In advice three it is about teaching. They said that different colored eggs but have the same insides like people. Another example of that is cows there are brown cows and white cows but they still produce the same milk and have the insides.The third advice is make it appropriate. By that they mean like don't make it bad make it so everyone can join even preschoolers. And also make everything fair so people don't get mad/angry.The forth advice is if your child says one thing racist doesnt mean hes racist. If he says something racist it might have been on accident or something.You can't just say they are racist if they say something racist once.Finally the fifth one is to be a role model. Everyone wants to be a role model. Teach young kids to do the right thing. And teach them not to be racist.
    If Atticus was writing and article what I think he might add. I think he will add if someone is not doing anything to you just being normal don't just make fun of or bully him for no reason. There was a few examples in the book one is the kids making fun of Boo when he wasn't doing anything.The final one is the court and all the white people accusing Tom of Rape when he didn't do it.
    Atticus was a huge role model to his kids. How he was a role model is he would tell the kids to stop the kids from making fun of Boo. He would talk to Scout when she was getting into fights and he would give her advice and tell her not to fight anyone. He would also change the kids completely. Jem grew up and became more mature. He would be a role model to scout to.And finally he would protect them like when the “Mad Dog” tried to attack them.

    1. i really like Ryans point of view on all this racist stuff. You explained it very well and made a very good understanding on what's going on. You made it very clear on what some of the racist stuff means and that it's not fair at all. Do you agree with me? Why or why not?

    2. I liked Ryan response. He explained it very well and used a lot of examples in the story.

    3. Ryan explained well on everything and there isnt anything i wouldnt disagree on

  2. Some of the advice the author was using was, don’t be afraid to bring it up, look for teaching moments, look for the message age-appropriate, accept that prejudiced comments may happen-and that doesn’t mean your child in racist, and most importantly be a role model. Some of those mean a lot. Just like be a role model. That means that you have to help other people see that racism is not a fair thing.
    Some advice that Atticus would add if he was writing this article is that no matter what people think you always do what you feel is right no matter what. For example a lot of people were giving hate for Atticus defending Tom Robinson a black man in court. No matter what people said he ignored them and still kept his word with helping with Toms release in jail. What do you think he would add? Why?
    Atticus was a role model on his kids because since he wasn't racist his kids weren't. His kids saw that we are all equal no matter what color or race we are. His kids really felt bad for Tom and when his dad lost the trial i think the kids were more upset then he was. They really saw that it’s not fair on how everyone treats each other. So the kids saw that racism isn't a fair thing and they don't like it at all. So the dad made a very good role model for his kids. Do you think so too? Why or why not?

    1. I like that you used the whole tom robison case, but in the end you did a good job on this.

  3. 5 tips on racism with your kids are will be difficult to talk about because it is generally tough subject For many parents, the race talk is as difficult as the birds and the bees talk. The lack of communication about race in many of our own childhoods. "There are concerns about saying the wrong thing and sounding racist, even if that is not the intent." People naively believe that if they talk about issues of race with their children, they will cause them to notice race in a way that they did not before.""The best way to reduce children's prejudices is to model an inclusive home, demonstrating that you have friends of all backgrounds," to lead multicultural lives, connecting with people different from themselves, are more likely to have children who develop those important life skills at an early age." Race is a very serious thing nowadays because if you are black,white or whatever it may be then you might be treated a different way just because of something as simple as your skin color. The last piece of evidence that a parent should give there kid about rasicm is just dont get envolved with it, you wont have any problems then.

    1. I agree with Nick. Everyone sounds racist but does not have the intent to say it. He also said that everyone is the same no matter the color of there skin and also how you can have friends with a diffrent skin tone. That is why i agree with Nick.

  4. For the first one it talks about how you should not be afraid to talk to your kids about racism and how it's usually harder than the birds and the bees talk. The second one is talking about how to get the conversation started by using an example like white eggs and brown eggs are the same inside like brown and white people. The third one is about making sure you are being age appropriate with it and how you can use examples in a age appropriate way, for really young kids you can use that egg example. The fourth part is talking about how if you were to ver hear your little one say a racist one not to freak out, because maybe the heard there friends parents say it or even there friend said it. And the last one is saying be a role model, Like don't be mad if you hear your son or daughter say a racial slur because they heard you say it one night. If atticus where to add something to this article i think he would add really nothing because everything he talked about in the book dealing with trying to get his kids to be not racist were all said in away in the article. In the story atticus does something very serious and not popular with white people at the time,epically in his town way down south. He defended a black man, and even when everyone was being rude to him and his kids and threatening him and his kids. But he didn't stop, he also hated racism, he found no reason for it. For god sake bob ewell tried tried to kill his kids in the story for it. But he proves to his kids that racism is not the way to grow up in life and how everyone is the same on the outside. Even though boo is white he didn't like his kids saying rumors about boo, he also didn't like his kids bothering boo because even though all the rumors that they have heard about boo that he's still a person and that he's the same as you and me in the end. But in the end atticus knows that being a racist person is not how his children will grow up, and he did a good job at it.

  5. The author is telling parents how to talk to their children bout racism and how to change their mind because there is different shades of colors but all people are the same inside. Its always good to be a role model for you children because racism is still a thing today . Atticus might add that its neva good to discriminate people because of their color. Just because someone is a different color from you doesnt mean he or she are not a good person. Atticus was a good role model to Scout and Jem because he teached them bout not being racist to different color people . In the novel they knew Tom Robinson was always a good person even if he was a different color from them. Atticus thought them on to respect his elders also.

    1. This is really good and you hit every detail. I agree that Atticus would add that because that’s what he thought the kids

  6. The author talked about a lot of good topics about racism. Racism is wrong in every way and I think it should be stopped. Idk what the point is anyway we are all the same we are all people what’s the difference. Yes obviously people are going to make mean comments like the author said but yur just going to have to ignore it. I think it’s important to teach kids this so they grow up knowing that racism is the wrong thing to do and to be yur a role model for others who may be racist. I think Atticus did a fine job at teaching there kids about racism and how it’s not right. And that you should stand up for what you believe in. Atticus was the perfect role model cause he stood up for tim even when the whole entire town was against him but he still stood up for the man. Everyone knew Tom was innocent but the racism in the town made it difficult for him to win the battle. Atticus would probably add that you should stand up for what you believe in even tho you know your gonna lose. Do it anyway for self respect and for a chance

    1. i agree with kelsey everthin makes sense in a way


  7. The last piece of advice tells parents that they should be a role model for their kids on how to treat people, how was Atticus a role model for Scout and Jem on how to treat people?
    Don’t be afraid to bring the topic up,is like don't be afraid to talk about a specific topic that is important to you,that you would like others opinions on.Look for teaching moments to,talk to them when they are focused on you only or if they are on the border lines of the topic you want to talk about.Making the message your trying to tell the other person age appropriate, like if their like 8 use words they understand and comprehend what your saying.You should also just accept and expand on the opinion or answer they give you,because they mean the answer a totally different way then you do.Last thing is you want to be a role model,set a tone and answers that you think that is appropriate for them to act with and take after you.
    I think if Atticus where this article, he might add to the article is never be afriad to tell the other person they are alittle wrong with their opion and give them your poiont on how they should see it.
    Atticus was a role model by defending the black man when no one else was. He was on Tom Robinson’s side and didn’t care what anyone said to him. He wanted to show that you don’t care about what anyone says to you as long as your happy with what your doing.

  8. Having different skin doesn’t define who you are and what your personality is. What matters is on the inside “Your Heart” like for example what they said in the article “We used the last white egg in the carton, and then took out another carton of eggs, this time brown eggs. My son noted that the eggs were different in color. 'Yes,' I said, as we cracked both eggs open, 'But look—they are the same inside. Just like people, they come in different shades, but they are the same on the inside.'" That right there is a great example how everyone looks different on the outside if it be skin color or just physical appearance. Everyone is different in their own way. But at the end of the day we all bleed the same color. I feel like that’s something Atticus would’ve definitely said if he had to write this article. Because that’s basically how Atticus looks at the situation between black and whites, that it shouldn’t matter what skin color you are. Never in no situation at all because we’re all humans. Atticus was a great role model to his kids and brought them up well. And you should most definitely never be ashamed to talk to your child about racism, or teach them about racism. Everyone has a right to know about it and to also learn about it. Because what they did back in the day wasn’t right at all. Nobody should ever be treated that way , no one deserves to be treated that way at all. Especially for no reason at all. Because your black? That isn’t right at all. That’s like me going somewhere and be like “your white your a killer” or some crap like that. It’s all stereotype and that's really messed up. And no one will ever forgive or forget. Society try’s to make us forget about slavery and how they treated our ancestors. But nope sorry it ain’t never happening, that’s where y’all messed up at.
    it’s funny how we learn so much about the holocaust but no one ever want to get into detail about slavery. Everyone wants us African Americans to forget and forgive. “Ha” that’s so funny?, Because it well never happen, and that’s that. Plain and simple’

  9. Summing up what the author said in the “ 5 tips for talking about racism with kids” so with kids it’s kind of a sensitive topic to talk about or even bring up because you don't want them to misinterpret what the lesson you’re trying to teach them and like basically if they don't understand and you make them believe something you weren't trying to teach them you have to be very careful with your wording .
    When teaching children about this topic look for ways to show what your trying to show them in ways they might understand it a bit a demonstration for them like the eggs they may be different on the outside like there color but all eggs are the “same” on the inside.
    In the moment of bringinging it up make sure you make it age appropriate for the child so they understand and so you don’t give them a bad influence. And you obviously can't discuss adult topics with a child because they obviously don't understand they have basically just learned a simple form of english.
    One of the tips that may help is also understanding that the child might have a prejudice opinion on race because of like the saying monkey see,monkey do.
    But,most importantly you want to set a good example
